
Oct 18, 2020 19:10


Backtagging: Absolutely!
Threadhopping: Go for it.
Fourthwalling: I'd rather you didn't.
Offensive subjects (elaborate): I can't really think of anything at the moment. If something comes up, I'll let you know.


Hugging this character: Depending on who you are, it might get you decked. If you're a friend of hers, though, you're fine.
Kissing this character: If you're not Naruto or Sasuke /shot, it will get you decked.
Flirting with this character: Dangerous territory. Are we noticing a theme here? Proceed with caution, ye who would get fresh with this one.
Fighting with this character: Absolutely! But bear in mind the following: Sakura is a ninja and has superhuman powers. She's fast, she's agile, she's clever, and she's strong. Really strong. Really fucking insanely strong. In a spar she's likely to pull her punches but if someone posed a serious threat to her or anyone she cares about, they'd probably find themselves on the receiving end of that.
Injuring this character (include limits and severity): I'd rather avoid permanent maiming, but anything else, I'm down. Just ask me first.
Killing this character: Well I've done it twice before rofl. If it's something you might want to work into a plot, again, talk to me.
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: Canonically she's quite resistant, and she spent months training in resisting those sorts of things. So unless your character is exceptionally good at it, or does it in a specific and unfamiliar way, I think it's unlikely. If you have a question about this, ask.


In brief: genjutsu are illusion techniques that ninja can cast on their opponents. The basic principal is that they manipulate the flow of chakra--chi, energy, whatever you want to call it--in the victim's brain and can thus manipulate all five senses. (There's a more detailed explanation here.) To clarify: it isn't mind reading, it's mind manipulation.

Though she's best known for her medical ninjutsu, Sakura is actually a genjutsu type, which means she's naturally gifted with them. She also has exceptional chakra control. In Anatole she trained with Uchiha Itachi, one of the best at these techniques in their world, specifically in these for about nine months (give or take). My point being: she's very, very good at them.

She wouldn't use them in the course of a normal day unless she's fighting someone or she's trying to sneak around, but for my own reference!

a) Is your character in some way resistant to illusions/mind control/having their head fucked with?
b) If so, how?
c) If not, can Sakura use this on your character?
d) Anything else? (Coffee, tea, or me?)

permissions, ooc

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