Skillet on the Stove ch. 13

Jul 17, 2007 08:42

Title: Skillet on the Stove
Chapter: Thirteen
Authors: lvlysnidrus and pez_gurl
Fandom: RPS AU
Pairing: Jared Padalecki/Jensen Ackles
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Jared is the son of the President of the United States, and Jensen is a member of the Secret Service. After several threats on the First Family, Jensen is assigned to protect a disgruntled Jared.
Warnings: Angst and a little bit of violence
A/N: Heh. This is late for no reason other than we're mean and wanted to drag that cliffhanger out. ;) Enjoy!

Jared narrowed his eyes as Brown hung the phone up. "That your girlfriend?" he asked sarcastically, and was rewarded with a slap across the face. He spit up some blood and glared as Brown knelt in front of him.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, running a hand across Jared's cheek. Jared turned away, making a face.

"You're disgusting, and I have a boyfriend."

Jensen growled to himself, fighting the urge to beep his horn as traffic continued to move at a maddeningly slow pace. "God fucking damn it!" he yelled, slamming his palm against the steering wheel.

Jared pulled at the handcuffs on his wrists, barely listening as Brown went on about how much they were meant to be together. "If it was meant to be, you wouldn't have handcuffed me, dude."

Damn it, Jared thought. Jensen, where the fuck are you.

Jensen let out a heavy sigh as he finally started to move. He pulled onto the right street, only to almost slam into the back of some another long line of assholes. "Fuck!"

Jared tried to pull his hand out, and he whimpered when he felt his skin break. "Fuck you," he said when Brown got too close.

Jensen gave up. He pulled his car to the side of the road, parking it and locking it up. He turned his cell and beeper off, then double checked his gun. After he was sure he was ready, he sprinted down the road, moving faster than his car could've in this fucking traffic.

Jared pulled away when Brown's lips touched his, and he gagged. "Dude. Gross."

Jensen finally, finally reached the right house. Instead of kicking the door in like he so wanted to, he opened it silently, going for the element of surprise.

Jared managed to pull his hand out of the handcuffs, but he kept them behind him. "Let me go before I kick you in the 'nads," he hissed, glaring at him.

Jensen snuck through the house slowly, keeping silent, his gun in hand with the safety off.

However, once he heard Jared's voice, he got distracted and knocked into a stupid vase on a stupid stand, knocking it over with a loud crash.

Jared jumped, looking toward the sound.

Brown stalked toward it, eyes narrowed and gun held up.

Jensen cursed under his breath and aimed his gun in front of him, sticking close to the wall as he moved toward the voices he'd heard.

Jared watched Brown, eyes narrowed.

Brown flattened himself by the door, gun held up.

Jared rolled his eyes. "You've seen way too many cop dramas, dude."

Jensen straightened his arm, gun held out right in front of him as he went into the room. The first thing his saw was Jared, bruised and a little bloody and looking extremely pissed off.

Then someone grabbed his shoulder - his injured shoulder, of course - and shoved him into the wall. Jensen swore loudly, pain shooting through his arm and his head when it connected with hard plaster.

Jared snarled, and he shot out of his seat and tackled Brown, wrenching the gun away. Brown pushed him down, making Jared hit his own shoulder into the wall. "Fuck," he growled, then he crawled over to Jensen. "You okay?"

Jensen nodded quickly, managing to sit up and reach for his gun, but Brown was already there, picking it up and aiming it straight at Jensen.

Jensen froze completely, not willing to provoke him and get shot again.

"First," Brown said, "I'm going to tie you up. And then you're going to watch me while I fuck your precious boy right here."

"The fuck you are," Jared growled.

Jensen glared just as hard, but didn't say anything, all too aware of the gun still pointed at him.

Brown raised an eyebrow at Jared. "Or I could just kill him right now, precious. What would you prefer?"

Jared deflated a little, moving closer to Jensen. "You kill him and I kill myself."

"No," Jensen said, looking away from Brown to stare at Jared, eyes wide.

Brown snorted. "And how are you going to do that?"

Jensen realized then that the stupid fucker had no idea that Jared had stolen his gun. Which was definitely a good thing.

