Flist Questions

Jul 27, 2007 22:57

First order of business, did you partcipate in magnetic_pole's predictions poll exchange? If so, get yourself over to join dh_predictions - or if you missed it, there's also call for pinch-hitters, whether it's post-DH fic, meta, or art you'd like to contribute.

And hi, I seem to have been friended recently! And it occurs to me there's now a whole bunch of people on my flist who I don't know nearly well enough - whether you're from the hogwarts_elite friending meme or from elsewhere recently, I confess I haven't got everyone straightened out from everybody else. To borrow a Baggins-ism, I don't know half of you half as well as I should like.

New friends particularly, though old friends are of course welcome too, I wonder if you might humour me by answering a few questions below?

All questions are of course optional, only answer as much as you want, and please edit as you see fit.

01. Name/Age/Location/House/Whatever factoids you might want to thrust in my direction.

02. What fandoms are you in, in any capacity?

03. What are your favourite characters, ships, eras in said fandoms?

04. Favourite books, actors, music, films etc?

05. Other interests?

06. What am I likely to come across in your journal?

07. If you post about RL things, what's going on in your life at the moment?

08. And finally, how are you today?

And see, I even give you a little text box, too:

01. Name/Age/Location/House/Whatever factoids you might want to thrust in my direction.

02. What fandoms are you in, in any capacity?

03. What are your favourite characters, ships, eras in said fandoms?

04. Favourite books, actors, music, films etc?

05. Other interests?

06. What am I likely to come across in your journal?

07. If you post about RL things, what's going on in your life at the moment?

08. And finally, how are you today?

:) Many thanks! Hopefully this will help me get to know you all better and thus improve on commenting etc.

Right, back to my hp_summergen pinch-hit! Gah, I have too many embryonic fics on the brain, mostly of the post-DH variety, and it occurs to me I still really have no idea what to do for femgenficathon. Should work on that.

miscellaneous, fandom: exchanges

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