(no subject)

Jun 09, 2007 08:26

Title: Skillet on the Stove
Chapter: Seven
Authors: lvlysnidrus and pez_gurl
Fandom: RPS AU
Pairing: Jared Padalecki/Jensen Ackles
Rating: PG-13 this part. Overall NC-17
Summary: Jared is the son of the President of the United States, and Jensen is a member of the Secret Service. After several threats on the First Family, Jensen is assigned to protect a disgruntled Jared.
Warnings: This part, language and violence
A/N: Heh. Don't have much to say, except that I can't wait to read the comments. :D

Mike jogged down the hall, running a hand over his stubbly head. This was bad, this was very, very bad, and somebody was going to have his ass for this. But hell, it wasn't his fault.

He knocked on the door to Jensen's room, trying his hardest not to hyperventilate. "Jen, open the goddamn door..."

Jensen opened the door, shirtless and his chin still dotted with shaving cream. He took one look at Mike's face and knew something had happened to Jared. "What's wrong?" he asked quickly, trying to stay calm.

Mike panted, leaning against the door frame. "Jesus, this is a big house."

Jensen stared at him, eyes wide. "I don't fucking care how big the fucking house is," he snapped. "Fucking tell me what's wrong!"

"He's gone," Mike said quickly. "We were discussing the whole agent reassignment thing with his father and they got in a fight and Jared stormed out to the bathroom and I followed him and he slipped away from me, and he left a note on his bed saying he just needed to be alone and I can't find him and oh god I'm so fucking screwed, Jen..."

Jensen stared at him for a long moment, then sighed. "I know where he is," he said, turning and going back into his room, grabbing the first shirt he saw and using it to wipe of his face before he pulled it on. He grabbed a gun and his cell phone, then stalked out of his room. "Gimme your keys," he said as he hurried down the hallway. "Your car is closer to the back exit."

Mike frowned as he followed him. "I should go with you, dude..."

Jensen nodded quickly. He didn't have time to argue. "Whatever, man, just gimme the keys. I'm driving."

Mike sighed, handing him the keys. "Be careful with Bessie, man, she's old..."

"Shut up," Jensen snapped, grabbing the keys. He raced out to the car, making a face. "God, can't you get a new car?" he asked as he got in and started it up.

Mike slid into the passenger seat and pouted. "Hey, now. This is a '77 Gremlin, man, it's a classic."

Jensen shook his head, starting the car and pulling out onto the road quickly. "Whatever, Rosey. S'no where near as cool as my Impala." Which was still in the fucking shop, god damn.

Mike sighed. "Where are we going, dude?"

Jensen made a quick turn, pressing harder on the gas. "IHOP," he muttered.

Mike stared at him. "IHOP. We're going to a pancake restaurant."

"Just trust me," Jensen said, making another turn. He spotted the giant sign and drove a little faster, ignoring as the car protested.

"Easy, dude, this car isn't in the best condition..."

"Shut up," Jensen growled again. He pulled into the parking lot and parked half-assed. He was out of the car without even turning it off, knowing Mike would do it for him. He stalked into the restaurant, looking around quickly.

Jared was sitting in a corner booth, staring at a cup of coffee with a baseball cap pulled low over sunglasses.

Mike followed Jensen in. "I'ma cover you from here, dude..."

Jensen nodded sharply, spotting Jared almost immediately. He jogged over to him and sat down across from him, jaw clenched. "Wanna tell me what the fuck you think you're doing here?" he snapped, voice low and dangerous.

Jared looked up, his eyes widening for a moment behind the sunglasses before narrowing. "I'm getting pancakes," he said, slowly and deliberately. "You?"

"Trying to protect your dumb ass," Jensen said. "What were you thinking, running off like that?"

"I was sick of dealing with my fucking parents, and the fucking Secret Service, and the fucking White House. I wanted pancakes, Jensen, and I wasn't getting any pancakes there." Jared leaned back, crossing his arms and glaring out the window.

Jensen sighed, closing his eyes for a minute. "I'm sorry," he said softly, glancing around the place and biting his lip. "But Jared, you know...you have to know that we had to end it."

Jared's eyes snapped to him. "No," he growled. "No. You're not allowed to apologise. I was...was fucking..." Jared shook his head and got up to walk away.

Jensen stood up quickly, squaring his shoulders as he faced Jared. This was it, this was the last fucking straw. "Why are you doing this, Jared?" he asked loudly, ignoring as everyone's eyes fixed on them. "You're always running away!"

Jared stilled for a moment, then he slowly turned to look at him. "I'm always running away."

"Yeah," Jensen said. "Every fucking time. Every time I try to talk to you about something, you run away, like some fucking kid, and you wonder why this isn't gonna work!"

Jared frowned. "Oh. This wouldn't work because I'm acting like a kid. That's what you think, really?"

"That, and--" Jensen broke off, looking around. "I really don't wanna get into it here. We have to go back. Now."

"No, Jensen. We're going to talk about this now, because you're not going to run away like I do." Jared put his hands on his hips. "The reason this isn't gonna work isn't because I act like a kid. I was perfectly fucking able and willing to make it work. You, however, wanted to save your fucking career, because we all know that your career is a fucking hell of a lot more important than some kid like me. Do I have it right so far?"

Jensen stared at him for a long moment, his face draining of color. "That's...that's what you thought?" he whispered hoarsely. He rubbed a hand through his hair, shaking his head. "Fuck, Jay, you got it so fucking backwards..."

Jared shook his head. "Whatever, Jensen. I don't want to deal with you. So here I go, walking away again like a kid." He turned away, starting to walk out.

The second Jared moved, Jensen saw it. The flash of sunlight of the muzzle of a gun - so familiar from all his training. He shouted a warning and, like some bad, cheesy action flick, he sprinted after Jared, knocking him to the ground. Not even a second later, he felt the bullet hit his shoulder and he cried out, but the safe, uninjured body beneath him dulled the pain. He'd kept Jared safe, and that's what mattered.

Only the knowledge that Jared was safe under him and Mike had his back allowed him to sink into cold, painless darkness.

Mike raced down the street after the gunman, pulling the gun out of his jeans.

Jared let out a soft sound, and just lay there for a second before realising what had happened. He heard screams around him, and he felt Jensen on top of him, familiar, but too heavy, too limp...

He sat up, pushing Jensen off of himself. "Jensen...what..." He felt wetness under his hand and somehow knew it was blood. "Oh god, Jensen," he murmured, his eyes wide as he looked him over. He looked up at the people just staring at them. "Call the fucking ambulance, please!"

A few people nodded and pulled their phones out, and Jared hugged Jensen close. "It's okay," he whispered. "I got you, it's okay..."

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