Podfic: Biodosimetric Tools... (Avengers, Bruce/Tony)

Oct 23, 2012 23:54

Stark, A.E., and Banner, R. Bruce. (2013). "Biodosimetric Tools for Measuring Induced Isomeric Transition in Inverted Paired States." International Journal of Radiation Biology 89.9, 43-85.
rating: explicit
fandom: Avengers movieverse
ships: Tony/Bruce, Tony/Hulk, with Tony/Pepper in the background
summary: "And so," Tony concludes triumphantly, "you owe it to science, to yourself, and to the people of New York City to have tons of hot awesome monster sex with me."
content notes: from
thingswithwings: "Lots of body transformation kink and size kink action, plus some light S/M." No standard content notes apply.
original text: here
reader notes: Recorded for the 'body alteration/injury' square on my
kink_bingo card.
download: here (.mp3 at mediafire, 97MB, 1hr41)

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fandom: avengers, fannish: kink bingo, character: bruce banner, podfic, character: tony stark, ship: bruce/tony

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