(no subject)

Aug 20, 2007 08:11

Title: Skillet on the Stove
Chapter: Fifteen.
Authors: lvlysnidrus and pez_gurl
Fandom: RPS AU
Pairing: Jared Padalecki/Jensen Ackles
Rating: R
Summary: Jared is the son of the President of the United States, and Jensen is a member of the Secret Service. After several threats on the First Family, Jensen is assigned to protect a disgruntled Jared.
Warnings: Um...sexual references. I guess.
A/N: See? lvlysnidrus can be on the ball. Heh. We're only a few chapters from being finished, too! :D

Mike grinned over at Jensen, then schooled his face when the President came to him.

The President smirked at him. "Now, while I'm loathe to give you a reason for any more arrogance, Rosenbaum, I can't deny that you did well. You captured Ms. Tal and you figured out who kidnapped my son." He handed Mike a shiny golden medal. "And for that I thank you."

He turned to Jensen next, who straightened his posture as much as he could with his arm back in a sling. The President smiled at him. "Ackles, thank you for everything you've done for my son. While I'm still...wary about this thing you two have, I'm grateful for it, if it helps to keep him safe." He handed Jensen a medal similar to Mike's.

Mike grinned. "S'an honor, sir." He looked over at Jensen. "And thank you for giving me the shiny one."

Jensen pouted at him, huffing a little.

The President just looked amused. "It's to match your shiny head," he retorted. He grinned as Jensen laughed.

Mike snorted, grinning wider.

Jensen shook his head. "Thank you, sir," he told the President, nudging Mike with his good arm.

"Think nothing of it," the President replied. "Now go rest, Ackles. You've had a long week."

Jensen nodded shortly, giving the President a small smile before heading out of the room, Mike following close behind.

Jared squeaked as the door opened, knocking him onto his ass.

Mike snorted. "Were you two listening through the keyhole?"

Tommy grinned, not ashamed at all. "'course. Why would you think any different?"

Jensen rolled his eyes, holding out a hand to help Jared up. "F'you wanted to be subtle, moving out of the way of the door would've been helpful."

Jared took it and stood, grinning. "Subtlety isn't my strongpoint."

Mike grinned, pulling Tommy over to him. "C'mon...let's go discuss strongpoints."

Jensen snorted. "I've noticed." He slung his arm around Jared's shoulders, leaning against him heavily.

Tommy pressed against his side, grinning wickedly. "Mm, I like to talk about your strongpoint." He leered at Mike's crotch.

Mike snorted and led him away.

Jared nuzzled him and started to follow, but his father stuck his head out.

Jensen stopped at the sight of the President, tilting his head curiously. "Yes, sir?"

"I need to talk to the two of you, actually," he said.

Jared bit his lip. "Why?"

Jensen nudged him lightly, then pulled him back into the room.

"Because." Jerry looked betwen them. "You know I'm not going to be the president forever."

Jensen had been avoiding that thought as much as he could. He took a deep breath and nodded once.

Jared bit his lip. "You could always rewrite the constitution..."

Jerry laughed. "That won't really work, JT. Besides, I don't really want to be president forever."

Jensen just waited, biting his lip and studying the President carefully. There was a point to this, he knew it.

Jared glanced at Jensen, then looked down. "You're saying we'll have to break it off."

Jerry tilted his head. "Would you, if I told you to?"

Jensen's lips quirked a little wryly. "In all honesty, sir, probably not."

"I figured." Jared nodded. "Well, that's not what I was gonna say."

Jared blinked. "It's not?"

Jensen shoulders slumped a little in relief as his head perked up. "It's not?" he echoed.

"Nah." Jerry smiled a little. "I was actually wondering if you'd look after Jared once I'm a civilian again."

Jensen's eyes went huge. "You...you're serious?"

"Of course I am. You've saved his life twice, and I know there isn't another agent he'd prefer, so..."

Jared grinned widely and hugged his father. "Thanks, Dad..."

Jensen had to resist the urge to do the same. "Thank you, sir. Really."

Jerry blinked, a bit surprised at the hug. "It's no problem," he said, patting his son a bit awkwardly on the back.

Jensen smiled at them amusedly, shaking his head. "I really appreciate the offer, sir. This was the last thing I was expecting."

Jerry smiled, pulling away from Jared. "Can't imagine why." He was quiet for a moment, studying him. "Welcome to the family, Ackles."

Jared grinned widely, holding himself back from cheering.

Jensen felt his cheeks heat as he broke out into a bright smile. "It's a real honor, sir," he replied, glancing at Jared, smile widening.

Jerry smiled, then glanced at Jared. "Okay...so...you're dismissed."

Jensen smiled again, then grabbed Jared's wrist and tugged him out the door, unable to keep the wide smile off his face.

Jared went after him, smiling just as widely. "Dude, that was surreal..."

"Yeah, it was," Jensen agreed as he led him towards his own room. He smiled even wider. "I've missed Texas."

"Me too...we've got a big house just outside of San Antonio, too." Jared kissed his cheek. "Big enough that noone'll hear us scream."

Jensen laughed. "That'll be awesome. Real handy." He winked, nipping at Jared's earlobe.

Jared sighed, smiling widely. "Mm...let's go celebrate."

"Let's," Jensen agreed. He pulled Jared into his room, shutting and locking the door behind them before pinning him to the wall and kissing him deeply.

Jared kissed him back, moaning softly, and he heard an answering moan from across the room. He looked up, and groaned softly when he saw Mike and Tom in Jensen's bed. "What the..."

Jensen pulled away and sighed heavily. "Get the fuck outta my bed," he snapped. "You both have your own, don't you?"

"But yours is so comfy," Mike said, grinning at him.

Jared rolled his eyes. "Go away."

"I wanna use my bed," Jensen said, practically pouting at him.

Tommy grinned. "But we were here first," he pointed out. He and Mike were still moving, Tommy's hands scrabbling along his bare back as Mike thrust into him.

Jensen full-on pouted now. "But it's my bed!"

"We were totally...jesus, here first."

Jared pouted. "C'mon, Jen. We'll fuck in Mike's room."

Jensen wrinkled his nose. "I'd rather not. You haven't seen that pit, have you? It's disgusting."

Tommy laughed, but it quickly trailed off into a moan. "Just...use mine, then, fuck."

Jared pouted. "Fine. So mean."

Jensen huffed, sending them one last scowl before dragging Jared out of the room and down towards Tom's. "Stupid assholes," he muttered.

Jared grinned, then pulled Jensen into the deserted kitchen. "In here," he said, then kissed him deeply.

Jensen grinned. "Great idea." He grabbed him around the waist and set him on the counter, pressing against him as he kissed him back hard.

Jared kissed him back, smiling. "I love you," he whispered.

Jensen smiled back widely. "Love you too, Jay," he murmured, then leaned in for another kiss.

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