It's Pretty Bad As Far As First Impressions Go [an Arthur and Eames fanmix]

Oct 21, 2010 17:43

Full album art, tracklistings, and download links under the cut.

I started this mix with the intention that it would be a short & sweet Arthur/Eames fanmix for henriettayuki as they were her new OTP. I was like "This will be so simple! The dynamic of this pairing will be fun to mix. The songs can be energetic and full of car chases and explosions!" And then it, uh, got away from me. Twenty-eight tracks later and apparently I had mixed quite the rollercoaster of a relationship. It was clear the Arthur/Eames disease had clearly taken over my mind as well.

I then asked henriettayuki if she wanted to write little ficlets for each song, because I felt they deserved more than my simple write-ups. She then wrote 7,890 words of fic for the mix. Who does that? Amazing people, that's who. I was blown away. She fleshed out a perfect story from the tracks of this mix. My world, good readers, was rocked.

In conclusion, I hope you all enjoy our little epic.

from sendspace
from my server

It's Pretty Bad As Far As First Impressions Go
an Arthur/Eames fanmix

1. Arctic Monkeys - I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor

Stop making the eyes at me
I'll stop making the eyes at you
And what it is that suprises me
Is that I don't really want you to

"So when do I finally get to meet this Extractor?" Arthur asked pulling his shirt off the floor and inspecting the damage. He frowned at the wrinkles and loose buttons like a child who soiled his favorite blanket. He looked up to watch the older boy start to dress. "You're being awfully secretive. It makes me wonder if she actually exists."

"Don't worry, darling. She exists and she'll be very interested in meeting you," Eames replied with a smile. "Although I have to admit I feel a little used with you asking about a woman while the bed is still warm." Arthur chuckled.

"I bet you tell all the boys and girls that."

Eames leaned in and kissed the younger boy slowly, running his hand through the American's short-cropped hair that was slowly growing out of its military regulated length.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" He slipped a card into Arthur's hand. "Meet me again."

Arthur's fingers wrapped around his and slipped the paper out. He looked over the address and smiled.

"But you've given me what I wanted, why would I? It defeats the purpose of a one night stand." Arthur met his eyes with a smug look. Eames kissed him again.

"Ah there's the tease I picked up."

Arthur leaned back against the pillows and sheets and smiled.

2. Blur - Charmless Man

I met him in a crowded room
Where people go to drink away their gloom
He sat me down and so began
The story of a charmless man

"We need to stop meeting like this."

Arthur looked up from his drink and sighed loudly.

"What do you want?" he groaned. Eames just grinned and ordered the same drink as Arthur. "I bet you think you're so charming," Arthur replied, his snarky comment paired with a cruel smile.

"I've been told so on occasion," Eames teased and sat down.

The two young men eyed each other silently. Arthur wore a sleek and casual charcoal suit with a skinny tie. Eames grinned, knowing rather than imagining, the bracers under the younger man's jacket. The Forger on the other hand was dressed in a tight polo and fitted pants that made Eames look like he had stumbled into the bar after a round of golf or hours of yachting at the local country club.

"What do you want, Eames? I thought I made it clear that I never wanted to see you again."

Eames sipped his drink then grimaced.

"You have fucking awful taste, Arthur." He returned the glass of wine and ordered a bourbon. "I do remember that...vaguely. Something about leading you on or some sort. I clearly remember a nice pair of cufflinks and a couple hundred in large bills."

"And a bullet in the foot," Arthur offered humorlessly.

"Ah, yes. I do remember that. That hurt, you know." Eames drank his new drink and sighed dramatically in enjoyment.

"That was the point." Arthur waited. He knew Eames saw this and grew further unamused when the older man lit a cigarette. "Is there a purpose to this visit?" Arthur tried again. Eames smiled and blew smoke out the side of his mouth.

"I was just curious what cute little ensemble you had on today."

"Are you trying to provoke me?"

Eames chuckled deeply in his throat.

"I don't think you need me for that, darling."

He drowned his drink.

"Well. I'll be seeing around." Eames reached forward and thumbed Arthur's coat lapel. Arthur slapped his hand away angrily then yelped when he realized too late that the Forger's finger had caught his bracer, snapping it against Arthur's collarbone.

"I seriously hope not," Arthur gritted. He glared as Eames grinned in amusement and walked away.

3. Franz Ferdinand - This Boy

Oh yes
I am spectacular
Not a boy, but a wealthy bachelor

Eames shot at another group of projections. He cursed under his breath and loaded another clip into his gun. He could hear the squeal of tires taking a sharp turn.

"About fucking time," he muttered and shot into the next wall of oncoming projections.

A nice sports car drifted around the corner and barely missed hitting Eames as it sped past. The boy needed more practice, the Englishman thought. The car skidded to a stop and the passenger door flung open.

"Get in!" Arthur yelled. Eames didn't need to be told twice. He was barely buckled in when Arthur threw the car into gear and sped off.

"Nice choice," Eames teased despite being out of breath and both being a little worse for wear.

"Shut up!" Arthur snapped. "It was your fault for pissing off the goddamn mark. I hate fucking working with you."

Eames grinned. Oh how much Arthur had changed from that naive child.

"I thought you would be impressed," Eames pretended to sulk. Arthur spun the car and scarcely missed sending them into the side of a building. "Fuck!" Eames braced himself. "I admit I was impressed." Arthur glared forward, which earned him a chuckle from the Forger. "In you, I mean." Arthur's glare faltered briefly then steeled itself again.

"I told you to shut up!"

4. We Are Scientists - Lousy Reputation

Why do I keep finding myself so surprised?
The qualities you openly have advertised

"Here we go," Eames spoke as he set out the drinks for the team. "And there..." He placed the martini glass directly in Arthur's hand. "Be careful with that one, darling."

Arthur knew better by now than to let Eames get to him that quickly. He wasn't the young boy who was so easily baited anymore. He had worked too hard at tolerating the Forger to do that at this age. Arthur tilted his glass back and drank his drink, gulp after gulp, not setting it down until his glass was empty. Eames watched each bob of Arthur's throat as did the rest of the team.