"I have my ways," Jared snapped at Brown. Then he turned to Jensen. "No way I'm gonna live without you," he said softly.

Jensen kept staring at him, his eyes welling up with tears despite - well, more likely because of - their current situation. But this was no time for a chick flick moment. He looked back at Brown, eyes narrowed.

Brown glared back. "You've touched what's mine," he growled out. Then he stepped forward and slapped him with the hand still holding the gun. Jensen let out a small sound, because damn it that hurt.

Jared glared at him. "Nah, you touched what's his. And mine. Nothing's yours here." Jared wanted to kick him so bad, but with that gun in Brown's hand...well, who knew what it would hit if it went off.

Jensen rubbed his jaw, scowling at him. He stayed silent, though, the gun trained directly on his forehead. He didn't regret coming here, but yeah, he probably should have brought Mike.

Brown smiled wickedly, reaching out and caressing Jared's cheek slowly. Jensen let out a soft growl, and the barrel of the gun was pressed against his forehead, so he shut up immediately.

"You are mine," Brown whispered reverently.

Jared narrowed his eyes. "I'm my mother's."

Brown just shook his head, smiling. "You're mine, precious. No one will ever be able to have to you like I do."

Jensen's breath came faster. If he didn't have a gun pointed at him right now, he really wouldn't be able to keep himself from killing this dumbass.

"Stop calling me that, freak." Jared fingered the gun, but his hand shook slightly, as he'd never actually contemplated using one before.

Brown's hand loosened on the gun as he focused his attention on Jared. Jensen moved slightly, intent on kicking his feet out from under him, but Brown caught the moment and the next thing Jensen knew, Brown hit him with the butt of the gun, and everything went black.

Brown sighed sadly. "I was so hoping he'd get to watch when I took you for the first time..."

"You son of a bitch," Jared snarled, then he picked the gun up, aimed unsteadily, and shot.

The bullet hit Brown in the leg, close to his groin. He went down with a yell, dropping Jensen's gun and clutching at his leg. "You little bitch," he growled. "I'll get you for this, I swear."

"I don't care." Jared gripped the gun and hit him over the head with it.

Brown fell unconscious immediately. Not a moment later, there was a commotion at the door as Jeff, Jerry, Mike, and a few other agents finally arrived.

Jared ignored them as he wrapped himself around Jensen, burying his face in his neck.

Jerry came in, biting his lip when he saw his son. He took one look at Brown and made a gesture, ordering everyone to lower their weapons.

He went over to Jared, kneeling beside him and laying a hand on his shoulder gently. "Jared," he said softly.

Jared bit his lip, glancing over at his father but not letting go of Jensen.

Jerry squeezed his shoulder, pressing a light kiss to kiss temple. "Are you hurt?" he asked softly, then glanced at Jensen. "And Ackles?"

Jared bit his lip. "My wrists...from the handcuffs...and Jensen got knocked out..." He swallowed, hugging Jensen tighter. "But...I think we're okay, otherwise...just..."

Jerry nodded, squeezing his shoulder one last time. "Rosenbaum," he said. "Help Jared get Jensen out of here. Bring them back to the White House, get someone to see to them." He stood up, sighing.

"Yes, sir," Mike said, heading forward and helping Jared pick Jensen up.

Jensen didn't stir. Jerry turned to the others. "Bandage his leg up," he snapped, scowling darkly at Brown's unmoving body. "I want him alive long enough to put him in prison, got that?"

Jeff nodded, kneeling and grabbing the fucker. "Help," he snapped at Ashmore.

Ashmore nodded quickly, kneeling to help.

Jerry nodded at them, satisfied. "The rest of you, secure the area." He turned on his heel and went out to make sure Jared and Rosenbaum were okay.

Jared slid into the car after Jensen, looking up at his father. "Thanks, Dad..."

Jerry shook his head. "I'm just glad you're okay, JT," he said softly. "After everything's done here, I'll come and check on you, I promise."

Jared nodded, blinking up at him. "Okay...see you at home, Dad."

"If he wakes up before I get there, tell him he did good." Jerry gave his son a small smile, then stepped back as the car pulled away. He turned back to the house, squaring his shoulders. He had work to do.

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