Raise Your Head [a Neville Longbottom fanmix]

Nov 21, 2012 05:09

Full album art, tracklistings, and download links under the cut.

Happy Birthday grey_spider! I hope you enjoy the mix. :)

Neville Longbotton is definitely one of my favorite characters in the series and I really loved having the opportunity to mix for him. I had a lot of fun finding the right sound for the Gryffindor. Hopeful, a little sad, and very much lionhearted. The first song I knew I had to put on this mix was Local Natives' "Airplanes" for the gum wrapper scene in Order of the Phoenix and everything else about the mix kinda took shape from there. I hope this fanmix does justice to the boy who was almost the chosen one.

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Raise Your Head
a Neville Longbottom fanmix

1. Flag & Family - Intro


“Well, my gran brought me up and she's a witch,” said Neville, “but the family thought I was all Muggle for ages. My great-uncle Algie kept trying to catch me off my guard and force some magic out of me - he pushed me off the end of Blackpool pier once, I nearly drowned - but nothing happened until I was eight. Great-uncle Algie came round for tea and he was hanging me out of an upstairs window by the ankles when my great-auntie Enid offered him a meringue and he accidentally let go. But I bounced - all the way down the garden and into the road. They were all really pleased. Gran was crying, she was so happy. And you should have seen their faces when I got in here - they thought I might not be magical enough to come, you see. Great-uncle Algie was so pleased he bought me my toad.”

(Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, Chapter 7)

2. Ben Folds - There's Always Someone Cooler Than You

Make me feel tiny if it makes you feel tall
But there's always someone cooler than you

“You know how I think they choose people for the Gryffindor team?” said Malfoy a few minutes later, as Snape awarded Hufflepuff another penalty for no reason at all. “It's people they feel sorry for. See, there's Potter, who's got no parents, then there's the Weasleys, who've got no money - you should be on the team, Longbottom, you've got no brains.”

Neville went bright red but turned in his seat to face Malfoy.

“I'm worth twelve of you, Malfoy,” he stammered.

Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle howled with laughter, but Ron, still not daring to take his eyes from the game, said, “You tell him Neville.”

(Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, Chapter 13)

3. Mychael Danna & Rob Simonsen - Trouble


“What are you doing?” said a voice from the corner of the room. Neville appeared from behind an armchair, clutching Trevor the toad, who looked as though he’d been making another bid for freedom.

“Nothing, Neville, nothing,” said Harry, hurriedly putting the cloak behind his back. Neville stared at their guilty faces.

“You’re going out again,” he said.

“No, no, no,” said Hermione. “No, we’re not. Why don’t you go to bed, Neville?”

Harry looked at the grandfather clock by the door. They couldn’t afford to waste any more time, Snape might even now be playing Fluffy to sleep.

“You can’t go out,” said Neville, “you’ll be caught again. Gryffindor will be in even more trouble.”

“You don’t understand,” said Harry, “this is important.”

But Neville was clearly steeling himself to do something desperate. “I won’t let you do it,” he said, hurrying to stand in front of the portrait hole. “I’ll - I’ll fight you!”

“Neville, “Ron exploded, “get away from that hole and don’t be an idiot -”

“Don’t you call me an idiot!” said Neville. “I don’t think you should be breaking any more rules! And you were the one who told me to stand up to people!”

“Yes, but not to us,” said Ron in exasperation. “Neville, you don’t know what you’re doing.” He took a step forward and Neville dropped Trevor the toad, who leapt out of sight.

“Go on then, try and hit me!” said Neville, raising his fists. “I’m ready!”

Harry turned to Hermione. “Do something,” he said desperately.

Hermione stepped forward. “Neville,” she said, “I’m really, really sorry about this.” She raised her wand. “Petrificus Totalus!” she cried, pointing it at Neville.

(Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, Chapter 16)

4. Zoë Keating - Don’t Worry


“There are all kinds of courage,” said Dumbledore, smiling. “It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends. I therefore award ten points to Mr. Neville Longbottom.”

Someone standing outside the Great Hall might well have thought some sort of explosion had taken place, so loud was the noise that erupted from the Gryffindor table. Harry, Ron, and Hermione stood up to yell and cheer as Neville, white with shock, disappeared under a pile of people hugging him. He had never won so much as a point for Gryffindor before. Harry, still cheering, nudged Ron in the ribs and pointed at Malfoy, who couldn’t have looked more stunned and horrified if he’d just had the Body-Bind Curse put on him.

(Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, Chapter 17)

5. The Mousebirds - When I Grow Up

I’m very good with plants
When my friends are away
They let me keep the soil moist

They went up to the dormitory to fetch their books and charts, to find Neville there alone, sitting on his bed, reading. He looked a good deal calmer than at the end of Moody's lesson, though still not entirely normal. His eyes were rather red.

"You all right, Neville?" Harry asked him.

"Oh yes," said Neville, "I'm fine, thanks. Just reading this book Professor Moody lent me..."

He held up the book: Magical Water Plants of the Mediterranean.

"Apparently, Professor Sprout told Professor Moody I'm really good at Herbology," Neville said. There was a faint note of pride in his voice that Harry had rarely heard there before. "He thought I'd like this."

Telling Neville what Professor Sprout had said, Harry thought, had been a very tactful way of cheering Neville up, for Neville very rarely heard that he was good at anything. It was the sort of thing Professor Lupin would have done.

(Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 14)

6. Patrick Wolf - Overture

It's wonderful what a smile can hide
If the teeth shine bright and it's nice and wide
It's so magical all you can keep inside
And if you bury it deep no one can find a thing, no

As Harry pulled on his pajamas, he looked over at Neville's bed. True to his word to Dumbledore, he had not told Ron and Hermione about Neville's parents. As Harry took off his glasses and climbed into his four-poster, he imagined how it must feel to have parents still living but unable to recognize you. He often got sympathy from strangers for being an orphan, but as he listened to Neville's snores, he thought that Neville deserved it more than he did.

(Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 31)

7. Mychael Danna & Rob Simonsen - Friends


Neville chuckled. Luna turned her pale eyes on him instead.

“And I don't know who you are.”

“I'm nobody,” said Neville hurriedly.

“No, you're not,” said Ginny sharply. “Neville Longbottom - Luna Lovegood. Luna's in my year, but in Ravenclaw.”

(Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 10)

8. Local Natives - Airplanes [Daytrotter Version]

It sounds like we would of had a great deal to say to each other
I bet when I leave my body for the sky the wait will be worth it

“They were Aurors, you know, and very well respected within the wizarding community,” Mrs Longbottom went on. “Highly gifted, the pair of them. I - yes, Alice dear, what is it?”

Neville's mother had come edging down the ward in her night-dress. She no longer had the plump, happy-looking face Harry had seen in Moody's old photograph of the original Order of the Phoenix. Her face was thin and worn now, her eyes seemed overlarge and her hair, which had turned white, was wispy and dead-looking. She did not seem to want to speak, or perhaps she was not able to, but she made timid motions towards Neville, holding some-thing in her outstretched hand.

“Again?” said Mrs Longbottom, sounding slightly weary. “Very well, Alice dear, very well - Neville, take it, whatever it is.”

But Neville had already stretched out his hand, into which his mother dropped an empty Drooble's Best Blowing Gum wrapper.

“Very nice, dear,” said Neville's grandmother in a falsely cheery voice, patting his mother on the shoulder.

But Neville said quietly, “Thanks, Mum.”

His mother tottered away, back up the ward, humming to her-self. Neville looked around at the others, his expression defiant, as though daring them to laugh, but Harry did not think he'd ever found anything less funny in his life.

