Jun 18, 2010 23:46

NAME: zoe

RESERVED? yuppers

NAME: Claudia Donovan
SERIES/SOURCE: Warehouse 13
AGE: 17 21
GENDER: Female
OCCUPATION: Student TA - engineering


Claudia's parents died when she was very young, and she was raised by her older brother Joshua, a gifted scientist. When Claudia was six, Joshua started researching and experimenting with teleportation, ultimately ending in a terrible accident that ended with Joshua missing and presumed dead. Artie Nielsen, Joshua's professor at the time, tried to talk him out of it and stop him, but when Joshua tried to test his theory Artie and Claudia arrived too late, and Joshua was lost. Artie left the university and Claudia was placed in foster care, where she bounced from one home to another. When Claudia was ten she started working on Joshua's research (not that she understood most of it then), trying to prove her brother was alive. She devoted her life to getting her brother back, and to tracking down Artie Nielsen.

Claudia became so obsessed with getting Joshua back and finding Artie that her mental health started to degrade, and when she was fifteen she checked herself into a psychiatric hospital for six months. Her powers manifested while she was in there, and after she got out Claudia started to work even harder on getting Joshua back and finding Artie. When she was sixteen Claudia located the super super secret SHIELD Warehouse* where Artie worked, and over the period of a few months she figured out how to hack its security system and break in. Claudia kidnapped Artie with the intent of proving to him that Joshua was alive, and she did. But the effort of Joshua passing messages to Claudia through planes of existence was draining her life force, and Artie managed to pull off some awesome badass science with the help of the Warehouse agents Pete Lattimer and Myka Bering and save Claudia and pull Joshua back to the right reality. Claudia forgave Artie for abandoning Joshua when he was presumed dead, and Joshua and Claudia went to live at Leena's Bed and Breakfast with Artie and Pete and Myka.

It wasn't long before Claudia pushed Joshua out of the door, telling him she didn't work for her whole life so he could sit around watching youtube videos and catching up on everything he'd missed while he was trapped in failteleportland. Leena convinced Artie to let Claudia stay at the Warehouse, and Artie agreed to after Claudia won a chess game he'd been playing for three months for him. Artie remained doubting of Claudia's 'new-fangled' methods and the technology she was wrangling together out of bits and bobs around the Warehouse, but Claudia kept proving herself to be a valuable asset in helping Pete and Myka track down artifacts and in looking after the artifacts in the Warehouse, and soon she was part of the Warehouse team.

Well, she was part of the Warehouse team until Claudia had an accident and lost control of her powers, resulting in a small explosion and several computers being wiped. Despite her protests that she had a perfect handle on her powers, Artie sent Claudia off to the Xavier Institute to make absolutely sure she could control herself. The data banks had been backed up, but Artie couldn't risk another accident like that.


Claudia is energetic and quirky, and always eager to try new things, especially technology-wise. She's brilliant - child prodigy genius brilliant - and she knows it, and she has a tendency to be sarcastic and act like she knows everything, which a lot of people find pretty annoying. She's incredibly loyal to Artie and the Warehouse, and she would probably put her life before their safety. It takes a lot to earn her trust, but it also takes a lot to lose it. Claudia is generally cheerful and energetic, almost enough to be considered hyperactive - like her brain moves ten times faster than everyone else's. She does have her serious moments though, and once when Myka mentioned Sylvia Plath to her she soberly reminded Myka that she'd 'done time in the bell jar.'


Like Allison Scagliotti with red hair with a purple stripe and skinny jeans. Who'd have thunk it?


Technopathy! Claudia can talk to machines and computers, and she's pretty powerful. Not as powerful as Lain, but she's close.


*Warehouse 13 is a secret division of SHIELD, so secret that people who aren't Warehouse agents, Warehouse regents, or Nick Fury don't know about it. The Warehouse's job is to store artifacts-- things they don't want people getting their hands on, usually with supernatural qualities. It was built by Nikola Tesla, Thomas Edison, and several other brilliant engineers, and it is in fact bigger on the inside.
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