DW Cross, Remix recs, and odds and ends

Apr 25, 2008 23:02

A post of parts today!

First, briefly on Supernatural - eee! So much fun! What uncomplicated joy with the Winchesters how I like them best and a great guest cast and general entertainment all round. With gay love saving the day, bwahahaha, that was kind of amazing. Plus, why hello there Corbett, SPN's goofy version of Ianto Jones! :D

Leading on from that...
So there needs to be Torchwood/Supernatural crossovers approximately yesterday. In fact, there are many, many Whoverse crossovers that should be out there! Which leads me beautifully onto part two:

dw_cross sign-ups are now open! Last year was a blast and so this year I'm going to be giving avendya a helping hand. I can tell you now we've got some fantastic prompts coming in already. The fics are due at the beginning of July, just after the end of Series 4, and whatever bits of Who fandom you're in and whatever crossovers you'd like to write, you should definitely come and play! Read more information here and sign up here before May 10th.

This just in - Freema Agyeman is adorable! (Links to her interview on the Paul O'Grady show tonight, featuring a clip from tomorrow's episode.) Star Trek conventions, guys, I ask you! *draws hearts* I shall be all a-flail tomorrow night, I don't doubt, so expect nothing but capslock from round these parts. Martha! *\o/*

I'm looking forward to Remix reveals tomorrow - I don't think I'm alone in being unable to get The Boy Who Killed Time out of my head, so I can't wait to find out who's responsible. I'm pretty sure on two or three anonymous identities myself, and if anyone else would like to take a stab at which one's mine you may do so here. I've got a few more things I'd like to read and leave feedback on before tomorrow afternoon, but here's a few more recs.


A Moon-Lit Challenge (The Ill-Met, Proud Titania Remix)
Good Omens/His Dark Materials; Lyra/Adam; R
Remix of A Moonlit Challenge (hmm, dead link) by hyel
The new Eve and an Antichrist - not so much star-crossed as Dust-crossed lovers. Lyra wants her happy ending so badly, but she's still a long way away from endings of any kind.

Oooh, this is a wonderful meshing of canons - it blends in bits and pieces of other Gaiman and Pratchett stories, and the characters of both the main stories meet in all sorts of interesting way. Lyra and Adam are both perfect, and there's a lot of great cameos from others. A really nicely done, intelligent and interesting story.

Radioactive (the road to hell & good intentions remix)
Harry Potter; James/Lily; PG
Remix of Radioactive by ineffabili_tea
In which James means well, but his grand plan loses something in the execution.

Awww, I haven't read proper Marauder prank fic in ages, not like this, this is so funny and well-characterised and great fun all round.

thirteen photographs (the via crucis remix)
Harry Potter; Remus/Sirius; PG-13
Remix of train de grande vitesse by glass_icarus
A love story in fourteen parts.

Beautiful, heartbreaking and insightful, and the writing is just stunning. This captures so many moments, the kind of story to just wrap up in for a little while.

Somewhere, Just Not Here (The Five Months and Thirteen Days Remix)
Harry Potter; Remus, Harry; G
Remix of Heliacal Rising by sambethe
It did no good to think of fair.

I'm a big fan of the original and this complements it wonderfully - one of those scenes that really ought to have been in canon.


Ah, see, HP, I do still love thee well, truly! And on that note I return to writing lgbtfest, which is really not as done as it should be considering my posting date's on Sunday, um. Actually, on that note, if anyone had a bit of spare time over the weekend to give it a once over I'd be enormously grateful. It's Luna gen (well, mostly gen. I think.) and I doubt it's going to end up any kind of epic length.

recs: good omens, fandom: doctor who, character: martha jones, fandom: exchanges, recs: his dark materials, fandom: supernatural, recs: harry potter

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