“Well, we'd better get back,” sighed Mrs Longbottom, drawing on long green gloves. “Very nice to have met you all. Neville, put that wrapper in the bin, she must have given you enough of them to paper your bedroom by now.”

But as they left, Harry was sure he saw Neville slip the sweet wrapper into his pocket.

(Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 23)

9. Jónsi - Go Do

We should always know
That we can do anything

Harry was pleased to see that all of them, even Zacharias Smith, had been spurred on to work harder than ever by the news that ten more Death Eaters were now on the loose, but in nobody was this improvement more pronounced than in Neville. The news of his parents' attackers' escape had wrought a strange and even slightly alarming change in him. He had not once mentioned his meeting with Harry, Ron and Hermione on the closed ward in St Mungo's and, taking their lead from him, they had kept quiet about it too. Nor had he said anything on the subject of Bellatrix and her fellow torturers' escape. In fact, Neville barely spoke during the DA meetings any more, but worked relentlessly on every new jinx and counter-curse Harry taught them, his plump face screwed up in concentration, apparently indifferent to injuries or accidents and working harder than anyone else in the room. He was improving so fast it was quite unnerving and when Harry taught them, the Shield Charm - a means of deflecting minor jinxes so that they rebounded upon the attacker - only Hermione mastered the charm faster than Neville.

(Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 25)

10. Jon Brion - Get What It’s About

I may be slower than some folks
But I always make my way
I move forward with my hopes
And I sometimes save the day

“We were all in the DA together,” said Neville quietly. “It was all supposed to be about fighting You-Know-Who, wasn't it? And this is the first chance we've had to do something real - or was that all just a game or something?”

“No - of course it wasn't - “ said Harry impatiently.

“Then we should come too,” said Neville simply. “We want to help.”

“That's right,” said Luna, smiling happily.

(Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 33)

11. Maxence Cyrin - Kids


Neville's childhood had been blighted by Voldemort just as much as Harry's had, but Neville had no idea how close he had come to having Harry's destiny. The prophecy could have referred to either of them, yet, for his own inscrutable reasons, Voldemort had chosen to believe that Harry was the one meant.

Had Voldemort chosen Neville, it would be Neville sitting opposite Harry bearing the lightning-shaped scar and the weight of the prophecy... Or would it? Would Neville’s mother have died to save him, as Lily had died for Harry? Surely she would... But what if she had been unable to stand between her son and Voldemort? Would there then have been no "Chosen One" at all? An empty seat where Neville now sat and a scarless Harry who would have been kissed good-bye by his own mother, not Ron's?

(Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 7)

12. Loney, Dear - Carrying A Stone

Now tell me, tell me your heart
And speak a dream, what you want to be

"Why do you want to continue with Transfiguration, anyway? I've never had the impression that you particularly enjoyed it."

Neville looked miserable and muttered something about "my grandmother wants."

"Hmph," snorted Professor McGonagall. "It's high time your grandmother learned to be proud of the grandson she's got, rather than the one she thinks she ought to have - particularly after what happened at the Ministry."

Neville turned very pink and blinked confusedly; Professor McGonagall had never paid him a compliment before.

"I'm sorry, Longbottom, but I cannot let you into my N.E.W.T. class. I see that you have an 'Exceeds Expectations' in Charm however - why not try for a N.E.W.T. in Charms?"

"My grandmother thinks Charms is a soft option," mumbled Neville.

"Take Charms," said Professor McGonagall, "and I shall drop Augusta a line reminding her that just because she failed her Charms O.W.L., the subject is not necessarily worthless." Smiling slightly at the look of delighted incredulity on Neville's face, Professor McGonagall tapped a blank schedule with the tip of her wand and handed it, now carrying details of his new classes, to Neville.

(Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 9)

13. Explosions In The Sky - Our Last Days As Children


Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny filed into seats at the end of a row beside the lake. People were whispering to each other; it sounded like a breeze in the grass, but the birdsong was louder by far. The crowd continued to swell; with a great rush of affection for both of them, Harry saw Neville being helped into a seat by Luna. They alone of all the DA had responded to Hermione's summons the night that Dumbledore had died, and Harry knew why: they were the ones who had missed the DA most... probably the ones who had checked their coins regularly in the hope that there would be another meeting

(Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 30)

14. The Boxing Plot - Ambling Alp

Now, the world can be an unfair place at times
But your lows will have their complement of highs
And if anyone should cheat you, take advantage of, or beat you
Raise your head and wear your wounds with pride
You must stick up for yourself, son
Never mind what anybody else done

“Amycus, the bloke, he teaches what used to be Defense Against the Dark Arts, except now it’s just the Dark Arts. We’re supposed to practice the Cruciatus Curse on people who’ve earned detentions - “

“ What?” Harry, Ron, and Hermione’s united voices echoed up and down the passage.

“Yeah,” said Neville. “That’s how I got this one,” he pointed at a particularly deep gash in his cheek, “I refused to do it. Some people are into it, though; Crabbe and Goyle love it. First time they’ve ever been top in anything, I expect.”

“Alecto, Amycus’s sister, teaches Muggle Studies, which is compulsory for everyone. We’ve all got to listen to her explain how Muggles are like animals, stupid and dirty, and how they drive wizards into hiding by being vicious toward them, and how the natural order is being reestablished. I got this one,” he indicated another slash to his face, “for asking her how much Muggle blood she and her brother have got.”

“Blimey, Neville,” said Ron, “there’s a time and a place for getting a smart mouth.”

“You didn’t see her,” said Neville. “You wouldn’t have stood it either. The thing is, it helps when people stand up to them, it gives everyone hope. I used to notice that when you did it, Harry.”

(Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Chapter 29)

15. Owen Pallett - Lewis Takes Off His Shirt

Government rule established by a dazzling light show
A hegemony armoured with a thousand-watt head and seven inches of echo
I keep up my velocity, my spurs are in her sides
I don't know what I'm doing, and it is the only way
Toward the range I'll ride, singing
I'm never gonna give it to you

From his pocket he pulled a golden coin, and Harry recognized it as one of the fake Galleons that Dumbledore’s Army had used to send one another messages.

“These have been great,” said Neville, beaming at Hermione. “The Carrows never rumbled how we were communicating, it drove them mad. We used to sneak out at night and put graffiti on the walls: Dumbledore’s Army, Still Recruiting, stuff like that. Snape hated it.”

“You used to?” said Harry, who had noticed the past tense.

“Well, it got more difficult as time went one,” said Neville. “We lost Luna at Christmas, and Ginny never came back after Easter, and the three of us were sort of the leaders. The Carrows seemed to know I was behind a lot of it, so they started coming down on me hard, and then Michael Corner went and got caught releasing a first-year they’d chained up, and they tortured him pretty badly. That scared people off.”

“No kidding,” muttered Ron, as the passage began to slope upward.

“Yeah, well, I couldn’t ask people to go through what Michael did, so we dropped those kinds of stunts. But we were still fighting, doing underground stuff, right up until a couple of weeks ago. That’s when they decided there was only one way to stop me, I suppose, and they went for Gran.”

“They what?” said Harry, Ron, and Hermione together.

“Yeah,” said Neville, panting a little now, because the passage was climbing so steeply, “well, you can see their thinking. It had worked really well, kidnapping kids to force their relatives to behave. I s’pose it was only a matter of time before they did it the other way around. Thing was,” he faced them, and Harry was astonished to see that he was grinning, “they bit off a bit more than they could chew with Gran. Little old witch living alone, they probably thought hey didn’t need to send anyone particularly powerful. Anyway,” Neville laughed, “Dawlish is still in St. Mungo’s and Gran’s on the run. She sent me a letter,” he clapped a hand to the breast pocket of his robes, “telling me she was proud of me, that I’m my parent’s son, and to keep it up.”