"Learn that in the service?" Eames teased.

"Get me another," Arthur demanded unwavering and forced his glass back into the Englishman's hand. Arthur turned to the Extractor and listened as the man shared a story of a past job with their chemist and now Arthur.

"I'll go with you," the pretty backup Extractor spoke up as Eames turned to go back to the bar. She stood up and nervously pushed her hair back. Eames grinned at the offer.

"All right, love," he replied and led the way back to the bar. Eames ordered Arthur's drink then smiled at the nervous blond.

" and Arthur seem to get along nicely," she stated shyly. Eames grinned.

"Don't let his rough exterior fool you. He's quite the charmer," Eames lied. The girl blushed.

"Really?" she squeaked. Eames looked back at their table and noticed Arthur glaring at them. The older man laughed, knowing exactly how it looked, and led the shy blond closer toward him with a hand to the small of her back.

"You would be surprised," he whispered softly in her ear. The blush on her face dropped lower and Eames watched it creep down her chest and grinned.

When they returned to the table, Arthur was gone. The Extractor, still engrossed in his story, quickly told them the Point Man said he had something to do in the morning before returning to his tale. Eames sipped on Arthur's abandoned drink and smiled.

5. Adam and the Ants - Prince Charming

Don't you ever, don't you ever
Stop being dandy, showing me you're handsome

Arthur shot the Architect point blank. The man crumbled to the ground as Arthur lowered his gun and looked over his shoulder to Eames and the Extractor.

"See you two on the other side," the Extractor smiled. Another job well done. Arthur swiftly shot him between the eyes.

"Ready, Arthur?" Eames teased.

Arthur looked dangerous with his gun ready. His suit was sharp, dark and crisp. It had better material than the suits Arthur used to wear. And much better than the T-shirt and jeans he wore when Eames picked him up in that bar years ago, promising him a future that he never intended to fulfill. It was a sign of Arthur's growing ability. His aptitude despite the shortcomings and lies. Eames liked the change.

"Shut up, Mr. Eames," Arthur snapped. He raised the gun under his chin; brown eyes fluttering shut at the tilt of his head. Before he could stop himself, Eames pressed his palm against the muzzle. Arthur's eyes opened and narrowed.

"Looking to lose your hand?"

The back of Eames' hand touched and pushed Arthur's head, further exposing his neck to the Forger's penetrating eyes.

"What are-"

Eames quickly pulled away.

"Run along, darling."

Arthur stared at him, confused, then repositioned the gun and pulled the trigger. He fell forward, his eyes wide and glassy. Eames nudged him onto his back with the toe of his shoe. Beautiful eyes stared up at him but saw nothing, told Eames nothing.

But Eames didn't notice the blank stare. His gaze was focused on Arthur's bleeding neck. Just where the crisp collar was quickly staring to soak, the Point Man's tie was just a fraction looser and the top button almost undone. If he had distracted Arthur just a moment longer he could have completely unbuttoned it. Or earned the bullet to his own head. A small smirk threatened across the Forger's lips.

He swallowed hard.

6. Arctic Monkeys - D is for Dangerous

D is for delightful
And try and keep your trousers on
I think you should know you're his favourite worst nightmare

Arthur was lying against the bar table with his head resting on his arms. Eames smiled, countering the drunken, sleepy grin the Point Man directed toward him. Dressed down and hair loose, Eames wasn't sure if he liked this look more or less than Arthur's normally anal retentive look. Both had their lewd promises.

"Shall I get you another, love?" Eames taunted. His empty glasses were lined out before Arthur and significantly out numbering the younger man's budding collection.

"Only if..." Arthur slurred the beginnings of a tease only to have it fall short when he noticed Eames' attention elsewhere.

"Don't fucking touch me," a woman snapped.

"Shut up, you stupid bitch. There's the bastard," a man responded. Eames watched as the man shoved the woman aside and marched purposely toward him and Arthur. "Hey, you mother-"

The man fell before Arthur even lowered his gun. The Point Man's gaze was sharp and collected. He looked at the Chemist then to the body of her assistant.

"What the fuck happened?" Arthur demanded. Eames grabbed Arthur's elbow and was rewarded with an unamused stare.

"Later, Arthur. We need to go."

Arthur pushed his hair back.

"You better hope Cobb can control him up there," he snapped at the woman. The Chemist nodded then darted out of the room. Arthur turned to leave then paused and looked back at Eames.

"You coming?"

Eames grinned and Arthur returned it, knowing they had a challenge coming up.

"Naturally. Lead the way, Arthur, darling."

7. Of Montreal - Disconnect the Dots

It's so beautiful
Our lunacy

"You're going to take this job with me," Eames stated. Arthur paused in sipping his coffee before finishing his sip and setting the cup down.


"Yes, you are. I can see that look in your eye. You're intrigued."

"The look in my eye?" Arthur chuckled and shook his head before meeting Eames' gaze. "It's called exasperation, Mr. Eames" Arthur tilted his head to the side, “and it's directed at you."

Eames laughed throatily.

"Come on, Arthur. You'll enjoy it. I will enjoy you doing it." Eames rubbed the tip of Arthur's ring finger between his thumb and forefinger. Arthur watched their fingers but Eames stayed focused on the younger man's face.

"The last time you offered me a job I was robbed, lost a pair of cufflinks and you got a hole in your foot. Do we really want to repeat that adventure?"

They grinned at each other as if it was a fond memory.

"What do you say?" Eames repeated. "I could use a hole in the other one."

Arthur laughed, pulling his hand away.

"You have some serious delusions, Mr. Eames."

"Is that a yes?"

Arthur smiled into his cup.


8. Cake - Friend is a Four Letter Word

To me, coming from you
Friend is a four letter word
End is the only part of the word that I heard
Call me morbid or absurd
But to me, coming from you
Friend is a four letter word

Eames watched as Arthur smiled toward their waitress.

