Ok, I'm not sure if I completely agree with this or not. I guess I do, what the hey am I talking about, it's a stupid online thing that's meaningless. But, nm, but yeah I think I want to watch that movie again. I just wish one of the options or characters you could have been would of been that little skinny nerd weirdo boy that the pshycologist guy would always test and stuff; the only reason I wish this is because I thought that that stupid skinny kid was funny, plus my favorite line from that movie was said by him, when he goes "There's a hole in that car." then the camera goes off him, almost like he wasn't suppose to say it. It was SOOOOOO funny, or at least to me it was. Yeah, anyways, yeah. So take the test too, I have a feeling you'll be gwenith (that's not her character name, but you know what I mean). Oh yeah, I wish those pics weren't so small (of the straws) but I dont feel like fixing them.
A seemingly perfect Renaissance man, others don't
see the scared individual you are on the
inside. While people are drawn to you, you
still feel bitterly alone. Perhaps if you vent
some of your feelings, the other ones will
What Royal Tenenbaums character are you? brought to you by