I was driving home from Targay today, around 4 or so, and right before I was to turn into my driveway, there's this hill, where ontop, someone lives in a cute blue house with the coolest porch I'd ever seen. And on this hill also was what looked like a DEAD MAN! I was convinced for the moment that it had been, in fact, a dead man. But as I drove by, I realized it was nothing but a stuffed thing that looked like a dead man on a hill. The reason for it being there, I still wonder. Lots of weird things have been happening on Green Road recently though. The other week, someone stuck a picture of an old man on a stop sign. They punched a stick through it, and put the stick through on the the holes on the pole holding the sign up. It was um... crazy?
I will avoid, at all costs, thinking about how awful and miserable this past week has been. I don't think I've randomly cried as much as I've randomly cried this last week. The stupidest things set me off too. A fortune cookie, for example: Good news will come soon involving long-awaited events. Any reminder that Christmas is coming. The simple question of "What's wrong?" being asked. Or the way that someone looks at me. I really don't want to explain what's been bothering me lately, because as it usually is, it's better kept unsaid. But I'd like to thank Dan for listening to me complain and complain. He's the best. We're eachother confidants when it comes to problems such as thus, I suppose.
Last Saturday, a bunch of us went to Six Flag.. family, people from Targay, Kristin. And we went on the Cyclone. Where my cellphone fell out of my pocket. And fell through a hole in our car just BIG ENOUGH for my phone to fall through. And now I'm $250 in debt with cellphone expenses. OKAY, THAT REALLY SUCKS. I MEAN, REALLY. I HATE IT. I HATE CELLPHONES. But I feel so vulnerable driving in my car on the highway without it. I was driving to Hamden last night, half of the time on the way there with the image floating around in the midst of my mind of me sitting in the grass besides the breakdown lane of I-91, pouting about a broken down car. And then eventually dying of starvation, dehydration and from the cold. Despite the fact that there are about 10 people driving by me every 10 seconds (or in simpler terms, 1 person per second). But you get the idea.
Saw a good show last night. Some beautiful music was displayed on the stage of
The Space (my new favoritest venue). This guy Chuck sang this song that made me practically cry. Alan and I had to leave the room to confirm to eachother that we nearly broke into tears after that song. Goodness. And the headliner, Coley O'Tooley, aka Rigby, played a Ben Folds song! C'EST BEAU!
Tuesday in the city was good, but crazy. Too much money. Money is stupid. I got a glass eggplant for 75 cents. God bless New York City. We talked to some New Yorkers in a deli in Times Square. A guy in his 50s probably. And probably his wife and mother or something. "So you're rich kids from Connecticut?" I swear. I laughed. We told them how wrong they were in thinking we were rich kids. It's probably because Greenwich, CT is the closest town in CT to NYC and not only the closest, but the most goddamn richest. I mean, I used to live yards from the ghettoes of East Hartford. And yeah, I'm taken as a rich kid from Connecticut. HILARIOUS, you guys!! HILARIOUS! But yeah, that was an adventure.
There was a beautiful Swedish man named Zeke on the train ride home. Wow. I was so lost in his eyeballs. Games of MASH were the amusement on the train ride to the city as I slept.
I might be taking a trip to Mount Kisco, NY tomorrow. But I'd like someone, anyone, to come with me.
SERIOUSLY: i wish i could say "i love you".
but only to you.
I wish.
Ender, a picture that I took at the Rocket Summer show: