
Feb 03, 2015 12:12

I have been rolling around in wonderful vids for the past few days, it's amazing.

First of all, I must heartily recommend the vids (4! 4 vids! I am spoiled rotten!) made for me:

Let's Get Mischievous (LEGO Marvel Superheroes)
This is so charming and fun. It focuses on the villains from the game, masterminded by Dr Doom, and they are goofy and fabulous. It's beautifully timed to a perfect song choice - pretty sure that 'I'm feeling devious, you're looking glamorous, let's get mischievous, and polyamorous' is my new life motto. If you've always wanted to see Mystique and Dr Doom and Loki and Dr Octopus team up in glorious LEGO format, now's your chance!

Beth Yw'r Haf I Mi (Maleficent)
Oh, my heart. This is really beautiful. I love the range of vids there are for Maleficent this year, from big and bombastic to this quiet, intimate look at Maleficent and Aurora and the parallels between them. <3

The Writer (Not Another Happy Ending)
So Not Another Happy Ending is a Scottish indie film that Karen Gillan did a couple of years ago. It's a fun enough film, but it is a bit marred by two pretty annoying love interests that take up a lot of screentime and are very boring. But! By far the best bit of the film is that as Gillan's character struggles with writing her next novel, she suddenly finds that her heroine has come to life and starting following her around. This vid is about that bit and is amazing. It uses all the loveliness of the Edinburgh setting and Karen Gillan's face to tell a gorgeous slightly fairytale story.

I Could Be (Selfie)
This is a vid about John Cho and Karen Gillan having stupid dorky beautiful faces at each other and is therefore PERFECT. There are also pratfalls and dramatic hair flips and amazing outfits and occasional FEELINGS and I love it to pieces.

Other vids I've enjoyed so far (still have lots to watch!):

Gone Tech (Almost Human) Karl Urban has a hot robot boyfriend
I am what I am and Kinky Neighbours (Batman 1966) - having just rewatched The Dark Knight over the weekend, these two were the most wonderfully kinky, fabulous anecdote.
Dynamite (Brooklyn Nine-Nine) Team feels and comedy hijinx, the perfect B99 vid. :D
Hard Way Home (Cloudburst) This vid about an ageing lesbian couple is funny and sweet and delightful and I must check out the film ASAP.
Silent Fandoms (Festivids) A fascinating, meta look at how and why we vid and our relationships with small fandoms.
Through the Deep, Dark Wood (How to Get Away With Murder) an intense, awesome look at Wes and Annalise.
All I Want (Life of Pi) Beautiful film, beautiful vid.
Shake It Off (Maleficent) Not at all what I was expecting for the collection of vids for this film, and I love it. The editing is really fun with all the zooms and jump cuts, too.
Afterlife (The Middleman) I need to watch this show already, it is known. In the meantime, all aboard the adorable Wendy/Lacey train.
Infinite (The Perks of Being A Wallflower) I haven't seen the film and I loved this vid. It doesn't let up in flow or emotion for over 5 minutes which I find very impressive.
I'll be there for you (Pit Bulls and Parolees) PUPPIES. *ugly crying*
Moves Like Yaweh (Prince of Egypt) Come for the amazing pun in the title, stay for the dynamic cutting of one of my favourite childhood films.
Grow Old With Me (Six Feet Under) Gorgeous ship vid for David and Keith.

I made three vids for this year's round. I don't feel like it's much of a giveaway to say that they're all about people with good faces who love each other. There may be a prize if you can guess all three!

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recs: vids, fannish: festivids, recs

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