
Jun 20, 2008 03:07

Premonition is definitely NOT the movie to watch by yourself at 1:45 in the morning. That director's a dick. I am never watching that movie ever again!

Life is supposed to go wrong, but everything should turn out okay in the end. That's how it's supposed to happen. Everything happens for a reason even if the reason it happens is because you wanted it to. That's the reason it happened. And sometimes things happen you don't want to happen, but there's no way of you having the prior knowledge to try and prevent it from happening, but if you did, you would or you do prevent it from happening. "if I knew that car was going to cut me off at this place and time, I would have taken another route to avoid the accident" "if I just left one minute earlier" No one can live their lives on "what ifs" One has to just take life as it comes at you and just do what one can to prevent bad things from happening. And it's your job to make sure that good things happen that outweigh everything else life may throw at you and hell, life might throw good things at you too, but those things usually come with your will for them to happen. There's no way to tell what's going to happen tomorrow or a year from now. All you know is what you know.

You don't know what the exact career you will have is, all you know is that if you go to college and declare a major that you will probably end up somewhere in the field. You would have acquired knowledge to get you in the position to which you are appointed and you gained that knowledge because something somewhere aided you in your decision to choose that major. And if you feel you chose the wrong major, then for some reason it was supposed to happen that way and something will happen to you along your path to a new career.

We have no control over our lives and at the same time, we have all the control. One can't be overly cautious though and make sure that they take care of every possible thing that could potentially go wrong in a situation, because they're always going to miss something. And once you miss it and realize it, you can't kick yourself and mourn over the fact that you couldn't have prevented it. Hind site is 20/20. All you can do is learn and not make the same mistake again.

Life is just perpetual mistakes. There is no way you can avoid mistakes. Mistakes happen and they happen often because NEVER does one find himself in the same exact situation twice. It's always at least slightly different, I new twist that past experience might have helped him to overcome or may not have. All one needs to do is collect all past experience and hope that it comes in handy for future mistakes and problems that may arise so that he is better prepared to handle the situation so as not to be so devastating.

Now you can take this concept of life and view it one of two ways. You can either look at it as something terrible and dread every breath you take because you know something's going to happen and you might not be prepared to handle it. This way is destructive in that you're not prepared to use every tool because you're afraid of what life may deal you. Your fear is what these problems feed off of and it is your fear that will cause you to fail. Then once you do, you think you have prepared yourself to accept the defeat, but in actuality, it hits you even harder because then you sulk on what could have happened if you just did "this."

Or you can look at it as something awesome. A challenge if you will. You acknowledge that unexpected things are going to happen and when they do, you know that you need to be prepared for a familiar experience or an unfamiliar one. The unfamiliar ones are just a chance for you to become more familiar and put more tools in your tool shed and eventually you'll be able to master most life situations.

The lucky ones are the ones that have a lot of things happen to them over a period of time, one at a time, one right after the other. They are the ones who will just keep learning. The unlucky ones are the ones that have everything happen to them all at once. It's like someone throwing poetry and calc and chem. at you in one lecture, you're not going to retain it all. You're not going to learn and be able to apply it all later. They're going to need a tutor or someone to help them, who've been through similar experiences to help them overcome everything that just happened.

It's life. You live it.
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