Sticky Post of Stickiness

Feb 15, 2023 13:35

Hello, all. I have recently become aware of the fact that my lj practices are remarkably atypical and demand explanation.

I am really ifeelbetter in hiding from Real Life. Hence the name of this lj (It's a quote from Twelfth Night, for the peops in the hiz-ouse who rock the pretentiousness like I do, hollah). I have been writing fanfic since....I don't even know. The dawn of time. Whatevs.

I used to, as a pre-teen, write fic with my sister under the names "Molly Grue and Nobody Else." I also liked to use the name "Yorkshire Pudding." (Yes, that's the kind of kid I was, sorry parental units.) I took something like an eight-year break from writing--thinking I had "matured" past it or whatnot. Then grad school happened and I was reading fic again--first sign of a relapse--and then Inception happened and I was writing again too. So. Here we are now.

All of my academic real life is over at the "real" journal, the ifeelbetter one. The secrecy comes from the fact that that journal has been discovered by Real Life people on a couple of occasions (family--not even intimate family: extended bonkers family) and one of the things I really don't want my crazy bad-poet uncle bringing up at Thanksgiving dinner is my habit of writing silly gay stories. He makes crazy eyes at me already.

So. I am a cocktail of grad school, Victorian lit, emotive teaching, and obsessive fannish tendencies. I live in a world where Dylan Thomas and Edna St. Vincent Millay seem as real to me as a lot of the people I can reach out and touch so please excuse the pretentiousness. I don't ever mean it meanly. I honestly do frame my life practices around poetry and silly lit crit that loads of peoples could very rightly accuse of being navel-gazing. A lot of the fic I write shows this. That and the fact that I love drunkenness as a concept--being a rather shy and neurotic type myself, the loss of control inherent to drunkenness fascinates me. Other recurring themes are sleep (I'm an insomniac most of the year), technology (because the advances in communicative technology of the past decade seems beautiful to me), and, of course, the leap of faith that is falling in love.

This is where I live and I love the snow.

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