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Comments 62

lemmealone February 7 2011, 08:55:45 UTC
OOH. I'll have this, cheers. I'll listen to it with Paradox Suite in my head, ungh.


suchaprince February 8 2011, 02:02:33 UTC
It's ridiculous how much I loved the Paradox Suite. I hope you enjoy the fanmix!


moony_mistress February 7 2011, 10:15:15 UTC
Mmmh sounds lovely...
Thank you so much! <3


suchaprince February 8 2011, 02:03:33 UTC
You're welcome! I hope you like the mix! <3


sirona_gs February 7 2011, 12:33:52 UTC
I'm definitely going to listen to this when I re-read the Paradox series again!


suchaprince February 8 2011, 02:04:39 UTC
Aww yay! I hope you enjoy the mix during your re-read! :D


nathcoelho February 7 2011, 13:31:24 UTC
wow! i love those fics!
and i'm so happy that he is the OST for them! =D
thanks so much!


suchaprince February 8 2011, 02:08:17 UTC
You're welcome! I really hope you like the mix. It's such amazing fic series, isn't it?


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I love how many icons with quotes from the fic have been used for people's comments! :D suchaprince February 8 2011, 02:13:45 UTC
I've never heard Cruel Black Dove's Love Song before! Totally downloading right now.

You're welcome! And thanks for the song rec! I'm very much looking forward to listening. New music hooray!


suchaprince February 8 2011, 02:35:53 UTC
I've just listened to the song, and jeez it is so perfect!


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