(no subject)

Oct 08, 2008 02:25

the evaporators @ trash palace
more: http://flickr.com/photos/suckingalemon/sets/72157607782917500/

nuardwar is a one-man-band.
trash palace rules.

- martin tielli @ hugh's room
this show blew my mind, it was beautiful and amazing.
bethany wrote a pretty good sum up of feelings.
- my bloody valentine @ kool haus
i told my coworker about the 20 minute wall of sound, fellas puking/fainting and it made me realize i live a very self destructive lifestyle/extreme lifestyles.

- http://www.adriftarchive.com/
some photos will be on this and in print at the photo show.
i love adrift and it sucks that it's gone.

- i made a in-progress portfolio: http://flickr.com/photos/suckingalemon/sets/72157607439366869/
it reads as I Mean It Sometimes or Nothing Speical.
i am freelanc'in more. more punk rock shows. no time for wuss's. wall of tough guys.
i am now professionally unemployeed.

1 last important note: please support extermination music nights!!!!!!!!
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