So a little recap.

May 15, 2005 10:26

Last year about this time of year i was on the verge of suicde. The only person that knew that was the person that caused it. Peter. I used to cut my wrists and to tell you the truth I really don't care who reads this. The scars are there. I went for some help over last spring break. I did it b/c I flet like no1 cared. and that I was alone w/just my bf. Now I feel like its happening again. I am depressed and I cant stand it. and no its not kris's fault its just the way i am i guess. I screw everything up and I sorry to everyone that I hurt. I really and truely am I just want another chance. I don't know what else to do. I don't want to loose my bestfriend over this. I'm sorry. i don't want to go back to last year. when the only thing I knew was a razor. GO AHEAD talk about it. Talk about me. I really don't care what you get out of this livejournal.  it needs to be said and should have been said a while ago. I sorry for the way I have been acting.. between my mom always yelling at me and grounding me, my dad always yelling at me about sports and on top of it my uncle whos like my second dad. I'm just sorry for everything. I really am. You can't just change a person and that I not sorry about. I wont talk about him that much if you want but i mean there is only so much I can do. I am human and we make mistakes.

I am sorry.
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