You Took Me Into A Dream [a Dom and Ariadne fanmix]

Jan 29, 2011 13:28

Full album art, tracklistings, and download links under the cut.

henriettayuki’s author notes: I really love Cobb/Ariadne and hopefully I did some justice for the pairing. Thank you to suchaprince for giving me an opportunity to write them and then letting me take forever and a day while I struggled to give them and the lovely mix a fic they deserved.

suchaprince’s notes: I have a lot of love for the finished product of this mix because it contains contributions by BOTH my favorite fanworks collaborators. Thanks so much to mad_teagirl for the gorgeous cover art (perhaps your prettiest yet?) and to henriettayuki for the perfect accompanying fic (and the inspiration to make this fanmix in the first place!). I'm currently shouting my undying love for the both of you off my rooftop.

from sendspace
from my server

You Took Me Into A Dream
a Dom and Ariadne fanmix

1. Laura Veirs - Parisian Dream

You took me into a dream
An exploding soundtrack
That I treasure as mine

Ariadne watched as the street lifted. Her head rose with her gaze and her mouth fell in a small gasp of awe. Amazement swelled in her chest. It was one thing to see tiny models change and yield to her hand but buildings and cars, real sized ones, moving at her command -it was breathtaking. The city sounds and familiar smells tried to convince her it was real despite the improbability of it all. She felt like she could rise off the ground and touch the parallel world moving above her. It was so close.

But the gaze on her back kept her grounded. Kept her soles firmly set on the cement.

Ariadne never hid from anything and wasn't going to start now. She turned and met his gaze. The edges of his lips tugged up in the slightest of enigmatic smiles. She lifted her foot and he followed. They stepped onto the street and for the first time in her life, Ariadne walked vertically.

At her side was the intriguing man named Dominic Cobb.

2. City and Colour - Sleeping Sickness

Someone come and
Someone come and save my life
Maybe I’ll sleep when I am dead
But now it's like the night is taking sides
And all the worries that occupy the back of my mind
Could it be this misery will suffice?

Cobb swallowed hard as he awoke. The familiar ceilings, the open sky, it was replaced by a dull, ordinary warehouse ceiling. It was relaxing and distressing.

He was in reality.

His breaths steadied and he pushed himself to his feet in a slow and calculated rise.

"You ok?"

Cobb turned to see Ariadne. She looked tired but there was a determined pleasure in her gaze.

"Cobb?" Ariadne asked; worry marred her young face.

Cobb smiled weakly.

"I'm fine. Thanks for asking," he assured her.

Ariadne nodded but he saw her skepticism. She was telling him without even knowing that she would be furious if she saw his dreams. She would never let him be content with his misery if she knew. He resented her for that. He was content. He was fine with his self-imposed martyrdom and who was she to tell him to feel otherwise.

Cobb was the first to turn away.

3. Tilly & the Wall - The Freest Man

All the cracks you see can be repaired
And if you start to fall, we will be there
Don't drown yourself in all your old regrets
'Cause all the heaviness will steal away your breath

Ariadne crouched down beside the sleeping Extractor -her movements agile and more importantly quiet. The warehouse tended to echo and she knew that her actions would gain some questioning looks from her otherwise distracted workmates.

The charming Forger reclined with a smug grin on the other side of the warehouse. His voice teased and provoked the usually stoic Point Man, who listened with a frown and arms crossed sternly across his chest. Even the Chemist had joined in, sipping a cup of tea as he leaned against a table, listening intently to the bickering.

She knew they wouldn't be distracted for much longer.

Ariadne licked her lips then bit her lower one. She rarely felt nervous and it was even rarer for her to feel hesitation. Cobb encouraged that disregard. He made her dream steps as confident as her real ones. But while she felt enabled and empowered by Cobb, Ariadne felt nervous around him. Not in her work or in sentence structure but in her chest and in her throat. When she took those first dream steps at his side, she knew she could do anything. Create, conquer and destroy.

