Festivids Reveal!

Feb 13, 2016 21:29

Festivids reveals are up! Thank you SO much to
purplefringe for Gonna Get Through This World (An Adventure in Space and Time) and
heresluck for Independent Women (Hamilton).

I made two vids this year! Less than I'd originally been planning, but I did end up making two other vids during the festivids period, so what can you do.

Comedy Tragedy History (Hamilton, for
I'd been working on a Hamilton vid since before assignments went out, intending to use it as a treat, but happy days, I got assigned to
gwenfrankenstein who wanted a Hamilton vid! I ended up ditching my first project and switching it out for the amazing Akala song, 'Comedy Tragedy History'. Genius has a good breakdown of the lyrics.

I worked so hard on this vid! I found it challenging in a great way - I had to cut a lot faster than I do usually, work with a bunch of different kinds of source, and work with really brilliant, intricate, quick lyrics. I think I just about did the idea justice, and I'm so proud of the end result, I think I levelled up a little as a vidder through making it.

You're My Best Friend (RPF - Ian McKellen/Patrick Stewart, for
For once, I thought I was getting one up on
purplefringe! She's made me treats the last couple of years, but this year I would surprise her and get one up! ... so obviously this is the year I was her assignment, ha. Still, this was a delight to make, a goofy vid about best friends for my best friend. I'm glad other people enjoyed it too.

It was fun to work with non-standard source for both vids this year, with lots of scouring youtube and working with photos. Thank you, everyone who left kind comments during the anon period, they mean a lot! <3

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fandom: hamilton, vid, fannish: festivids

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