fifteen characters meme: answers

Apr 30, 2012 12:04

I have not forgotten! Original post here.

The characters were:

1. Olivia Dunham
2. Amy Pond
3. Thor
4. Toph Bei Fong
5. Rory Williams
6. Martha Jones
7. Abed Nadir
8. Twilight Sparkle
9. Guinevere
10. River Song
11. Kaylee Frye
12. Britta Perry
13. Spock
14. Astrid Farnsworth
15. Darcy Lewis

And your questions, answered:

Amy Pond, Toph Bei Fong, Martha Jones and Twilight Sparkle are a team of superheros. Which one is the leader? Which one is the mad scientist on the team? And who is their handler: River Song or Britta Perry? And who is their archnemesis: Spock or Darcy Lewis? Which of the other characters are they always having to rescue from the hands of evildoers?

Martha ends up reluctantly taking on leadership responsibilities by virtue of being the most level-headed - the other three are all fantastically good at what they do but prone to flights of fancy and/or spats with each other. Twilight Sparkle is the mad scientist, with her library/laboratory full of new inventions and research. Toph helps her out with the engineering. Ahaha oh god, Britta ilu but you'd be the worst superhero handler. River, on the other hand, has pretty much got it covered, and even Toph respects her enough to do what she's ordered to, most of the time.

Their archnemesis is Spock, who's a bit evil in this timeline and sees their free-wheeling vigilante antics as a threat to his carefully-controlled state. He's got a bit of a point but has taken it in mind to destroy them entirely, and keeps kidnapping Rory - who has become resigned to his constant damsel in distress status - to get them to capitulate. Not gonna happen.

Where does Olivia Dunham take Britta Perry for dinner? Is it a date or just a meal between friends or something else entirely?

So Britta gets caught up in a Fringe investigation in one of those 'this could only happen at Greendale' moments and she goes absolutely starry-eyed over how amazing Olivia is. Olivia takes Britta to a late-night diner to impart whatever wisdom she might have, and Britta nods a lot and takes notes and thinks Olivia is the best thing ever. Olivia is bemused but quite charmed at how adorable Britta is.

Amy Pond, Martha Jones, Guinevere, and Spock are in a band! What kind of band is it? What instruments do they play? What's their hit single?

They are in a prog-folk band who play ten minute epics about peace and harmony and also logic. Spock's got a theremin, Gwen sings, and Amy and Martha play a selection of instruments between them including a variety of different string instruments, mostly violins and guitars. They're a huge hit in the folk festival circuit. Critics are mostly confused.

What's the most important piece of advice that Twilight Sparkle wants to impart upon Thor?

Friendship is magic, of course! In this specific case, be nice to your brother *before* he starts killing people. Also don't break things, it's generally considered rude.

Abed Nadir has a dinner party and invites Amy Pond,Rory Williams,Martha Jones,and Guinevere. Who shows up together? Who is no longer speaking and can't be seated next to each other? Of the uninvited, who crashes?

It's not so much that Rory and Martha aren't speaking as that they're in the middle of a really intense debate about some technical medical issue and everyone else knows full well they'll talk about nothing else if allowed to sit next to each other, so Amy plonks herself between them after they all show up together. River shows up just in time for dessert.

How would Thor react to the news that Abed Nadir ate Guinevere?

... oh my god this whole question is horrifying.

Twilight Sparkle and Thor sit next to each other on a train. Where are they going? What do they talk about, if they talk to each other at all?

Haha - see question above!

Britta Perry, Olivia Dunham, and Abed Nadir write a book together. What's it about?

Superheroes and feminism! Abed and Britta between them create a fictionalised version of Olivia, and Olivia attempts to provide some realism, mostly through interjecting 'oh my god you can't do that that's not FBI procedure' occasionally when Britta gets carried away.

Astrid Farnsworth is found doing something nefarious with Twilight Sparkle. (Ah, but what?) It's Amy Pond, Thor and River Song who find them; how do they react? What does Guinevere do about the whole situation?

Astrid and Twilight are creating an extremely clever machine that's going to solve many of the world's problems. They're being a bit nefarious about it because it could be used for evil if it fell into the wrong hands. Amy, Thor and River are all very impressed when they find out - River has some excellent suggestions and Thor helps them channel energy from lightning, though Amy's worried it's all going to get a bit Dr Frankenstein. When Gwen finds out she brings her blacksmith's tools and starts pitching in.

Toph Bei Fong, Amy Pond, and Rory Williams throw a surprise birthday party for River Song. How does it work out?

Extremely well! It's hard to keep a secret from River, so it's not much of a surprise, but Amy and Rory throw great parties and Toph contributes by making some seriously impressive sculptures in the back garden.