"I thought they did a wonderful job. It was just..." she sighed and put her hand over her chest. "Breathtaking doesn't even being to describe it." Arthur nodded.

"I completely agree-"

Eames coughed loudly and the girl turned to him coldly.

"My tea, love?" he prompted. She nodded, giving Arthur a smile, before going to finally place their order.

"You could have waited another minute, Eames."

Eames pulled out his napkin and looked at Arthur.

"No, I really couldn't," he stated flatly.

Arthur rolled his eyes then pulled out his notebook.

"You're absolutely intolerable sometimes," Arthur informed him.

"Yet making dinner plans with you never seems to be terribly hard." Eames grinned at Arthur's glare.

"This barely qualifies as dinner plans, Mr. Eames."

"Oh getting cold on me, are you now, Arthur?"

Arthur smiled but it barely hid his annoyance as he looked over something in his notebook.

"Very funny."

"Then let me take you to dinner. At a nice place-"

"Your tea, sir."

The waitress put his tea down and Arthur's coffee. She looked at the well-dressed Point Man, hoping to continue their conversation, but Arthur was already engrossed in figuring out some detail in his research. Eames smiled as she walked away annoyed. The Forger quietly fixed his cup and cringed at its poor taste but drank it anyway.

"You need to stop."

Eames looked up but Arthur was still pouring over his notebook.

"What was that, Arthur?"

"Stop teasing me. It's not funny anymore."

Eames stirred his drink again.

"I hadn't been aware I was being funny to begin with."

Arthur continued writing as if the conversation had ended and with that it had.

9. T. Rex - Life's a Gas

I could have bulit a house on the ocean
I could have placed our love in the sky
But it really doesn't matter at all
No it really doesn't matter at all
Life's a gas

Arthur chuckled into the back of his hand and Eames watched his boyish features come out and returned the smile. Arthur noticed and lowered his hand.

"Well you could come over," the Forger offered. "You know if you take me up on my offer it would be fucking amazing."

Arthur laughed and Eames smiled but it was half hearted.

"I don't doubt that for a second. In fact, I would say I know it from experience."

Eames laughed.

"Arthur, let me take you out to dinner."

The Point Man's smile faded.

"Somewhere nice. A nice change from the random fu-"

"I'm not dating you, Eames."

They both grew silent. Arthur guiltily avoided the Forger's gaze, which only fueled Eames' annoyance.

"You won't even give it a try," Eames protested.

"Because we're not doing it."

"Which is utter bullshit," Eames hissed and Arthur resented the statement, the feeling and the situation. Everything.

"Because I already know how it would be. You don't even fucking listen to me now," Arthur replied coldly. He pushed himself to his feet and glared at Eames. He tried to look cool and walk away with his pride still intact but he quickly met the floor and everything went dark.

10. The Strokes - Trying Your Luck

The signals don't seem right
They last for just one night, and then
I'm sorry that I said:
"That we were just good friends"

Arthur sat on the steps of the museum, watching the tourists and traffic go along with their important business. No one gave him a second glance and he found it refreshing to blend in without worrying or trying.


The younger man glanced up and stood. Eames looked different. Cleaner and well dressed. It had been a while.

"Job?" Arthur asked.

They walked down the steps toward the street.

"Yeah. The mark comes here every Tuesday."

"It's Wednesday."

Eames grinned.

"As sharp as ever, darling." Arthur would have typically gone for annoyed but his face was unreadable. "So what do I owe this visit to?" Eames cut to the chase. "Did Cobb give you the day off?"

The young Point Man paused, his hands deep in his leather coat and under dressed next to Eames' thick peacoat. He looked up to Eames.

"Take a job with me."

Eames waited for him to continue. Arthur sighed.

"Last time we worked together, you said you were serious. Well...this is...this is me meeting you half way. Take a job with me, Eames. Just you and me. Like old times. And if things go well..."

The Forger grinned lewdly, which earned him a glare.

"I will consider that dinner."

The Forger considered it then laughed.

"You're always all work and no play."

"I have plenty of play when I don't have to worry about you sneaking up on me with some prank," Arthur glowered but knew it was a lost cause. He pulled out a small blank business card that he had scribbled an address on.

"So no Cobb? No Mal or anyone?" Eames asked then laughed at Arthur's nod. "That's suicidal, love. This isn't the old days."

"Is that a no?" Arthur teased but the Forger could see the slight fear in Arthur's eyes. They hadn't changed that much.

Eames grinned.


Arthur handed him the business card.

"Meet me there when you're done here. I'll get you up to speed."

Eames read over the card then held it out to return it. Arthur frowned, taken aback. The Englishman grinned.

"I know where you're staying, Arthur."

Arthur rolled his eyes and snatched the card back.

"You're insufferably egotistical, sometimes."

"Don't forget narcissistic, darling."

"You're not allowed to use words you can't spell."

"Oh, love, is that how you plan to shut me up now?"

Arthur grinned smugly.

"And you claim to have imagination."

Eames grinned at the unspoken threat. Suddenly his current job didn't hold the interest it once had.

11. George Michael - Faith

And I know all the games you play
Because I play them too

Eames watched Arthur from across the room. He caught the Point Man's gaze and grinned mischievously. Arthur kept his gaze then looked back to the banker. The two shook hands and Arthur smiled, nodding.

Eames waited on the sidewalk outside of the bank as Arthur took the steps down toward him.

"Stop grinning. You're drawing attention," Arthur scolded. Eames followed, ignoring the advice.

"Hardly, darling. You have the account number?"

Arthur nodded as he looked for a taxi.

"Be patient," Arthur assured him and raised his arm before turning back to Eames.

"I'll have the funds transferred to you at the end of the week." Eames nodded. They stood awkwardly silent. "Well, Mr. Eames, I guess this is goodbye."

"Farewell is such sweet sorrow," Eames quoted.

"It's parting," Arthur corrected. "Parting is such sweet sorrow."

