(no subject)

Oct 15, 2004 17:05

01. Fallen for your best friend? hummmm i dunno
02. Made out with JUST a friend? i dunno u tell me
03. Been rejected? DAMN U ANNA!
04. Been in love? im 16....but ummmmm ssuurree
05. Been in lust? all de time
06. Used someone? i dont think so and i hope not
07. Been used? we all know the answer to this ;)
08. Cheated on someone? sorry sam:(
09. Been cheated on? DAMN U ANNA!
10. Been kissed? all de time
11. Done something you regret?im sure i have...but just dont remember it

Who was the last person...
12. You touched?either leyla or david....
13. You talked to? david or davids cousin
14. You hugged? Mike
15. You instant messaged? leyla
16. Kissed? most likely my grandmother
17. You had sex with? DAMN U ANNA!
18. You yelled at? i think matt...in his car...trying to scare his ass
19. You laughed with? leyla, sam, and david
20. You had a crush on? some chick...o fuck it SAM!
21. Broke your heart? hummmm i dunno i dont think ive ever had my heart broken

Do you:
22. Color your hair? nope
23. Have tattoos? nope
24. Piercings? nope
25. Floss daily? nope
26. Own a webcam? yup
27. Ever get off the damn computer? yup to watch tv ;)

General Questions
40. Considered a life of crime? all de time
41. Considered being a hooker? ive considered buying or renting a hoe. . .
42. Considered being a pimp? ^SEE ABOVE^
43. Are you psycho? most likely
44 Split personalities? i acctually take medication for it
45. Schizophrenic? i dont think so....
46. Obsessive? NOPE!
47. Obsessive compulsive? NOPE
48. Panic? not anymore
49. Anxiety? nope
50. Depressed? not really
51. Suicidal? umm DUH have u seen my arms/wrists....
52. Obsessed with Hate? nope i dont hate UNLESS UR A SLUT!
53. Dream of mutilated bodies? well....only leylas
54. Dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them?sometimes ;)
55. If you could be anywhere, where would you be? not at home and not doing this...
56. What would you be doing? not at home and not doing this....
58. What are you listening to? rolling stones - paint it black
59. Can you do anything freakish with your body? not that i no of
60. Chicken or fish? chicken
61. Do you have a favorite animal? no

62. Current Clothes: pants and a shirt...the same i wore at school...
63. Current Mood: tired
64. Current Taste: cantalope
65. Current Hair: fucked up
66. Current Annoyance: none.
67. Current Smell: ummm wtvr my room smells like
68. Current thing I ought to be doing: whoever the fuck is reading this
69. Current Desktop Picture:if i had my old comp back ..an rx8 but as of now..i dunno
70. Current Favorite Group: none at the moment
71. Current Book: none
72. Current DVD In Player: the cd thats runnin this program that allows me to use my computer...
73. Current Refreshment: cantalope
74. Current Worry: when will i go through pueburty?
75. Current Favorite Celebrity: ME!

76. Food: hummm pasta
77. Drink: naked oj
78. Color: blue
79. Shoes: vans
80. Candy: umm snickers?
81. Animal: none
82. Movie: the kill bill's OR! the girl next door
83. Dance: i dunno
84. Vegetable: umm carrot

85. What do you want to be when you get older?: im thinkin dentist or orthadontist
86. Married?: i dunno yet
87. Kids?: kids dont like me...so i dunno at least 0 at most 2
88. Living Where?: who the fuck cares

This or That
89. Gay or straight: straight...even tho my icon says different
90. Boxers or Briefs: NONE!
91. Reading or Writing: fuck dat
92. Basketball or Baseball: baseball
93. Walking or Running: walking
94. Left or Right: right
95. TV Shows or Movies: tv shows
96. Britney or Christina: christina
97. Rap or Rock: rock
98. Day or Night: both...

99. Is Sam the coolest? DEFINETLY
100. Do you have lots of things inside of you that you can't tell anyone? i dunno yet
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