Quick J/S/L ficlet

Oct 23, 2007 00:05

Because this is totes canon given recent events.

(On which, by the by. Can I get a big WORD for snegurochka_lee, a hearty LOL for shaggydogstail's inspired ihasatardis moment, and many thanks to last_radio for bringing out the real scandal from that interview. ♥ to them and all of the rest of my flist for making me laugh or generally being sane. eta: And Neil Gaiman wins too! Oh yay.)

Anyway. This is for pink_faerie81, who prompted me James/Sirius, "you just want to get into my pants, don't you?". It's actually sort of James/Sirius/Lily, but I figured she wouldn't mind. :P And like I said, this is clearly canon now.

PG-13, 400 words.


"How, exactly, did you manage to spend all of that?" Lily asks with arch disbelief on her face.

Sirius rolls his eyes. "Are you my mother? No, all right, I suppose you don't like to drink elves' blood with your morning tea. I just did, all right? And I figured I'd get a high-flying job soon as we got out of school, but, well."

"Looks like we're full time heroes, right," James supplies, smiling winningly at Lily, who's still looking a little dubious.

"And it's just this month's rent, I swear on- on Prongs' grave I'll pay it back soon as I can--"

"Oi!" James thwacks him over the head.

"Shut it, you. But c'mon Lily, have a heart!"

Lily smiles slyly. "Well, not like it's my money anyway, so." She glances over at James, and Sirius suddenly feels like he's missing something.

"You'll do your best to pay me back on time, I'm sure," James says, "but just in case you can't, we're going to need some kind of guarantee."

"You know, just so you don't slip away. Something to convince us along, if you will."

"Err?" Sirius looks between them, feeling terribly confused.

Lily sighed. "Is he always this entirely hopeless?"

"It's been the subject of much debate. The statistics say yes," James concluded sadly.

"No, really. What do you want?" Then Sirius' expression changes as he feels a foot brush up against his calf. Lily looks perfectly demure, so he glances in slight panic at James, who smiles at him in a way Sirius hasn't seen in far too long.

"Wait, I'm sorry. Is this an elaborate ruse to get into my pants?"

"Now he gets it," Lily answers with a groan.

"Only if you can't pay us back in a timely fashion, mind," James says in an alarmingly business-like manner. "Last resort and all that, we're respectable people."

Sirius laughs. "By which you mean dirty liars and degenerates."

"Well… that too, I suppose," Lily concedes with a grin that goes beyond wicked into something deliciously evil.

Sirius starts doing some rapid calculations. Lily takes his hand and James stands up with a look in his eyes that Sirius knows he would follow anywhere. Time for some extravagant spending, he decides.


More on their way!

fic, pairing: james/lily/sirius, character: james potter, character: sirius black, character: lily evans

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