Yeah, yeah, yeah

Sep 10, 2003 00:34

And in the end we shall achieve in time
The thing they call divine
When all the stars will smile for me,
Then all is well and well was all for all
And forever after,
Maybe in the meantime wait and see
We love the all the all of you
Our lands are green and sky is blue
When all in all we're just like you
We love the all of you

And when I cry for me I cry for you
With tears of holy joy
For all the days you've still to come,
And did I ever say I'd never play
Or fly toward the sun
Maybe in the meantime something's gone

Well that sounds fine so I'll see ya sunshine
Give my love to the future of the humankind
OK, OK, that's not OK
And while it's on my mind there's a girl to fit the crime
Of a future lovers dream that we've still to find
But in the meantime
We're just like gold.

Today was alright, working for 4 hours was kind of pointless... and we never did get to have that paint fight... but at least my upper lip isn't still swollen. The David movie was funny... I think one day I actually may watch the whole thing, I was entertained.

So something weird happened tonight, I went to the hardware store with Brother Ashley. That in itself not weird... but we talked for a really long time... and although I was dreading it the entire time, he eventually did ask me what happened between me and Jessica. And without giving any details or specifics I basically told him. He gave me some advice and counsel, and it was wonderful... it made me sad that my own dad hasn't been able to help me in that way. Yeah, so I told Brother Ashley that I really respected him, and he told me he thought I was a good brother and he commended me... and it was the first time I've felt genuinely good about myself in, geez, at least 6 months. So I'm actually in a fairly good mood right now...

I'll never look at Parris and the morning text in the same way again...

I have a wisdom tooth that is KILLING me right now!!!

I think I may go watch Superman... I've been trying for the past like week to make it through the movie but I fall asleep everytime.

Drumel, dude!!! I miss you, sounds weird cause I just saw you yesterday but yeah. So I uh, really hate losing at basketball... No really I do. Anyway...

Jackie, I hope you are feeling better.
Sarah, what's going on?
Niki, what's shakin?
Tymias... I have a part in the service meeting Thursday too. And I haven't practiced.
Lindsay, love ya, haven't talked to you in days... you go to bed to early.
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