"Then shall we have a parting kiss?" Eames teased as the cab came up. Arthur opened the door.

"Absolutely not."

"Then what should we have, my love?"

Arthur gripped the cab door and swallowed.

"It's just a month."

Arthur started to blush when Eames smiled. They sounded pitiful.

"Well don't make me wait too long or I'll be forced to get some prostitutes."

Arthur laughed.

"And knowing you, you'll catch something and then I'll never sleep with you again," Arthur warned.

Eames looked at the cab driver and watched Arthur realize they weren't the only people listening.

"I know your account number. I'll know if you get prostitutes. Remember that."

Eames grabbed Arthur's tie and kissed him. He pulled away before Arthur could punch him in the gut. Eames grinned at his flustered look.

"I have many ways around that but...I'll remember." Arthur turned redder. "See you in a month, darling."

12. We Are Scientists - Nobody Move, Nobody Gets Hurt

Because my body is your body
I won't tell anybody
If you want to use my body
Go for it, yeah

"Took you long enough, darling," Eames called as Arthur slammed the door behind him.

"You're a fucking asshole," Arthur snapped, glaring at Eames. He was halfway home before he noticed that his keys were missing from his pocket. Eames merely grinned and fingered the edge of the expensive glass of wine he had found and helped himself to. "We agreed to hide out for a month!"

"Yeaaah, I got lonely," Eames justified casually and sipped the wine.

"And when did you decide this?"

Eames grinned.

"Relax, Arthur. I'll get you a glass of wine."

Eames stood up and went into Arthur's kitchen as if it was his own. Suddenly the Forger was face down against the hard wood floors and Arthur's forearm bending his neck in an uncomfortable position. He felt Arthur's hot breath against his ear.

"That was expensive," Arthur hissed.

Eames tried to laugh but with the position Arthur was bending him it turned into a choke. The Point Man eased up and Eames shifted under Arthur's weight.

"I can get you something better."

"I don't want your shitty beer, Eames."

"I was thinking something that even your snobbish standards could appreciate."

Arthur yanked Eames forward by the ears and kissed him. Their tongues ran against each other roughly and demanding. Lips met teeth, tongue, everything but meeting and matching.

"I dare you to try," Arthur hissed as they broke apart.

Eames grinned. Who was he to turn down a dare?

13. Electric Six (with Jack White) - Danger! High Voltage!

Danger! Danger! High Voltage!
When we touch
When we kiss

"Arthur?" Mal's voice came across the phone. Arthur let out a whimper. "Arthur!? Are you alright?"

Arthur swallowed hard.

"Yeah. Just...just met with some unforeseen complications. We...we have it under control. Be there in...ten." Arthur hung up the phone and dropped it in favor of digging his hand into blond hair. "I'm going to fucking kill you," Arthur whispered.

The blond smirked with a look that was all too familiar on her unfamiliar face.

"You mean kill me by fucking, darling?" she teased and leaned forward, tongue already poised and ready. Arthur threw his head back before he even felt it on him.

"Fuck, Eames."

He could feel the smile on her lips.

14. Wolf Parade - This Heart’s On Fire

And you're my favourite thing
Tell it everywhere I go
I don't know what to do
This heart's on fire

Arthur squeezed his eyes shut then smiled when he felt the hot breath on his neck, behind his ears, and fingers across his tie.

"Is this scary?" Eames whispered. Arthur laughed.

"Fuck you."

"I can do that too. But, darling, you need to control that mouth of yours."

Arthur opened his eyes and rolled them. He glanced over his shoulder, feeling the soft breath against his neck.

"You can be incredibly charmless."

Eames kissed his neck and Arthur swallowed hard. The blood rushing to Arthur's ears drowned the sound of the English rain on the umbrella.

"My family can't be worse than what you put up with a regular basis."

Arthur laughed loudly and Eames grinned.

"Or you could be lying to me just to see the spectacular crash and burn."

"That could be true too."

Eames wrapped his arms around Arthur's waist but was quickly shoved off.

"Maybe we should walk. This bus isn't coming," Arthur stated, looking down the empty street again. Eames opened his own umbrella finally and smiled at Arthur.

"Well then come along, love."

They walked down the road together with just enough space between them for the umbrellas.

15. Adam and the Ants - Young Parisians

I want to go to Paris with you
Just to see what the French boys do
Why don't you come to Paris with me?
And see the Young Parisians

Eames chuckled as he flipped through a magazine. Arthur stole a glance over his own book. Eames snorted.

"Ok! What's so amusing?" Arthur demanded. Eames folded his magazine back then leaned forward in his chair to show Arthur.

"Look at this ridiculous outfit!" Eames could barely contain himself. He chuckled again. "Oh I don't think I could ever take the French seriously. I mean look at this." Eames flipped back a few pages then laughed before showing it to Arthur.

"That's how normal people dress. If you opened your eyes once in the past fifteen years." Arthur openly eyed Eames' get up to prove his point.

"Bullshit. I've never seen anyone dress like that. Ever."

"Maybe it's a French thing."

"Oh it's definitely a French thing. No other sane nationality could subject themselves like this."


"Well you might."

"I'm not a nationality."

"You sure? I'm pretty sure Arthurland exists."

"What are you getting at? You're rambling more than usual."

"I bought us tickets. To France."

Arthur paused and lowered his book.


Eames shrugged.

"I wanted to take you."

Arthur stared at him in silence.

"You could have just told me."

Eames shrugged again and flipped to the next page of his magazine.

"Where's the fun in that?"

16. Arctic Monkeys - Potion Approaching

Yours is the only ocean
That I wanna swing from
Yours is the only ocean
That I wanna hang on

"What..." Arthur muttered as their feet slowly left the floor. He exchanged a glance with Mal. Her hair started to float around her like Millais' Ophelia. Despite the surprise on her face, Mal was calm and collected as she adjusted to the change.

