ONE. It's really hard to find fire food around here. That's not cool.

Mar 22, 2009 14:51

Happy and I went fishing again. We caught another sea king! He was big and orange with spikes. It was weird o.O We were gonna try to keep him as a pet but Bob told us to let him go. If we catch him again I'm naming him Gray! Because I can kick his ass. Hahahaha.

Al...I accidentally set Dawn on fire again..BUT IT'S OKAY. I PUT IT OUT! And I apologized to her so she forgives me.

LEVI! I have a question to ask you but if I ask you now you'll get mad so I'll wait until you're around.

Has anyone seen Garp? I wanna train some more! And go on some missions because I'm broke.

Oh Lucy, you should think about getting new pillows. Yours are really flat and uncomfortable. They hurt my neck when I sleep.

i miss my nakama, this is weird, where is erza?, what are tags?, i want another kraken, game: mallowmateys, gray still sucks a lot, huh?, garp is awesome

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