Well, I'm going to have to admit that one year ago, still, I experienced one of the best three days of the entirety of my continuing life:
http://www.livejournal.com/users/suckerface/252732.html - I wish I'd elaborated more in that entry, but you know. Memories will suffice. How I do much miss having Josh Lattanzi as a buddy. And endless amounts of hugs from my favoritest person (Ben K!) in the entire world (I have many of them favorites, but they're all still equally my favoritest).
My words are beginning to make no sense. But that's okay! (Okay, really, my track of thoughts is whack because I'm exhausted. Whack.. just made me think of Keith Haring, dunno why. CRACK IS W[H?]ACK.) Because I was at school all day! And when I wasn't at school, I was working! And when I wasn't working, I was working on college applications!.. college... the moments where rejection is really something to be afraid of. Manchester Community College, here I come.
I have to learn to be more assertive.
My eye's a ba-ba-burrnin'!
Nardwaur, The Human Serviette.. HAHAHHAHA.
Je suis un vagin. I love the French language.
Tired. Goodnight.