Feb 14, 2005 13:53
i liked this morning.
before the sun came up the sky was bright blue and the air was cold and the wind blew so much nobody showed up at starbucks this morning i guess they all slept in which i don't blame them i would have done the same but alas i'm glad i didn't Bgina the brad the brad's friend came over instead we made coffee i made the boys waffles i felt like mother i made a valentine today i'm really happy with it i just don't know who to give it to i put feeling into it it was good i wish school was over at 11 35 everyday i think i'd be a lot happier of a person there really isn't ever a dull moment with us it's just in us i won't allow this euphoric state to end you said that it was your favorite song by them i awoke to that song repeating in my head and a heavy heart a hurt heart .but god how you make my body ache. someone told me today, " nothing good ever happens to you "
i was beautiful today.