“Cool,” said Ron.

“Yea,” said Neville happily. “Only thing was, once they realized they had no hold over me, they decided Hogwarts could do without me after all. I don’t know whether they were planning to kill me or send me to Azkaban, either way, I knew it was time to disappear.”

“But,” said Ron, looking thoroughly confused, “aren’t - aren’t we heading straight back for Hogwarts?”

“’Course,” said Neville. “You’ll see. We’re here.”

(Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Chapter 29)

16. Zoë Keating - Optimist


“Okay, okay, calm down!” Neville called, and as the crowd backed away, Harry was able to take in their surroundings.

He did not recognize the dorm at all. It was enormous, and looked rather like the interior of a particularly sumptuous tree house, or perhaps a gigantic ship’s cabin. Multicolored hammocks were strung from the ceiling and from the balcony that ran around the dark wood-paneled and windowless walls, which were covered in bright tapestry hangings. Harry saw the gold Gryffindor lion, emblazoned on scarlet; the black badger of Hufflepuff, set against yellow; and the bronze eagle of Ravenclaw, on blue. The silver and green of Slytherin alone were absent. There were bulging bookcases, a few broomsticks propped against the walls, and in the corner, a large wood-cased wireless.

“Where are we?”

“Room of Requirement, of course!” said Neville. “Surpassed itself, hasn’t it? The Carrows were chasing me, and I knew I had just one chance for a hideout: I managed to get through the door and this is what I found! Well, it wasn’t exactly like this when I arrived, it was a load smaller, there was only one hammock and just Gryffindor hangings. But it’s expanded as more and more of the D.A. have arrived.”

“And the Carrows can’t get in?” asked Harry, looking around for the door.

“No,” said Seamus Finnigan, whom Harry had not recognized until he spoke: Seamus’s face was bruised and puffy. “It’s a proper hideout, as long as one of us stays in here, they can’t get at us, the door won’t open. It’s all down to Neville. He really gets this room. You’ve got to ask for exactly what you need - like, “I don’t want any Carrow supporters to be able to get in’ - and it’ll do it for you! You’ve just got to make sure you close the loopholes. Neville’s the man!”

“It’s quite straightforward, really,” said Neville modestly. “I’d been in here about a day and a half, and getting really hungry, and wishing I could get something to eat, and that’s when the passage to Hog’s Head opened up. I went through it and met Aberforth. He’s been providing us with food, because for some reason, that’s the one thing the room doesn’t really do.”

(Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Chapter 29)

17. Coldplay - Don't Panic [Blue Room Version]

Bones, sinking like stones
All that we fought for

“Where are you going, alone?” Neville asked suspiciously.

“It’s all part of the plan,” said Harry. “There’s something I’ve got to do. Listen --- Neville ---“

“Harry!” Neville looked suddenly scared. “Harry, you’re not thinking of handing yourself over?”

“No,” Harry lied easily. “’Course not . . . this is something else. But I might be out of sight for a while. You know Voldemort’s snake. Neville? He’s got a huge snake… Calls it Nagini…”

“I’ve heard, yeah… What about it?”

“It’s got to be killed. Ron and Hermione know that, but just in case they ---“

The awfulness of that possibility smothered him for a moment, made it impossible to keep talking. But he pulled himself together again: This was crucial, he must be like Dumbledore, keep a cool head, make sure there were backups, others to carry on. Dumbledore had died knowing that three people still knew about the Horcruxes; now Neville would take Harry’s place: There would still be three in the secret.

“Just in case they’re --- busy --- and you get the chance ---“ “Kill the snake?”

“Kill the snake,” Harry repeated.

“All right, Harry. You’re okay, are you?”

“I’m fine. Thanks, Neville.”

But Neville seized his wrist as Harry made to move on.

“We’re all going to keep fighting, Harry. You know that?”