But now Ariadne doubted herself. It appeared like she could talk to him, tell him, demand of him anything she desired. Maybe that was how she seemed to people standing by but she was hesitating. In her world, according to her rules, she was hesitating and she hated it. She could help him. She could step into his world and save him but she was hesitating all because of a stupid flutter in her chest that wouldn't stop whenever he was around.

4. The Daylights - Boy on the Moon

The boy on the moon's sick of crying
Trying everything to get back
Get back home

Cobb stared out of the window of the restaurant. Paris twinkled and glittered far below and before him. It was lovely. He had loved this city. It now seemed ages ago. He had once told Mal, long before he had married her, that the city glittered like her eyes. She had laughed at him, like any sane girl should have, and it always made him feel a little embarrassed when he remembered it.

He twisted the flute of champagne and wondered if the contents glittered like the city and thus like Mal's eyes. He tried to remember hers. They came easily. How they fluttered lazily and reminded him of his own fluttering heartbeats when he watched her watching him. He chuckled to himself and took a sip. His thoughts were so juvenile. A lovesick teenager's dreams.

But that's how Mal made him feel. Like a lovesick teenager. At twenty-two, she made him feel fifteen again.

A sudden clatter of silverware brought him back to the table and his team. Eames had done something because Arthur was clutching the tablecloth and breathing heavily. The Forger and his Chemist friend chuckled at Arthur's expense.

That was when he noticed Ariadne's gaze on him.

He lifted his glass slightly toward her. She stared before giving a soft, confident smile. It didn't make him feel fifteen but he knew this feeling. If this wasn't Paris, he would have asked her to see the city. Asked her to explore the architecture and watch the twinkle turn to sunrise. But he had already done that with a girl. A girl who haunted his dreams and owned his everything.

Cobb turned away and kept his eyes on his plate for the rest of the night.

5. Anna Ternheim - I’ll Follow You Tonight

Here again by your side when
They turn on all the lights
Yes I'll follow you tonight

Ariadne rubbed her eyes as Cobb arranged the last minute plans. Her breath trembled and she bit the inside of her mouth to steel herself. She was stronger than this.

But those intimate gazes. The way his eyes followed hers. His gentle smile and soft whispers. The promises they made. Ariadne knew what she saw. She could pretend otherwise but she was not a dreamer in that sense. She never lied to herself for the comfort of it. She knew what she saw.

That didn't change the facts. Cobb gave her the power to help him. He was wallowing and drowning but was letting her in. Not Arthur. Not Professor Miles. Her. He wanted her to help. Maybe not verbally or actively but he wanted help.

This was not about her. It was never about her. Not her needs, her wants or her desires. This was about Cobb. This was about Cobb and his love. His love, who was not her. His love, who was nothing but a shade but eclipsed anything reality had to offer. That, Ariadne assured herself, didn't change anything. She would still follow him just as Arthur and the others followed. Because she knew it was never about them. It was never about her.

6. Bon Iver & St Vincent - Roslyn

Don't let it fool you
Don't let it fool you down
Dancing around
Folds in her gown
Sea and the rock below
Cocked to the undertow

We walked through here for years, Cobb thought. He remembered the feel of Mal's fingers against his. Her footsteps. Even the change of her touch through the years. He remembered and memorized each building and how they had started, adapted and eventually came to be as they were. He remembered and knew. It had been years, decades, but he knew each as intimately as the day they were created.

Ariadne paused and looked like she was going to wander away. Cobb felt the need to reach for her and lead her back but she stopped before he could and turned back to him.

Anyone else would have judged him for this world. This reality. It was dark. It was crumbling and disintegrating. This world was not what it once was and that didn't show. All that was left was how far he had fallen. How his life had become a travesty of his once greatness.

Ariadne met his gaze then lowered it and walked past him with confident steps.

"Down here?" she asked, not turning as she kept walking. Cobb followed then quickly overtook her steps to lead.

Ariadne saw how this place once was. She could see its former glory and the potential it once offered two young dreamers. But she saw something that Cobb had not thought during the entire job.

It was not an end.

Cobb wanted to reach back for her. Take her hand and lead her but it was neither the time nor the place. He had already created this world. This was not a place for them. This was his and Mal's and for all of its darkness and broken present, it was still theirs and he would never change that.