"I'll head for the hotel room," she stated, eying the hall and feeling comfortable enough to swim a little away from Arthur "Go get Eames and the Chemist. We need to get out of here." She began swimming toward the elevator. Arthur watched her then looked around curiously. It was very surreal.


He turned back to Mal as she hung onto the elevator frame.

"Don't get distracted. We need to finish the job and get out," she spoke firmly. She closed the elevator and Arthur watched the lights move upward. He wasn't sure how Mal always spoke to him like a child but he never fought or hated her for it. She was just...being Mal.

The Point Man tested moving down the hall before floating. He wobbled more than he would have liked.


Eames swam toward him.


Where's Mal?"

"Heading upstairs to finish the job. The Chemist?"

"She started to freak so I put her out of her misery."

"That was awfully kind of you," Arthur spoke warily. Eames just shrugged. The Point Man hadn't been thrilled when their Chemist appeared to have had a history with Eames. Worse was that Eames hadn't shown any intention of telling her that he was living with Arthur. And not in the 'we're saving money on rent' living with Arthur. Well it wasn't like Arthur was telling all his exes but then again Arthur rarely mixed work with pleasure. It was just...

"So you've dealt with this before?" Arthur asked, shoving his worries aside.

"It's pretty rare that you haven't."

Arthur glared at him. This job was turning more and more to shit. Eames' fingers pressed against his hip.

"But I'm sure you'll have it down in no time," Eames whispered against his ear, his accent heavy and wet. "I would like to see you get it down." Arthur looked down to thick fingers slowly moving up his vest, each button slipping out of its hole under the inquiring digits. Arthur grabbed the offending hand and twisted it back, his vest hanging half open. "Ow. Ow. Ow!" Arthur leaned in.

"Maybe on our own time, Mr. Eames," Arthur whispered with a grin. "But right now we have a job to do."

"My mistake, love."

17. Songs: Ohia - Captain Badass

Resistance failed
And friendship failed
As lovers we did not fail
Brown eyes your pulse is getting hotter
Brown eyes your pulse is getting quicker

Eames kissed Arthur's furrowed brow.

"Relax, darling," Eames whispered, his thumb run across his lover's lower lip. Arthur opened dazed eyes and bit the teasing digit.

"Then stop teasing me," Arthur growled.

Eames watched the younger man in his bed. Arthur gripped the sheets, sweat dripping slowly over his arched frame.

"You make it so hard," he whispered, his hands spread wide to feel and grip and tug at scarred skin. "There's so much I want to do to you."

"Then do them!" Arthur begged, whined. Eames chuckled. "I'm going to kill you."

"I look forward to it."

Eames' fingers dropped down. Arthur replied with a loud sigh.

"I love you."

Eames kissed Arthur deeply.

18. The Magnetic Fields - Love Is Like A Bottle Of Gin

It makes you blind, it does you in
It makes you think you're pretty tough
It makes you prone to crime and sin
It makes you say thing off the cuff
You just get what they put in
And they never put in enough
Love is like a bottle of gin
But a bottle of gin is not like love

Arthur laughed as he turned then paused. Eames was at the bar with the Extractor. They were old friends. That was how Arthur even got roped into this job. Eames had a favor to pull. Eames' friend needed a favor and that favor needed the Point Man's help. Not Arthur's. Just a Point Man's and Eames knew how to pay back favors.

Arthur had to apologize profusely to Cobb and Mal for suddenly pulling out of their job. He had been unprofessional but Eames had promised him a challenge. Eames had promised him a job, a lot of fun and a challenge. And it had been a challenge but for all the wrong reasons.

The Extractor smiled as Eames leaned into the other man and whispered something.

Arthur bit his lip then turned away, finishing his drink and ordering another. He was being petty, Arthur told himself. He was being childish. He was...

Eames laughed and Arthur drowned his drink. It burned.

19. Beirut - Un Dernier Verre (Pour La Route)

Come sit at the table
Under October's able skies
Once we'd seen eye to eye
I'd known that I'd pass you by, and I tried
And in shallow waters' end
I learned not to swim, but to lie

Eames looked up at Arthur as the Point Man stared off at something in the distance.

"It's only going to be for a weekend," Eames told him, hating that he was even having to explain himself.

Arthur looked at him.

"You and that Extractor?"

"He has a name," Eames replied. "And yeah. He has family near mine."

"Ok," Arthur replied and turned away again. Eames chuckled at Arthur's offstandish behavior. He had been acting like this the whole job.

"Are you jealous, darling?"

"Don't kid yourself."

"Well you've been distant all month. It's been difficult."

Arthur turned back.

"I love you," Arthur replied bluntly. "And you won't say it back while you flirt with other men you've fucked. That's difficult."

Eames swallowed hard. He picked at his plate then shook his head.

"I don't know how you can be this much of a pain in the ass," Eames stated. Arthur stared at him silently before looking away himself. Arthur turned back to what had caught his attention in the distance.

They finished their lunch in silence and parted separately.

20. Andrew Bird - Imitosis

It was then he heard his intuition say:
We were all basically alone
Despite what all his studies had shown
What was mistaken for closeness was just a case of mitosis

Arthur paused in his packing when he heard Eames approach the door.

"You heading out?"

Arthur did not reply.

"Fuck you, Arthur."

Arthur spun around. His face contorted in anger, shame, hurt. Eames looked away.

"Don't give me that crap!" Arthur snapped.

Eames squeezed the bridge of his nose.

"What are you so fucking pissed about?"

"I'm tired of this!" Arthur yelled. "I'm tired of working with your goddamn exes. I'm tired of you always telling me to be fucking open with my feelings while you think little gifts and trips to Paris replace actual fucking words. You've been living with me for months and you hide me like a goddamn dirty secret! Do you know how that makes me feel while I watch you flirt and tease with every goddamn person you've ever fucked?"

"What do you want from me, Arthur? You've met my parents. Most of my goddamn family! I don't fucking cheat on you. You've gotten more out of me than any of those exes you're so fucking jealous of!"

