
Jan 02, 2006 19:16

1. Whats a name you once wished you’d rather have?
something russian or jewish... those names are pretty

2. What is/are the ugliest name(s) you can think of?
Grushenka and Harama-Asstam

3. What would you name these if you had them as pets?
a. turtle: wilbert
b. goose: moose
c. pirate: Jimmy Dean

4. If there was a song about you, what would it be called?
eternal flame of eternal glory

5. What would you name your kids?
i would probably name them after musicians and then later regret it when i have to tell them that the person they were named after died of a heroine overdose

6. What would you name a ship you built?
The Good Ship Lolliepop

7. If you wrote a book, what would it be called?
My Life by Bill Clinton

Part Two - Have You Ever . . .
11. Thrown up in public?
yes, but for reasons of seasickness and flu sickness

12. Eaten or Drank Anything Spoiled?
no, i am very careful about checking

13. Had a rip in your pants and didn’t know about it?:

14. Tripped while checking someone out?
well, i wasn't "checking chad out" but i always used to trip around him

16. Nearly drowned?:

17. Passed out?:

18. Had a crush on somebody not single?:
yeah i guess

19. Been stuck in the rain?:
not stuck i dont think...

20. Been attacked by an animal?:
a chicken maybe

21. Caught people having sex?:
thankfully no

22. Fallen asleep while driving?:
urrrhhh, nooo

23. Felt attracted to someone of the same sex?
not really actually

24. Actually slipped on a banana peel?:

25. Made a wish that came true?:
hopefully at least once..

Part Three - Complete The Sentence
26. I once had a dream I was kissing...
someone that i dont remember at this moment

27. I’m only racist towards...
the blueman group

28. I don’t even know why I’m...
awake right now

29. I’d give anything to have sex with...
sufjan stevens... except not sex... just cuddling

30. Nothing sucks more than having to...
not destroy anacapa

31. Its hot. I should take off my...

32. It’s always more fun if you...
are naked

33. You can’t eat steak without...
cooking it

34. You better shut up before I..
go upside yo head

35. Just put it in my...

37. I’m not who you think I am...
that is already a sentence i dont need to complete it

38. Dude! Where’s my...?

Part Four - What Would You Do If..
39. A dirty old guy at the airport slaps your ass:
use my sick-ass kung fu moves on his face

40. You witness somebody about to steal your car:

41. You wake up with a billion spiders crawling all over you and your bed:
i would get in the shower

42. You farted while giving a persuasive speech in class:
probably turn very red

44. A genie lets you have three wishes:
1. meat vision
2. enough money to disrupt the economy
3. super-speed

45. The government allowed you to choose one thing to be made illegal and one thing to be legalized:
illegal: the thrills
legal: sin

46. Britney Spears was at your front door asking for jumper cables:
i would tell her i didn't have any, even if i did

47. You had a time machine:
i dont know what i would do

48. FOX gave you a half hour show to do whatever you wanted:
it would be called "Everbody Loves Hypnotoad"

Part Five - Would You Rather . .
49. Find the cure for cancer or the cure for aids:

50. Have the power to fly, or the power to teleport:
both would be pretty sweet

51. The power to see the future, or the power to record your dreams:
i dont think i would want either

52. Be really skinny, or really fat:
who wants to be fat??

53. Be lost in a forest, or stuck in a box:
it depends where the box was

54. Be in a drama movie, or a comedy:
it depends on the part i played

55. Be in a hip hop video or a rock video:
hip hop fo sho... i wish i was a skanky bitch

56. Have your birthday on Christmas Day, or on Feb. 29th:
feb 19th would be awsome... i would be about 4 years old right now

57. Live in the sewer, or in Afghanistan:
that is a mean question... poor afghanistan

58. Be in a mental institution or in a penitentiary:
both would suck...?

59. Snowboard or hang glide:
no hights!

60. Be a ninja or a pirate:
ninja, obvi

Part Six - What’s the FIRST thing that comes to your mind when you read the following words?
61. Courage: the cowardly dog
62. Driver: Mini Driver
63. Yoga: mom
64. Bakery: bread mmmm
65. Roach: cock
66. Mushroom: beef and movie mushrooms
67. Sprung: i like big butts
68. Exotic: exotic books
69. Pythagorean: theorummmm

Part Seven - Miscellaneous
70. Construct an acronym for these words. (example G M S = Give Me Steak)
a. S O L R A C: So Only Long Rank Animals Crunk
b. D A N G E R: Dag A No Good Eel Robbed
c. C H I N A: Charo Hates Indie Necrophiliac Anarchists

71. What is your definition of love:
a pretty girl is like a violent crime

72. List 3 words that are clues to identifying a person you are currently interested in:
a tall seagull?

73. Reveal a secret about you that nobody knows of, but type it in acronym form:

74. Close your eyes, turn around, then open them:
my bed looks cold

75. Were you too scared to do it:

76. Who is the last person you kissed:
i guess that person i kissed on new years

77. Who is the last person you kicked:
i dont know

78. If you had to be a chess piece, which piece would you be:

79. Name three people you know whose names begin with the last letter of your first name:
Laura, Lily, Lena

80. What’s one romantic thing somebody’s done for you:
ummm, i would say nothing... currently letting me win at scrabble is probably at the top of my list, and that is obviously not quit romantic

81. If you had to break one of your bones, which bone would it be:
i resfuse to break any

Part Eight - What Is Your Counter Argument..
82. "Girls are nothing but drama.": people are nothing but drama

83. "Only idiots watch The Simpsons.": well, then i am not an idiot

84. "Kentucky is way better than California.": i dont know, i have never been to kentucky

85. "There’s nothing wrong with stealing.": umm, yes there is.

86. "Alcohol is the answer to ALL your problems.": try that out for a few years and see where it takes you

87. "You don’t need to go to college to be a brain surgeon.": well i am not letting you touch my brain

88. "Music is stupid.": yeah

89. "Your car sucks.": i dont have a car.
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