7. Led To Sea - Forget Her Face

He walked to the edge of the shore
Left his clothes in the sand
He thought he could swim to the floor of the sea
With a knife in his hand
The tide swelled high
In the marsh where she lay
He cannot forget
Forget her face

Ariadne sat beside Arthur. Her hair dripped and clung to her face. Her legs were pulled to her chest.

"He'll be ok," she repeated then smiled to herself and tugged her knees closer.

He would be ok. She knew it.

8. Local Natives - Cubism Dream

She flew across the sea
We talked on a small screen
A cubism dream
The most beautiful squares I’d ever seen

"Cobb!" Ariadne answered and Cobb smiled at her bright voice. "How are you?" she asked. He walked down the street as he listened. It was overcast and had been for days. Her voice was a nice pocket of cheer in the dreary onslaught and occasional rain.

"I'm good. I was just seeing how you were doing," he chuckled but he felt embarrassed and stupid. Not quite juvenile but getting there quickly.

"Fantastic!" There was a pause and Cobb imagined her pushing back her hair so he could see her face. Her encouraging smile and bright eyes. Her dark hair would look fantastic even in the cloudy day. He thought of her wet hair in limbo and how she made even sand and seawater look enchanting. "I was just thinking of you too. The...and the kids?"

"Just dropped them off at school and was wandering when I saw this building-"

Ariadne laughed.

"You should send me a photo," she insisted.

"I will. Definitely," he replied. He could hear her smile over the phone and hoped she would return the offer. A photo of Paris. An alley way he had never seen. An angle he never considered. His mind wandered of his few friends still living in France. He thought of everything to keep her cheerful voice flittering across the line into his ear. "How's Arthur?" he asked.

There was silence.

"Hello?" Cobb whispered.

"I'm here," she finally spoke up. "Arthur?" Her tone was soft and curious but not curious like he hoped. "I...I don't know. I haven't seen him in a couple weeks. I think-"

Cobb heard her name and a rustle of cloth and paper on her side.

"Hey, Cobb, I'm actually out with some friends. Do you mind if I call you back?"

No. Please, stay. I'm sorry. Don't hang up.

But that would be pitiful. Instead Cobb gave a bitter smile for no one.

"Yeah, sure. It's good hearing your voice."

There was a soft chuckle and Cobb felt jealous.

"Same here, Cobb. I'll talk to you soon."

She hung up and Cobb pressed his closed phone to his forehead. He couldn't have made a bigger fool of himself.

9. Lissie - In Sleep

Fast asleep where I keep my memories
Calling me out in dreams
He visits me
What will be?
Will I see him again soon?

"Hello, darling."

Ariadne's hand paused on the corner store door handle then turned to the familiar voice.

"Aren't you out a bit late?" Eames teased as he finished the last of his cigarette and crushed it under his foot.

"And you?" she asked with a sure tone. She knew he was up to no good. Standing under a lamppost at three in the morning -who did that? She wanted to tease him but was too tired. Instead she smiled and approached him.

"Forging isn't just a day job," Eames replied as he folded his arms over his chest.

"Oh, was that what you're calling it? I thought it was called stalking."

"ToMATo, toMAto," Eames replied and grinned. "You don't look well."

Ariadne rubbed her eyes. She didn't look that bad, she thought.

"I just haven't been sleeping well," she insisted and smiled. Eames sighed in agreement.

"It will take time."

She nodded.

"I hope so. The jobs...they just-"

"You don't have to lie to me, darling."

Ariadne met Eames' gaze then lowered it again. He didn't look smug or even taunting.

"They'll haunt your dreams for a while'll get over it. Sometimes you just have to pick up a phone," Eames laughed.

"What are you doing here, Eames?" she asked, which would have been sudden for anyone else but usual for the straightforward architect.

"Just as you said, love. I'm stalking." He smiled and Ariadne shook her head.

"Well good luck. And get some rest."

"If I'm lucky, I won't," Eames replied and she just shook her head, not wanting to know the reason but having a good idea. "Try taking your own advice."