"I want you to say it. I want you to tell me with fucking words what you want from me! Tell me what you want from all of this bullshit that I have to wade through every goddamn day I'm with you!"

They stood silently.

"Say it, Eames. Not in reference to my ass or my work or how I fuck but to me. Say it."

Eames said nothing. He wasn't going to be forced to say what he didn't want to. No one was going to force him to say anything he wasn't ready to.

"You've been lying to me since fucking day one," Arthur hissed. Eames rolled his eyes.

"Oh, give it a fucking rest. You're always so fucking dramatic!"

"Fuck you!"

"Sometimes I wish I never did."

Arthur snapped his suitcase shut.

"That makes two of us."

Arthur shoved his way out of the room and slammed the door for good measure.

Eames waited until he heard footsteps storm away before grabbing the closest breakable item and hurling it at the wall to watch it shatter.

21. The Strokes - Heart In A Cage

Help me, I'm just not quite myself
Look around there's no one else left
I went to the concert and I fought through the crowd
Guess I got too excited when I thought you were around
I'm sorry you were thinking I would steal your fire

Eames watched as Arthur smiled at Cobb's words. They were huddled together in their own private world that Eames knew he couldn't join. No one could join. Well Mal could join… That made matters better. A fucking boys club that Mal could be a part of but Eames couldn't touch.

He wanted to pull Arthur away. He wanted to yell at him. He wanted to kiss him. He wanted things to fix themselves. This was all stupid and easy and so fucking difficult.

Eames woke up to find Arthur sitting at his desk. The only light left in the warehouse. Eames wrapped up the PASIV and snapped it close. The sound caught Arthur's attention.

"You finished?" the Point Man's voice asked. It gave nothing away. Professional. Sterile. Distant.

"Yeah." Eames approached the desk and looked over the notes and diagrams. "You busy?"

Arthur looked up unamused then glanced at his messy desk.

"What do you think?"

Eames chuckled.

"Don't work too hard."

"Very funny. I don't know if your sudden professionalism is causing more problems or actually fixing them."

"Oh, darling, am I throwing you off?"

Arthur laughed.

"Keep dreaming."

Their eyes met.

"Arthur, about-"

Arthur's mouth opened when his phone started to ring. It was Cobb. Of course, it was Cobb. It was always Cobb.

"What?" Arthur muttered into the phone as he rose to his feet. He glanced up but Eames was already on his way out. Arthur swallowed. He wanted to tell him to stop. Tell him he wanted to hear every word Eames muttered, whispered, shouted. He wanted him to come back.

Instead Arthur sat down. The warehouse door closed behind Eames and echoed through the empty building.

"What do you mean Mal is dead?" Arthur whispered into the phone.

22. The Last Shadow Puppets - Calm Like You

I still get a whiff of that aroma now and then
Burglary and fireworks
The skies they were alighting
Accidents and toffee drops
And thinking on the train

Arthur gripped Eames' shoulders and cried. Their bodies damp and naked against each other.


"Don't say anything. Please."


"I don't want to hear it. Please. Just do this for me. I just need this."

Eames looked down at Arthur's eyes but they were squeezed shut, tears streaming down his cheeks. He looked so young. It should have been erotic. Eames had fantasized, vaguely remembered, nights of Arthur's passionate tears. But this...this was nothing close to erotic.

"Eames, please, I just need-"

Eames kissed him and pulled him closer. Their hands gripped, clawed, at each other. Their legs rubbed and tried harder to entangle around each other.

"I know. I know, love."

Arthur's cries filled his ears and wetted his cheeks as his former lover clung desperately to him as if this was the only thing that existed in the entire world. No words. No demands. Just touches and each other.

23. Carl Barat - The Magus

My love your heart is like a magus
Only a beat like that can save us
And I do mean save us all
The eyes of many are upon us
And assassins move among us
So be wary on your way

"How was Mombasa?" Arthur asked without looking.

"You know me. I'm easily pleased," Eames replied. Arthur looked him over then nodded and returned to his notebook. "And working with Cobb?"

"As to be expected. Dangerous and self-destructive."

"Then you're looking better than I thought."

Arthur grinned.

"You too. When I heard you had a new friend and a Chemist..."

Eames smiled but it was not humorous.

"As jealous as ever."

Arthur's grin fell and he looked at his notebook again.

"Well, I-"

"Hey-" Ariadne stopped mid sentence and midstride as she looked up from her diagram. She looked back and forth between the two men. "Am I interrupting something?"

Eames grinned and turned to her.

"Not at all. What do you need, my dear?"

"Can I steal Arthur for a moment?" she asked, looking from Eames then to Arthur and back again. Eames looked at Arthur.

"Can she?" Eames asked. Arthur nodded and pocketed his notebook. He looked at Eames once again before following her out.

Eames kicked the ground before shoving his hands in his pockets. Maybe he would have a strong drink before returning to work.

24. Maximo Park - I Want You To Stay

A double bluff you fed me lines
The shortest cut you're searching for
A mesh of tones surround your eyes
I wish I knew how it came to this
You know the way I feel
Can you remember what we had?
As time gets more compressed
You're always my reminder

Arthur laughed as Eames told everyone a particularly funny story about a forge that went wrong a few years back. Arthur hadn't witnessed the event but it never failed to make him laugh.

Eames knew this. So despite Ariadne's chuckles, Yusuf's open laughter and Dom's grin hidden in his drink, Eames watched Arthur.

"Oh but darlings, let me tell you a story about our Arthur here," Eames spoke. Arthur gave him an amused look that also warned him against certain tales. Ariadne's eyes lit up and looked between them.

"It was a cold February in Tokyo."

Arthur laughed and covered his face with his hand.

"See, this is a good one," Eames assured them.

"This is a horrible story!" Arthur insisted. "They're going to regret you opening your mouth.

"No one ever regrets me opening my mouth, darling. But I digress."

Arthur rolled his eyes and knew he wasn't the only one. He felt light headed and heavy hearted and it was difficult for him to know which one to follow.

