I love Camila!
Prettykity184: if a dildo has been inside an ass is just ass dirty as the ass
Prettykity184: or is it still cleaner
ShootinStarMouse: well, I don't know, how long has the dildo been in the ass?
Prettykity184: 15 minutes
ShootinStarMouse: because I think the 3 second rule still applies
Prettykity184: lol
ShootinStarMouse: it's probobly pretty dirty. Maybe dirtier since all the ass juice was wiped off onto the dildo
Prettykity184: hahaha Prettykity184: wow
Prettykity184: you are so great
Prettykity184: giving this alot of thought arent you
ShootinStarMouse: hey, we should invent a dildo made of like, towel. That way, people can just squirt a little soap on it, and clean out thier asses
Prettykity184: well no you should
ShootinStarMouse: that way, we wouldn't have to live in a world where we worry about dirty dildos
Prettykity184: lol
Prettykity184: lmao
Prettykity184: hahahah
Sarah's a crazy batch