"Good night, Eames."

10. Port O’Brien - Simple Way

I woke up today in a very simple way
In the morning all I could do was sing
I was thinking of things the blue ocean brings
The way it glows, the way it always knows
That when you lose something like a golden diamond ring
You will know that it will show the way the ocean always knows

"Hey," she whispered into the phone sleepily. Cobb smiled as he leaned back against the pillows on his made bed.

"Did I wake you?" he asked, thumbing the sheets beside him.

"No. Just waking up. You?"

"Just put Phillipa and James to bed."

"Read them a good story tonight?"


Ariadne yawned.

"You sound like you need a cup of coffee," he whispered. He could hear her smile.

"Or you could just tell me a story and I could go back to bed."

"I could."

He smiled and wished he could push her hair back from her face. He would kiss her forehead and whisper a certain tale into her ear.

"I would like that," she replied. They were quiet before Ariadne sighed. "I better get up."

"Ok. You have a good morning."

"Good night, Cobb."

"Ari-" The line went dead.

Call me Dom, next time. Next time.

Cobb hung up the phone.

11. The Magnetic Fields - I’m Sorry I Love You

Well I'm sorry that I love you
It's a phase I'm going through
There is nothing that I can do
And I'm sorry that I love you

Why did they all have to be in town? Ariadne wanted to know. Eames and his knowing chuckles. Arthur and his confident grins. Yusuf and his...goddamn cat.

She didn't mean it. Not really. She liked them, especially Yusuf's cat but nothing was going well. Everything was going to shit and Ariadne wasn't one to hide her annoyance or rather her disappointment. She shoved her way to the door when Cobb grabbed her wrist and she turned around, pulling him off.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"I'm just tired! I just want to get some sleep," she replied sharply.

"Then let me take you."

"No! You..." Cobb looked at her confused as she stumbled to find the words. "I like you," Ariadne confessed and rubbed her palms against both eyes. "A lot. And you acting," she paused to think, "like this doesn't help." She lowered her hands and gave a tired sigh.

"Like this?" Cobb asked with a puzzled frown. Ariadne froze with a rare feeling of horror. What was she doing? Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.

"You know what," she started again, "let's just chalk this up to too much drinking and pretend this never happened."

"Ariadne, I-"

"I'll see you tomorrow."

Ariadne grabbed the door handle and walked out quickly. Because she didn't run from her problems. Never.

12. Patrick Wolf - Theseus

So once you've killed the minotaur
How you gonna find your way out of the maze?

"I don't know what to tell you," Arthur muttered for the fourth time. Cobb could hear his patience wearing thin. "I don't know what you want me to say, Cobb. This is not my expertise."

Cobb heard food sizzling in the background. They had been talking for ten minutes with Arthur avoiding his questioning.

"I just don't know what to do," Cobb muttered and rubbed his face. "She said she liked me then took it back and now she's acting cold!"

"Cobb. Grow up. Call her. Talk to her. Stop calling me," Arthur snapped. The phone suddenly dulled and Cobb sat up.


"Don't touch that," he heard Arthur yell before the line grew sharp again. "Cobb, I honestly don't know how you ever got married. You're acting like a child, except it's not cute."

Cobb frowned in annoyance.

"Well I don't know how you get laid with your attitude but it still happens from what I hear," Cobb snapped.

"Goodbye, Cobb."

Arthur hung up.

Cobb sighed. That was a stupid move. He rubbed his face. This was not going well at all.

13. Ellie Goulding - I’ll Hold My Breath

Until you see me in your dreams
We'll stay awake beneath the trees
We'll watch the buildings turn to dust
A sky of diamonds just for us
You are the risk I'll always take
The only branch I'll never break
Those fears we'll blow them all way
I'm here, I'm here to save you

Cobb sat at a distance as Ariadne worked. The imaginary park was peaceful in the middle of the bustling city that reminded Cobb of Paris, with touches of LA and New York. The white paper under the young Architect's knees had started at sketchbook size but was now twice her height. She crawled across the space, completely absorbed in her sketch. Brown strands were starting to fall as she worked; charcoal was smeared across her forehead from her attempts to push it back.

