
Jun 05, 2004 00:22

gosh its late. i just got back from KOC, where me, jenny, nicole, kristina, kamila, cara and umm. other people were. we went to see ryerson annnd i definatly never heard of any of the other bands.  =P there was this one band and the guys in it must have been in like seventh or eighth grade. they were so cute. (yeah, im talking like im 30, and im prbly like a year older then them. haha) but yeahh anywayyy. i saw some prettty cool people there. yupp.

today i was thinking about how you pretty much know a person.. and then they go and turn out to be the exact opposite.  it kinda confuses me.  i kinda feel decieved, even though i dont think the person had any idea how they were comming off. well, thats just my thoughts.

well. niiighty ya`ll


(PS. i love cara + joe crawford. hehhhhehh)
WHOA, i forgot to say how the two singer guys from that band with the youngins in it were wearing girl pants!! hahah i loooooooooove it.. (i had the same ones!! haha)
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