Mar 30, 2005 14:55
i got this shirt from after i sold a painting there.
i've probably only worn it a total of ten minutes without spilling something on it. or some baby spitting up on it.
i've had it for like two months.
its doomed.
nothing is happening. aside from school.
i tried calling dornan's today to ask matt how i stand in his favor incase the portrait place calls him for a reference. He's the only reference, so they probably will.
But i couldnt get ahold of him. I talked to Jesse though, he sounds as cute and as hyper and SMALL as ever. He also sounds like a big phoney. I wonder if he knows how hypocritical he is.
I told him about Glenn, that Glenn looks just like him... except old. He's like.. some warp in time, the future version of jesse, except an artist...
watching the tony danza show.
he's the boss.
well. off to get drunk in the middle of the day.
Lovely bunches of cocoa nuts, i say.