Cobb pushed himself up from the grass and approached her. He looked at her drawing then to the empty space she kept looking toward.

"It looks good."

Ariadne looked up. Her expression was blank before she turned back to her work.

"It's not done yet."

"It still looks good."

She looked up again; her gaze was quizzical as if she didn't quite believe him.

"Here," he offered and reached down for a top corner of the paper. "Grab that side." They held the sketch out before covering the scenery before them.

"I don't like it. It's too..."

"It's lovely."

"Generic," Ariadne finished, unamused. Cobb laughed, which took her by surprise.

"It's anything but generic. Add it next time," he insisted, never taking his eyes off her. Ariadne stared forward, avoiding his gaze, then sighed loudly.

"Eames says after working with him everything looks generic."

Cobb coughed and Ariadne smiled. It had been so long since he had seen her smile. He had missed the way her face lit up. He missed her faith in him. He missed her.

"Come on," he offered and walked down the hill toward the empty space. "There's something I want to show you."


Ariadne awoke and blinked curiously. She turned to see Cobb already taking the needle from her wrist.

"I thought you wanted to show my something," she inquired. Cobb smiled and rubbed her wrist where the needle had been.

"I do. A dream wouldn't do it justice." He closed up the PASIV. "Get your things. It's a bit of a drive." She stood and adjusted her outfit.

"Do I get a hint?" she asked.

Cobb paused and looked back at her.

"Do you really want one?"

Ariadne smiled then walked past him, grabbing her bag from the table.

"No. I don't get enough excitement these days," she admitted. Cobb nodded knowing exactly how she felt. "Well?" Cobb looked up at her. "I expect something fantastic."

Cobb shook his head with a grin.

"Well I can't guarantee that," he teased and lead the way to his car.

14. Maximo Park - Fear of Falling

I hope that I can
I think that I can
I know that I can, reverse
Reverse the damage
The damage I've done to you
Your love is good for me

Yusuf and Arthur were talking but Ariadne heard nothing as she stared at her empty glass. She looked at her watch; Cobb had called three hours ago telling her to meet him. She hadn't thought he meant watching Yusuf and Arthur get drunk while waiting for him to show up. To say she was disappointed was an understatement.

Cobb had been getting warmer and if she was willing to give into delusion, Ariadne would even say he was becoming romantic. Dinner dates, architectural tours of Paris, couples stuff. Definitely things others were not invited to join, she had found out from a disappointed Eames the week before.

"Hey," Arthur finally spoke up and waved his wine glass before her face. She blinked.

"Yeah?" she asked. Arthur smiled and placed his empty glass before her then pushed some bills in her hand.

"Get me another?" he asked and glanced at Yusuf. The Chemist dug in his pocket and pulled out some more money.

"And three beers cause Eames and Cobb are going to show up at some point," Yusuf stated and looked at Arthur who just shrugged. Ariadne glared at them and pushed their money back.

"And how am I supposed to get all of this back here?" she muttered. She buried her face into her arms. Maybe Eames was lying about Cobb taking her on dates. Maybe she was just a masochist with delusions of grander. She whined into the table.

Arthur and Yusuf both laughed and Ariadne looked up. If they were laughing at her, they were dead men. Yusuf, the more sober of the two men, took the money as he pulled Ariadne to her feet.

"Where are we going?" she whined. He pressed the bills into her hand again.

"Go get something or at least pretend to," he whispered and pushed her in the direction of the bar. She stumbled then turned back and glared at them. They both smiled smugly.

She made her way to the bar.

"Hello, love."

Ariadne pushed Yusuf and Arthur's money into Eames palm.

"Get your drunks their drinks," she muttered. They turned back and saw Yusuf and Arthur watching. Eames nodded then leaned down toward Ariadne.

"All right, but don't be heading home yet," he whispered in her ear. She lazily waved her hand at him and barely missed his face.

"I don't feel well. I want to go home," she told him but knew Eames, like the others, wasn't listening. Instead he held onto her.

