What The HELL is THIS!!!!!!!!?

Mar 23, 2005 00:02

well, obviously I'm not the most GORGEOUS woman ever, but this is just rediculous.
You think just because I'm fat, I'm shy and easy?
Crazy... and then you find that i'm not and you want me.
and when you see my work and get to know me, you think I'm brilliant and want me more. HAH.
Why do you do this?
Don't you understand that i'm not flattered by your subtle suggestions that we fuck?
I'm not going to fuck you. NO.
Good lord.
I'm not going to fall down speechless and spread my legs at some flowery words scribbled on a purple post it.
Give me some credit...fuckoid.

Tell me something original. Geez.

On a happier note,
I lost five dollars today, but it all worked out okay.

Something i'd like to take the time to address(please read carefully and remember not to take offense if this applies to you ):
If i do not make an attempt to talk to you in a period of time ranging from 6 months -1 year, i probably do not care if you exist. I do not care if you're evil and hate me, i do not care if you're in love with me. I probably do not dislike you, but i probably do not find you interesting at all.
Its quite odd and refreshing to think that the past is the past, and people can change completely.

i should throw a nice witty little thing in here somewhere, but i'm a little pissed off tonight. I should just sleep. yeah. thats it.
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