“Yeah, I ---“

The suffocating feeling extinguished the end of the sentence; he could not go on. Neville did not seem to find it strange. He patted Harry on the shoulder, released him, and walked away to look for more bodies.

(Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Chapter 34)

18. Patrick Wolf - Sing [Live on BBC Radio]

If death is seducing you
You must sing, sing, sing
If the bully is conquering
You must sing, sing, sing
Sing, from the bottom of your heart
Sing, blossom every broken part
Sing, sing, sing
Do not let them win, but sing, sing

Harry heard a scuffle and a shout, then another bang, a flash of light, and grunt of pain; he opened his eyes an infinitesimal amount. Someone had broken free of the crowd and charged at Voldemort: Harry saw the figure hit the ground. Disarmed, Voldemort throwing the challenger's wand aside and laughing.

"And who is this?" he said in his soft snake's hiss. "Who has volunteered to demonstrate what happens to those who continue to fight when the battle is lost?"

Bellatrix gave a delighted laugh.

"It is Neville Longbottom, my Lord! The boy who has been giving the Carrows so much trouble! The son of the Aurors, remember?"

"Ah, yes, I remember," said Voldemort, looking down at Neville, who was struggling back to his feet, unarmed and unprotected, standing in the
no-man's-land between the survivors and the Death Eaters. "But you are a pureblood, aren't you, my brave boy?” Voldemort asked Neville, who stood facing him, his empty hands curled in fists.

"So what if I am?" said Neville loudly.

"You show spirit and bravery, and you come of noble stock. You will make a very valuable Death Eater. We need your kind, Neville Longbottom."

"I'll join you when hell freezes over," said Neville. "Dumbledore's Army!" he shouted, and there was an answering cheer from the crowd, whom Voldemort's Silencing Charms seemed unable to hold.

"Very well," said Voldemort, and Harry heard more danger in the silkiness of his voice than in the most powerful curse. "If that is your choice, Longbottom, we revert to the original plan. On your head," he said quietly, "be it."

Still watching through his lashes, Harry saw Voldemort wave his wand. Seconds later, out of one of the castle's shattered windows, something that looked like a misshapen bird flew through the half light and landed in Voldemort's hand. He shook the mildewed object by its pointed end and it dangled, empty and ragged: the Sorting Hat.

(Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Chapter 36)

19. Lost In The Trees - Garden

And while we sing we’ll grow
Unlike your killing song
Cause out your mouth come weeds

In one swift, fluid motion, Neville broke free of the Body-Bind Curse upon him; the flaming hat fell off him and he drew from its depths something silver, with a glittering, rubied handle -

The slash of the silver blade could not be heard over the roar of the oncoming crowd or the sounds of the clashing giants or of the stampeding centaurs, and yet, it seemed to draw every eye. With a single stroke Neville sliced off the great snake's head, which spun high into the air, gleaming in the light flooding from the entrance hall, and Voldemort's mouth was open in a scream of fury that nobody could hear, and the snake's body thudded to the ground at his feet.

(Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Chapter 36)

20. Jeremy Enigk - A New Beginning


He saw Neville, the sword of Gryffindor lying beside his plate as he ate, surrounded by a knot of fervent admirers.

(Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Chapter 36)

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If you would like a link to any of the individual tracks, just ask!

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And while you're here, please check out some of the other fandom-y things I've worked on:
more fanmixes + more things harry potter

This Neville Longbottom fanmix was created for you (But mostly for you, grey_spider!) with love by suchaprince.

music: mychael danna & rob simonsen, music: lost in the trees, music: patrick wolf, music: maxence cyrin, music: jon brion, music: jeremy enigk, music: loney dear, character: neville longbottom, music: jonsi, music: zoe keating, music: owen pallett / final fantasy, music: flag & family, music: local natives, series/film: harry potter, type: fanmix, music: explosions in the sky, music: coldplay, music: ben folds

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