Eames' hands gestured as he spoke and Arthur tried to remember their feel. Instead he finished his drink and listened to Eames' voice.

25. Sunset Rubdown - Shut Up I Am Dreaming Of Places Where Lovers Have Wings

You're on the distant shore
And if I fall into the drink
I will say your name, before I sink
So don’t make a sound

"Arthur," Eames whispered as the ocean lapped at his bare feet. "Arthur," he raised his voice. The only sound was the ocean and crunching sand underfoot. Everything was so pale. An ugly yellowish color that shaded everything. "You stupid, fucking asshole, where are you?" Eames screamed.

As he turned, the water lapping at his feet was no longer the endless ocean but rain puddles. He thought he could hear the city in the distance but it was soft to the rain patter against Arthur's umbrella.

Arthur held his umbrella and laughed as he lowered his head. Eames pushed Arthur's damp bangs away.



Arthur turned away from Eames at the call of his name.

"Arthur," Eames whispered.

Arthur turned back but his smile was gone and replaced with that blank look of nothing that was growing all too familiar.


The Forger turned at his name and saw Arthur on the fire escape above him. His cheek in his hand, watching.

"What do you want from me!?" Eames yelled at him, suddenly wet and cold. Arthur merely watched from his high perch. "Why do you fucking do this to me, Arthur?"

"Say it," a warm breath breathed against Eames' ear. Eames closed his eyes. "I want to hear you say it."


"Did you know, I could've left," Arthur interrupted. Eames opened his eyes and Arthur was in those sweats he used to love to wear around their apartment. His feet were tucked under him on the couch he hated so much but Eames insisted was worth it on the feel alone. They had had sex on it many times. Eames loved that couch.

"I could have left at anytime," Arthur whispered, his hair soft and clean. His eyes calm and mellow. "But I loved you."

Eames woke up drenched in sweat. He grasped across the bed and met sheets. He gripped the cold fabric knowing Arthur had left hours ago.

26. Stateless - Bloodstream

I think I might’ve inhaled you
I could feel you behind my eyes
You've gotten into my bloodstream
I could feel you floating in me
The spaces in between
Two minds and all the places they have been

Eames didn't know if he felt happy or disappointed as he pushed Arthur's door open. The Point Man didn't move from his side, facing the window. There was no way he was asleep already, which meant he knew who was intruding.

Eames pushed back the blankets and slipped in beside Arthur. The bed groaned at the extra weight.

"Cobb's going to kill you if he finds you in here," Arthur whispered, his eyes closed. Eames shuffled under the blankets before pressing up against Arthur and resting his arm over the smaller man's waist.

"He should have thought about that before putting me in that room. They're still fucking talking."

"Who? Ariadne and Cobb?"

"Yeah. About structural integrity and doors! And fucking windows. I can't take it anymore. It must be like foreplay for them."

Arthur let out a muffled chuckle.

"How can you get off on talking about architecture?"

Arthur shifted in Eames' arms and looked up at him.

"We've gotten off talking about stairs."

Eames grinned. He knew when he was being baited.

"That was different. I was telling you what I was going to do to you against certain architecture. You just happened to love stairs in particular."

"You have a thing for cufflinks," Arthur pointed out. "I don't harass you about that."

"I have a thing for suits," Eames corrected. He moved his hand behind Arthur's neck and thumbed the curling hair there. "Another thing I blame on you."

"I didn't know you were such a sap, Mr. Eames."

"Oh it's definitely a perversion," Eames once again corrected. "I think of cufflinks and designer suits and I remember you shooting me in the foot. It gets me hard every time."

Arthur laughed into Eames' shoulder.

"You were so innocent then," Eames teased and pushed back Arthur's loose hair with his other hand.

"Very, very innocent," Arthur agreed. Eames leaned in, his breath warm against Arthur's. "I can't believe how fucking stupid I was to go home with you. I deserved everything that came to me."

Eames looked at Arthur's face but his lover was focused on his lips.

"It's definitely a story I like sharing."

"Of course you do."

Eames grinned and pushed Arthur's hair from his face.


Arthur's gaze lifted.


"I love your ass."

Arthur laughed, not expecting the comment.

"I know."


Arthur's amusement fell silent and looked up at Eames. The Forger's gaze was unfocused but he smiled at his thoughts.

"And I want you to know that even though you're an extremely, unbearably jealous man, I wouldn't want it any other way."

Arthur lowered his gaze. He gripped Eames' body and buried his face into Eames' chest.

"I highly doubt that."

"Hey," the Englishman whispered. "I'm trying really hard right now."

Arthur chuckled and reached down. Eames groaned into the touch and glared.

"That's not what I meant."

Arthur laughed.

"I know. I know."

"I don't want you running off with Cobb."

Arthur gave him a look.

"Ok...I'll keep that in mind?"

"And I really need you to give my subconscious a break."

Arthur laughed and Eames gave him an annoyed glare.

"Oh, darling, am I affecting your dreams?"

"Shut up, asshole."

Arthur smiled and buried his face in Eames' shoulder. Eames shifted and their legs tangled under the sheets.



Eames leaned in until his lips were pressed against Arthur's ear and whispered so not a single soul but Arthur could hear.

"I love you."

Arthur smiled.

"I love you too."

Eames wrapped his arms tighter around him and took a deep breath.

"I don't want to do this again."

"Oh, come on, it wasn't that-"

"That's not what I meant."

Eames shifted into Arthur and closed his eyes as Arthur breathed softly in his ear.

27. Bloc Party - Blue Light

And you didn't even notice
When the sky turned blue
And you couldn't tell the difference
Between me and you
And I nearly didn't notice
The gentlest feeling

Ariadne was getting really excited as she set up her story with visuals, using random table condiments as stand ins.

"This was where he was!" she told them, "And this is me!" She slammed the saltshaker into the poor jam holder, sending it flying across the table. Eames stopped its projection and pushed it back to the Architect. "It was amazing! And then," she pulled one of the jam containers out.

