Oct 10, 2010 22:15
I WAS SO NOT PREPARED. Spent the whole week going 'omg, Sunday, omg, Sunday, omg, D.T. on my T.V. on sunday, omg new D.T. interviews, omg, SUUUUNDAAAAY' (see last post) making sure everyone knew about ~omgSunday, and then making sure to throw my friends out at eight this evening because I can't wail properly if other people are around and I had a teensy inkling that I would be kinda wailing.
And then he just appeared on the screen in that very first second and I was just ~. And then I just sat there for the whole hour going ~. SO A REWATCH IS KINDA MAYBE IN ORDER because I can actually remember nothing apart from thinking 'fuck, the music is awful,' and yelling 'STOP MAKING THE WORLD CRY, DAVID.'
And as soon as it was over I leaped up, thought 'LIVEJOURNAL, OMG, NOW,' got on here, thought 'fuck, I have nothing to say,' and then felt terribly sad and stupid. So, you know. Sorry.
I need a SadDavidFace icon.
i feel pathetic when i'm weepy,
need moar tennant now,
love it,
single father,
incoherence is uncool,
ridiculously awfully awesome,
david tennant,
well that didn't go so well did it,
awesome people,
awesome ending