Dec 17, 2006 21:05
All right, well you see, I have this horse named Dreyfus, and he is still a baby. I am working on his bending and he has gotten very good at it. He resists my leg sometimes, so i use short spurs to give him that extra little push.
Well, me being a good friend and all, I let her use him in her lesson, that was before mine, so i figured i could just change saddles and hop on. no big deal, right?
yeah well, when i got on him, he resisted everything i asked him for. he would not bend whatsoever. I tell my friend all the time to work on his bending and she;s all "I will, dont worry." Yeah well, she obviously didnt. And usually I can get him into a canter from the halt, nope, not then. I had to use soooo much leg to even get him to trot, because she lets him get away with things. and over the jumps, you have to give him lots of leg, otherwise he just kinds of hops over it. she didnt give him leg at all, and she let him run out.
ANNNDDD he already has a bad case of thrust, and she didnt even bother to pick out his feet. I usually get him all ready for her before her lesson cause i get there early enough, well, i didnt happen to get there early and get him all ready for her. so she was all by herself. and anyways, when i got on and he seemed a little off at the walk, i knew something just wasn't right. but i figured maybe it was just me because i hadnt gotten a lot of sleep the night before. we went into a trot and still, something just didnt feel right. so we go into the canter and i can DEF tell that something is not right. his canter was just NOT his regular canter. so i hop off and check his feet....not picked at ALL. i was def mad at this point. but since there was only a couple more minutes in my lesson, id figure id just finish up.
so i go into the barn and i see the friend that i let ride him. i asked her "did you pick his hooves?" and shes all didnt give me a straight answer, so i knew that was a no. so i tell her "he already has a bad case of thrust so you NEED to pick out his feet. he was off when i was riding him. sdkjfhksj" so, she knew i was mad. i take him into an empty stall to untack him. and he goes for the feet bucket, which has the feed that he normally eats in. and she's all yelling at him not to eat it. and im like "dude, he's fine!" and shes all "you're not suppose to let them eat while theyre hot and just been ridden. they can colic. that's how joe (the horse she WAS leasing, but the owners didnt want her to anymore because she kinda ruined their champion horse) began to colic" and im like "well first of all, joe is old and has a lot of problems with him, and second of all, no, he is not going to colic. all these horses eat after their ridden (they eat the hay that's in their stalls) and third of all, he is NOT hott, i gave him enough time to completely cool down" and shes all in a bad attitude and still trying to get him not to eat. and im all "DUDE, HE'S FINE!" and she still continues to stand by his head so i just let it go. i asked her to get me a hoof pick so i could pick his feet. yeah well, when i picked up his feet, they were def caked with mud and he had rocks in there, AND his thrush had gotten worse. so of course im upset and im all "see, his thrush has gotten worse and he has stones in there. you HAVE to pick his feet!" and now she starts bitching at me to hurry up because we had to help our barn manager clean out the hay loft for a christmas play or something. and im all "well i have to wrap bally's leg still, put his blanket on and turn him out (another horse at our barn). and ill just leave dreyfus (my horse) in here until im done" and shes all "well crook (the horses stall that im in) is being ridden and he's gonna be back soon" and im all "his lesoon just started, i sitll have an hour before i have to move him, its going to be fine. and besides, the barn manager told me to take my time that i was in no rush" and she gets all pissy so im just like "whatever" and go help the other horse. so after im done with bally, i put dreyfus in his own stall. well, i found out that i couldnt stay and had to go with my mom. and i tell the girl that and that id be up tomorrow to help and shes all "well we arent doing it tomorrow, we're doing it TODAY" and im just like "whatever" so i go find the barn manager and tell her that i had to leave to help my mom and she goes "all right, thats no problem, you have stuff to do, no biggie." and im all like "HA!" at the girl.
but the REAL problem is that I put so much time and effort into my horse and to get him bending and learning the stuff that he needs to learn. because we are planning on moving up a division once next show season comes around, and he NEEDS to learn this stuff.
and all of the stuff i teach him is ruined in one hour, because she doesnt teach him anything.
we have a show coming up in a couple weeks, and im sure my trainer is going to ask if i'll let the girl use him in the show
well, i REALLY dont want her to. he's MY horse, not hers. and she IS NOT helping with his training whatsoever.
helpppp me. what do i do?