"Are you ok?" Cobb's familiar voice asked. Ariadne looked up and flushed. Cobb smiled. "Sorry, I'm late. Do you need to go home?"

"Why are these mad men keeping me hostage?" she muttered to herself, trying to push Eames away. Eames let her go and she stumbled into Cobb. The Extractor nearly went on his knees to hold her straight and avoid touching her anywhere but her shoulders.

"I'll take care of my drunks if you take care of yours?" she heard Eames tease.

"I'm not drunk," Ariadne stated then realized Cobb's face was a lot closer than she thought. He was almost at eye level, which made her think he was on his knees. She chuckled at the thought.

"Are you ok?" he asked again, pushing her hair from her face. Her smile faded.

"I'm really tired and I feel like they're playing mind games on me," Ariadne admitted with a tired sigh.

"They probably are," Cobb admitted. "Want me to take you home?"

"I would love that."

"Come on." Cobb took her hand and led her toward the exit. Ariadne looked at her hand in his then up at him.


Cobb paused and looked back.


"I'm sorry...about that time," she muttered. "I..." Cobb just stared at her patiently. "I'm sorry for all of my behavior." She tried to pull her hand away to cover her face. Cobb just smiled and pulled her under his arm. She felt him kiss her temple.

"Please don't apologize. I really don't want that." He pulled her closer. "Honestly that's the last thing I want to hear." Ariadne smiled despite herself and let Cobb lead her out of the club.

15. Laura Veirs - Make Something Good

I wanted to make something strong
An organ pipe in a cathedral
That stays in tune, through a thousand blooms
Make something good
It's gonna take a long long time
But we're gonna make something so fine

Ariadne pulled at the grass under her hands then smiled. She could feel the warm sun on her eyelids.

"What are you smiling about?" Cobb whispered in her ear.

"Nothing," she whispered then reconsidered. "This. It's...It feels nice." She felt his fingers thread through hers, tangling them with the pulled grass.


Ariadne opened her eyes with a soft flutter. Cobb's face was inches away from hers. She turned onto her side and touched his hairline then the outline of his stubbled jaw. Cobb leaned forward and pressed a tender kiss to her forehead. She smiled then closed her eyes. She felt his lips on her cheek then he tilted her head away from the grass to kiss the other. Her eyelashes fluttered as he pushed her hair back behind her ears.

He kissed one corner of her lips then the other.


He kissed her lips.

16. The Decemberists - Of Angels and Angles

There are angels in your angles
There's a low moon caught in your tangles
There's a tough word on your crossword
There's a bed bug nipping a finger
There's a swallow, there's a calm
Here's a hand to lay on your open palm today

Cobb trailed his fingers across her lips.

"Don't think this will fix everything," Ariadne whispered, her lips wetting his fingertips. He knew she was still annoyed with him but that never stopped him before.

"How about breakfast?" he offered as he nipped at her ear. He watched as her squirming pulled the bed sheets down, exposing her simple tank top and panties.

"You scared me," she stated and opened her eyes. Cobb met her gaze and ran his fingers across her jaw. "You can't keep taking these jobs. You promised."

Cobb moved over her and kissed her forehead.

"I know," he whispered.

Ariadne shifted under him and held his face with both hands.

"Dom," she whispered, her eyes scanning his face. "I'm serious. Please-"

"I know," he repeated. "I know. What else do you want me to say? I made a mistake."

She pushed him away by his shoulder and Cobb sighed as he slumped onto his back.


He glanced back at her.

"I just want you to be careful."

"I know," he whispered and pushed her hair back. "I'm sorry."

Ariadne stared at him before reaching forward and pulling him toward her by the back of his neck. Cobb grabbed her hip and pulled her flush against him.

"I love you," he growled and ground into her. She gripped at the hair at the back of his neck and gasped.

"I love you too," she groaned. "Even when you're being stupid."

Cobb laughed and that earned him a soft smile.

