(no subject)

Jul 15, 2005 20:03

okay so i got home from florida yeasterday morning...
its very depressing
i miss it sooo much!!!!
the weather was GEORGEOUS! and warm
and the shopping in miami===== MAD LOVE!
wow overall i had a great time but i do have to admit that i missed everyone sooo much!
when we got home my sister finally got her puppy for her birthday and omg it is sooooo cute
and hes soooo tiny!!!
every one should come and see him!
today i went shopping again and got some stuff like more shorts and tanks and stuffs
also took gucci to the vet get get a check up
then later im going out with my girlies!
so excited for tonight
its so surprising how people change over like a period of ten days
i dunno i guess you just had to change for the bad but its okay
becuase i'm okay with it, its not a big deal

here some survey thing cuz im bored at the moment:

1. What is your full name? Anna Sarah Sologub
2. How many siblings do you have? two
3. What color is your hair? brown w/ blonde highlights
4. What color are your eyes? light brown and times honey brown
5. How tall are you? about 5'6
6. Do you like taking showers or baths? depends on my mood
7. Do you have braces? no...i used to

8. Do you have freckles? nope

9. What do you think of yourself? umm...im down to earth and i guess pretty nice and funny, i like to make people happy, but i can also be the biggest bitch ever if u get on my bad side

10. What kind of clothes do you wear? alot of stuff...jeans, tee shirts, skirts, tanks ect....pretty much everything

11. Do you overanalyze a lot? sometimes

12. Do you do good in school? when i actually try

13. Are you close to most of your friends? yes, especialy my best friends, i love them SOOO much!

14. How many maths have you taken? one every year, like normal people

15. Do you work? babysit sometimes

16. What kind of car do you want? 2005 champange colored cadillac escalade

17. Do you have a bf/gf? yes

18. What is today? friday

19. What website's are you subscribed to? livejournal and photobucket

20. How many computer's are in your house? 2 and a laptop

21. How many bathroom's are in your house? 4

22. Do you tan easily? yes sir

23. Have you ever been to Florida? yes its like my second home <3

24. Do you have any serious medical conditions? yup

25. Have you broken any bones in your body? my elbow and wrist and my finger

26. Have you ever seen the show "Laguna Beach"? yes <3

27. What is the lastest CD you bought? umm...that was a while ago i dont remember

28. What is the latest CD you listened to? mp3 player

29. Have you had a lot of homework lately? ITS SUMMER!!!!!!!

30. Do you like to watch soccer? YES

31. What is your favorite shape? heart

32. Do you like to blow bubbles? yup

33. Have you ever smoked? yes

34. Who is your favorite teacher? who cares its SUMMER

35. What do you think of the movie "Napoleon Dynamite"? i think its unbelivaly stupid and pointless

36. Do you like Reese's, Snicker's or 3 Musketeers the best? snickers

37. What is your favorite flavor jelly bean? the pear ones

38. Do you straighten your hair every morning? no like once in a lifetime lol

39. When you were little did you ever want to be a pirate? no i wanted to be a princess

40. Are you familiar with the show "Rocko's Modern Life? yes

41. Have you been to Chuckie Cheese in the past year? omg yes!!! LMAO ASHLEY

42. Are you in high school? yup

43. Do you plan on going to college? yes florida state bitch

44. Do you have more than 2 piercings? nope

45. Would you ever get any more piercings? yes

46. Do you have a lot of nicknames? goodness...there are tons!!!

47. Do people call you by your real name? yah

48. Do you live on the water? not on it but very close

49. Have you ever been skiing? yes

50. Have you ever been snowboarding? if u want to call it that, more like butt boarding

51. Have you ever purchased anything from CVS? yup

52. What are you scared of? the dark, snakes and death

53. Have you ever had sushi? YUMMY!!!!

53. Have you ever eaten calamari? yes and it was soo gross

54. Do you like dogs? yes <3

55. Do you believe in any form of religion? yes

56. What does your bedroom look like? bright lime color with blue and purple accecnts
57. Do you read a lot? no

58. How long is your hair? a little below my sholder blades

59. Do you have any bad habits? If so, what are they? i bit my nails when i get nervouse, and i get very hyper at times

60. Where do you go to school? West Bloomfield High School

61. What is the last thing you heard? my sister screaming downstairs

62. What is the next big holiday coming up? umm my sisters b-day party

63. Are you going to the beach this summer? yup

64. Have you ever played online Bingo? no

65. Have you ever played iSketch online? nope cant say i have

66. What color pens do you have? i dunno, alot of colors

67. When was the last time you were sick? like last month

68. Do you eat your vegetables? yes

69. Do you wear skirts a lot? yah

70. What is your favortie outfit? i have alot

71. Are you addicted to gum? not addicted but i like it alot

72. Do you get into sports on TV? mostly i just watch basketball, sometimes football and soccer

73. Who do you think is the hottest celebrialty? there are alot of hot ones

74. What is your least favorite band? anything punk

75. What is the best ride in an amusement park? mellenium force or dragster

76. What is the last thing you said out loud? haha

77. Are you extremely bored right now? kinda

78. Do you like having snowball fights? who doesent?

79. When was the last time it snowed? March

80. When was the last time you saw a fight? umm at school lol

81. Have you ever seen a dolphin up close? yah i got to swim with them

82. Do you overuse the word "LOL"? online yes

83. Do you like to watch porn? nope

84. How many classes are you in in school right now? its summer but there are 7 classes in school

85. How often do you check your email? hardly ever, who uses e-mail anymore?

86. Have you ever wish upon a star? Yes, all the time

87. What was the last party you went to? july 1st

88. Who was the last person you had over your house? dana and max

89. What's the best quality in a guy/girl? they have to have a funny and sweet personality

90. Do you own a LiveStrong bracelet? yup

91. What was the most trouble you've ever gotten into? dont even get me started.. :-/

92. What mesmorizes you when you look at it? huh???

93. What is the best guy name? tyler or bradly

94. Have you ever been set up with somebody you hardly knew? yah

95. Have you ever been on a waterbed? yah they are so cool

96. When was the last time you got in trouble at school? at the end of the school year for skipping

97. Are you sitting in a computer chair? yah

98. Who is in the room with you? my puppy

99. What is on the table that you are sitting at? usual stuff u have on a desk

i'll update with pictures from stotlands house,up-north and florida once i get my camera back
<3 anna
call me for plans this summer!
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