
Jun 11, 2008 23:35

On my trip to Florida last week I decided that I didn't want to "exert" my mind anymore than I had to before classes start again, so I purposely made my reading list ridiculously in strictly young adult fantasy , which has always been my weakness. I finished His Dark Materials on the drive there, and while I really enjoyed the first two books, it got downright amazing towards the end of The Amber Spyglass. Never in my life have I wanted two book characters to be together more than Will and Lyra...until I started my next read, (well sort of next read, I finished off what CS Lewis I had left first) Twilight. Oh. My. God. I read the entire thing in two days (which is impressive for me, a child of ADD), and I had to make an emergency stop at a bookstore to pick up the next books in the series as soon as I finished. I really thought I was over falling for literary figures, but Edward Cullen has claimed my heart. This is getting ridiculous...but seriously, amazingly addictive.

Thank God I'm taking two literature classes next semester so I don't feel like I'm completely rotting my brain away between all of the fantasy novels and science fiction television I'm indulging in...otherwise I might end up more of a nerd than I already am...haha, not possible.
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