Thor, Olivia Dunham, and Darcy Lewis go camping. Describe the shenanigans they get into.

... oh god. Well, Thor and Darcy pretty much drink and arm wrestle all the time (Thor lets Darcy win four times out of five) and take ridiculous photos of themselves. Olivia actually sets up the tent and goes on walks in the woods and reflects that actually it's nice to get out of the city for a few days. She sleeps better, anyway.

On the third day they're there, Thor ends up adopting a sheep. It goes about as well as you'd expect.

Guinevere and Astrid Farnsworth are now married. Who snores all night? Who does most of the housework? What do they fight about? What brought them together in the first place?


They meet after they ended up trying to save the world from the same disaster, and they find each other refreshingly normal and level-headed compared to the rest of the people they know.

Gwen tends to be at home more as she works less punishing hours, so she fills the apartment with flowers and does most of the cooking, though she knows better than to be in the kitchen when Astrid's stress-baking.

Gwen talks in her sleep, with Astrid still mostly finds adorable rather than irritating.

Kaylee Frye finds his/herself the newly appointed President of the Moon. What happens next?

EVERYTHING IS MAGICAL! Strawberries for all! Engineering business shoots up, as do dress boutiques. General mood of the population increases dramatically. You and I and everyone we know move there.

Olivia Dunham and Rory Williams go on a blind double date with Guinevere and Spock. How do they get on? Any chance of a second date?

Ahahaha oh my god, I do not think either of those dates would work particularly well! Olivia and Rory would mostly bemuse each other in a romantic context, and while Gwen and Spock respect each other that's not really going to work out either. The four of them do have a lot to talk about over dinner, though - parallel lives and space and time and what to do when someone you care about goes rogue.

Also, Thor and Martha Jones are humanity's last hope. Is the future looking hopeful or bleak?

I suspect it would take them a while to work together, but yeah, they would get shit done.

Amy Pond,Toph Bei Fong, and Martha Jones go to a movie. what do they see?

Understandably, Toph's not exactly a big movie fan, but so long as it's not something with lots of poignant silences and meaningful looks and has clear sound quality she doesn't mind sitting around listening to explosions and witty dialogue, much as she'd rather go to something on stage.

Thor,Rory Williams,Guinevere,Twilight Sparkle, Astrid Farnsworth, and River Song are in a bookclub together. what's this week's book? do any of them read it? who just watched the movie (if available)?

So Twilight runs the book club, and not only presents the group with a tailored selection of books to choose from each time grouped around a given theme, but also researches the context of the novel in order to give a short presentation at the start of each meeting. She also provides themed snacks.

This week's book is David Mitchell's Cloud Atlas. Twilight reads it twice and makes notes, Astrid and Gwen both read most of it but confess to skimreading through certain sections - Astrid didn't much like the Adam Ewing plotline, and Gwen got bored with Timothy Cavendish. They both loved Sonmi's section.

River has a list of all the books that the book club ever do, and tends to just drop in from various points in time whenever she's read a book that they're going to discuss, which throws some of the other group members. She and Rory bicker over whether or not the book contains historical inaccuracies - as they both remember several different versions of history, this can go on for a while.

Thor was dismayed to find that the film version wasn't out yet, and had to make do with the audiobook. He's not very good at the sitting down with a book thing.

Amy Pond and Toph Bei Fong cook dinner for River Song. What do they make, and do they succeed or fail? How does River react?

Toph's a fantastic cook when she wants to be, provided that all of her cooking equipment is either clay or metal. Amy gathers ingredients and measures things, and between them they make excellent dim sum. River is pleasantly surprised.

What does Olivia Dunham get Rory Williams for their birthday?

She gets authorisation to take Rory over to the Other Side. From a careful distance, Rory watches another him and another Amy take their daughter to the park, pushing her on the swings and eating ice cream. They look happy, and they look ordinary.

Rory watches the way that the other him looks at Amy like he's still not quite sure of himself, and there's a wistful look in Amy's eyes even as she hugs the daughter that is not called Melody.

Rory realises that even though his heart aches with wanting while he watches them, if he had to give up everything he's done and all the things he's learned to get to that place, it wouldn't be worth it. Not for him, not for Amy, and not for their daughter. It's one of the best presents he's ever had.

... yeah I'm sorry, I got my feelings all over that one!

Amy Pond and Guinevere switch bodies. How do they react, and how does Darcy Lewis help them switch back?

Amy instantly thinks it's great fun; Gwen takes a while to get used to it. Darcy does lots of research and ultimately informs them both, very seriously, that the only way they can possibly switch back is if they all have sex.

Everyone's okay with that.

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