"Oh Ariadne-"

"What?" The Architect paused briefly with the saltshaker by her ear, ready to smash the jam packet with it. She looked at Eames who chuckled in amusement but saw Arthur watching, slightly terrified of the jam slaughter waiting to happen and the mess it was going to create.

"How about we give the jam a rest?" Eames asked, taking the packet away. He opened it and started to spread it on his bagel. Ariadne slowly lowered the saltshaker.

"But you're ruining the story," she sighed.

"Cobb, why don't you give her one of your butter packets?" Yusuf offered, anxious to hear the end and more importantly, see the end. Cobb looked unamused as he reached for his last packet and spread it on his pancakes to finalize the answer.

"It doesn't have the same effect as jam," Ariadne mourned.

"Sorry, love," Eames apologized with little remorse and cleaned out the last of the jam.

"When is your flight?" she asked turning to Arthur. The Point Man looked at his watch.

"In another hour." Arthur glanced at Eames. "You still taking me or you going to find an interesting tail and abandon me in the jewelry district again?" Eames grinned into his bagel. Ariadne gasped.

"That's awful! But I can take you if you want, Arthur."

Eames squeezed Arthur's knee under the table.

"That's all right, darling. I have it covered."

Ariadne nodded. Arthur stirred his coffee again and leaned in to sip it.

"Getting that final blowjob before he goes?" Yusuf asked.

Arthur spit his drink across the table.

"Oh God!" Ariadne exclaimed and Cobb paused, looking at the coffee all over his plate. Eames and Yusuf barely contained their chuckles.

"Sorry," Arthur muttered, trying to clean up the mess, the whole time glowering and grinding his teeth.

"I can't help it if I follow my baser instincts," Eames stated and Arthur finally glared at him. A sharp twist to the hand on his knee emphasized the look.

"Ow. Ow. Ow."

"I still owe you a hole in that other foot," Arthur threatened.

Eames pried Arthur's hand off his and scooted to get out of the booth.

"Come on. We better get going," Eames prompted. Arthur glared at Eames then scooted after him.

"I'll see you guys again soon," Arthur bid farewell. Ariadne frowned and waved. Yusuf and Cobb nodded in acknowledge. Eames returned their gesture before making a lewd blowjob gesture in Arthur's direction.

"Oh my god!" Ariadne exclaimed as she paled then blushed. Cobb lowered his gaze into his plate. Yusuf's loud laugh caught Arthur's attention. He glared at them then at Eames.

"I don't even want to know what you were doing," Arthur hissed before storming out.

"Goodbye, darlings," Eames followed his lover with a pleased grin.

Ariadne turned toward Cobb but seeing his unwillingness to even acknowledge the situation, she turned to Yusuf.

"Are they dating?" she demanded.

Yusuf shrugged.

"Who knows. Well we know one thing they're-"

"Stop," Cobb interjected. "Just...stop."

28. Jeremy Warmsley - Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien

Non, rien de rien
Non, je ne regrette rien
Car ma vie car mes joies
Aujourd'hui, ça commence avec toi

Arthur turned on his side to watch Eames dress. Tattoos and muscles disappeared under a crisp patterned shirt. Arthur sighed and the soft sound caught Eames' attention.

"Good morning," Eames whispered with a smile. Arthur did not return it but stayed on his side and watched.


Eames sat down beside him, buttoning his shirt.

"I was going to grab something to eat. You want something?"

"I have stuff in the fridge. Can you get me the paper?"


They sat in silence, just staring.

"Well?" Eames started. Arthur blinked confused. Eames looked at his watch. "My watch reads ten and if I remember correctly-"

Arthur's eyes went wide.

"Fuck! Why didn't you wake me up?" Arthur snapped, throwing the blankets off. He rushed to the wardrobe and pushed his clothes around for an outfit.

"Because I would miss this rare display of my Arthur being in complete disarray."

Arthur snapped around and noticed Eames smiling, checking out the view. Arthur glared.

"You're an asshole!"

Arthur pulled out the suit he planned to wear and rushed toward the bathroom when Eames yanked him back. A soft kiss behind his ear stopped Arthur's squirming.

"I love you, Arthur."

Arthur's eyelids fluttered shut as soft lips and rough stubble rubbed at his earlobe.

"Now get in the shower."

Eames slapped Arthur's bare ass hard, which earned him a loud shout.

"Ow! That fucking hurt!" Arthur yelled. Eames merely grinned as Arthur stormed away. "I'm going to kill you one day!"

"I look forward to it," Eames called out and the bathroom door slammed behind Arthur. "And don't even try to tell Ariadne that you're late on my account!"

Arthur shook his head and started the shower. He had barely stepped in when large hands reached forward. Arthur glared.

"I'm already running late." Arthur looked at the floor. "And you're getting the floor wet."

"Fuck the floor," was the reply whispered against his ear. Arthur smiled. "And you're going to be late anyway."

Arthur laughed and with wet fingers against wet shoulders, he pulled Eames into the shower.

from sendspace
from my server

If you would like a link to any of the individual tracks, just ask!

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And while you're here, please check out some of the other fandom-y things I've worked on:
more fanmixes + more things inception

This Arthur/Eames fanmix was created for you with love by suchaprince. The wonderful accompanying fic was written by henriettayuki.

series/film: inception, music: the last shadow puppets, music: cake, music: sunset rubdown, character: eames, music: wolf parade, music: maximo park, character: ariadne, music: the strokes, music: blur, character: mal cobb, music: bloc party, music: songs: ohia, music: beirut, pairing: arthur/eames, music: we are scientists, music: the magnetic fields, music: andrew bird, music: stateless, music: george michael, music: adam and the ants, music: jeremy warmsley, character: dom cobb, character: yusuf, music: carl barat, music: franz ferdinand, music: of montreal, character: arthur, music: arctic monkeys, music: electric six, music: t rex, type: ficmix, type: fanmix

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