Karen Gillan picspam!

Dec 12, 2011 15:34

It is
avendya's birthday today. Happy birthday! ♥ For the occasion, I decree KGill spam.

This is Karen, our friendly neighbourhood life ruiner. (In this instance defined as someone capable of reducing me, an eminently sensible person, to a heap of flaily goo. Most undignified!)

See Karen smile.

Smile, Karen, smile!

We love her stupid (adorable) face.

And so does everyone else.

Except perhaps for her co-stars, who seem to enjoy laughing at her and her face.

Though they also seem to enjoy making her laugh, so that's all right.

She's really, really ridiculously good looking.

Also, her HAIR. I feel like it should get its own credit in Doctor Who.

'Amy Pond's hair, played by Karen Gillan's hair.'

Speaking of people with amazing hair, here's Karen with Alex.

Look at these hipsters!

Their faces are all the best faces.

But Karen's face is the bestest face of all! Exhibit A: That time Karen had a photoshoot with her very own action figure and it was the best day ever.

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people: karen gillan, fannish: picspam

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