17. A Fine Frenzy - You Picked Me

So softly, rain against the windows
And the strong coffee warming up my fingers
In this fisherman's house
You got me, searched the sand and climbed the tree
And brought me back down

Ariadne stared out at the city when she suddenly noticed the umbrella over her. She turned and smiled.

"Thanks," she muttered into Cobb's lips as he leaned down to give her a kiss.

"What were you thinking about?" he asked.

"A design." They chuckled against each other lips.

"Ari! Daddy!"

Cobb and Ariadne turned to see Phillipa and James running through the damp grass in their rain boots. James jumped into a large puddle and Phillipa screamed with delight.

"James!" Cobb exclaimed then looked in horror as Phillipa jumped into another puddle, which soaked her brother. James laughed loudly before colliding into Ariadne's legs, nearly taking her down by gripping them tight.

"I want to hold the umbrella!" James exclaimed, yanking at Ariadne's raincoat. Ariadne pulled him onto her hip and Cobb handed him the umbrella.

"Don't swing it," Ariadne warned. James bit his lip, considering if it was worth it, before clinging to Ariadne's neck with one arm and holding up the umbrella as high as he could over their heads.

Phillipa rubbed her face into the back of Cobb's pants as she held onto his leg.

"Come on, Phillipa," Cobb muttered and pushed her face away playfully. She laughed but held on tight.

"You hungry?" Ariadne asked James and bounced him on her hip.

"Yes!" he yelled and she winced.

"Not in my ear, baby," she scolded.

"Me too! I want to eat too!" Phillipa added, letting go of Cobb to cling to Ariadne.

"So that's how you won them over? Food?" Cobb teased. Ariadne just smiled. "Come on." He picked up Phillipa and leaned toward Ariadne. Thinking he was getting a kiss, James leaned forward and gave his father a wet kiss on the cheek. Ariadne chuckled and leaned over James' head and pressed a quick kiss to Cobb's forehead.

Cobb smiled and started walking toward the car with Ariadne at his side.

18. Death Cab For Cutie - Passenger Seat

When you feel embarrassed
Then I'll be your pride
When you need directions
Then I'll be the guide
For all time

Cobb watched the wind blow through her hair as she drove. Ariadne turned and smiled.

"You cold? I can close the windows."

Cobb glanced into the backseat where Phillipa and James slept undisturbed by the drive or the cold.

"I'm fine," he replied smiling.

"We should be there soon."

"If Eames gave us the right address."

Ariadne lifted a printed-paper.

"That's why I double checked with Arthur AND Yusuf." She smiled.

"I could drive, you know," Cobb offered again as he reached forward and ran his hand through her windblown hair.

"I know." She glanced back at him. "Get some rest."

Cobb nodded and stared up at the night sky. He could have fallen asleep. It was calm and quiet enough for it but instead he let his hand drop from Ariadne's shoulder to her hand resting on her lap.

"I can't shift if you have my hand," she teased. Cobb smiled and withdrew his hand.

"Have it your way."

Ariadne laughed softly and Cobb didn't think it was possible to be this happy twice in his life. He kept this to himself and thought maybe one day he would tell her. But for now they drove in content silence for the rest of the drive.

from sendspace
from my server

If you would like a link to any of the individual tracks, just ask!

[view the mix on tumblr]
[view the mix on 8tracks]

And while you're here, please check out some of the other fandom-y things I've worked on:
more fanmixes + more things inception

This Dom/Ariadne fanmix was created for you with love by suchaprince. The flippin' beautiful album art was made by my dear mad_teagirl. The wonderful accompanying fic was written by henriettayuki.

series/film: inception, music: patrick wolf, music: port o'brien, music: anna ternheim, music: the decemberists, character: eames, music: death cab for cutie, character: yusuf, character: dom cobb, music: maximo park, character: ariadne, music: tilly & the wall, character: arthur, music: laura veirs, music: the daylights, music: a fine frenzy, music: lissie, character: mal cobb, pairing: dom/ariadne, music: bon iver, pairing: arthur/eames, pairing: dom/mal, music: local natives, music: led to sea, music: st. vincent, type: ficmix, music: the magnetic fields, music: city and colour, type: fanmix, music: ellie goulding

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