Holy cow, Christmas Break!

Jan 02, 2007 23:34

Wow, what a busy week. For a girl who considers herself fairly anti-social, I was out and about visiting people almost every day last week. Cocktail party, movie, dinners, dinner parties, new years parties, etc, etc, etc! Danny gave me an awesome book about cheese for Christmas, which includes a recipie for just about every variety I can find in the grocery store. So far, I've made a blue cheese and walnut spread, a pear and goat cheese salad, and used an idea from the book to top a wheel of brie with some cranberry chutney and chopped pecans - not too shabby! Much to my family's dismay, I had never tried a pear prior to that salad; unsurprisingly, they are wonderfully subtle and flavorful.

For Christmas in 2k5, my Aunt gave me a beautiful bowl that I only realized was a trifle dish a month or two ago. So, armed with viewing a few recipies on the internets and an episode of Giada's show where she made one, I concocted my own recipie, as I could not find one that had chocolate and raspberries both! The first time I used raspberry jam on top of the pound cake, but the second time I used raspberry syrup (the kind they sell in coffee shops), and that really provided the kick I was looking for. Also used fresh raspberries and lots of chocolate pudding.

For the dinner party I had on saturday, I made my first pork loin roast - WOW. Never had jucier and more flavorful pork! It was an Emeril recipie, so of course everything had an unholy amount of ingredients, but I would readily make it again for a special occasion, and the pork itself was really easy, it was just the rice dressing and glaze that were time consuming. Even that would have been less so if I had the use of more than one burner. *cry*.

Ok, enough about food. I also got Trivial Pursuit (Edition 6) from Santa. Now, I like to think I'm pretty good at trivia, but this game kicked my buns. Made a few New Years resolutions, but the most interesting one is probably to get outside more often. That'll be a lot easier once we're in Frederick, but I also want to take advantage of our proximity to DC for our last few weeks in Greenbelt.

Saw "The Holiday" with Diana last Thursday, which was quite nice and had really great performances from Kate Winslet and Jude Law (plus a little apperence of Jim from The Office!!) Saw the trailer for Fantastic Four 2, which seems to be pointing toward a trilogy - can anyone say GALACTUS? Sweeeet. Also looking foward to 300, and I'm sure a number of other movies that I'm not thinking of right now. Danny got Superman Returns for Christmas, and I really enjoyed watching it again. I'm not sure if I liked the movie so much because I thought it was going to be bad, but regardless it's really nicely done. Too bad B. Sin couldn't have done X3 as well.

Currently reading a Christmas present from my Dad, Ric Edelman's "The Truth about Money (3rd Edition)". Highly reccomended for anyone like me that has no idea what the difference between a Bull and a Bear is.

I hope everyone had a safe and wonderful holiday, and I wish everyone a fantastic 2007!!
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