dear femslash11 writer

Jun 23, 2011 23:17

Just got my
femslash11 assignment, whee! (If you haven't received yours yet, fear not, they're being sent out in batches apparently.

Dear intrepid writer - hello, and I hope you've found something in my signup you can work with!

My signup was:

1. Avatar: the Last Airbender: any pairing/threesome/moresome out of Katara, Toph, Suki, Azula, Mai and Ty Lee.
2. Doctor Who: Amy/Martha, River/Liz X, River/Tosh, Martha/Tosh
3. Legend of the Seeker: Cara/Kahlan, Cara/Dahlia
4. Doctor Who/Harry Potter: River Song/Hermione Granger, River Song/Minerva McGonagall, Amy Pond/Luna Lovegood, Amy Pond/Lily Evans, Martha Jones/Nymphadora Tonks
5. The Vampire Diaries: Bonnie/Caroline, Elena/Bonnie/Caroline, Elena/Katharine
6. Merlin RPF: Angel/Katie

Whatever we have matched on, I am super excited to see what you come up with! I don't think there's much fandom-specific stuff to say, but here is some general information about some elements I like in my femslash. All of the below is totally optional, but might hopefully be useful if you're short on ideas.

I enjoy romantic comedies, coming of age stories, adventures, humour, wacky AUs and fusions, character studies, identity stories, and fannish tropes. (Some of my favourites of the latter include bodyswap, space!AUs, time travel and time loops.)

If you like writing sexual and/or kinky content, I am all in favour! My two caveats are that all participants are 16 or over - only relevant to A:tLA, I guess - and that everything is consensual. Otherwise, whatever you enjoy writing or you think would suit the characters work for me. Some particular favourite kinks of mine include roleplay, dressup and sensation play, but I like everything. :D

If you don't like writing sexual content, that is also totally great! I enjoy snuggling and makeouts and handholding just as much. And if you are interested in writing about characters who are asexual or trans, genderqueer and so on, I am interested in reading about them!

You can see stories I've enjoyed via the recs tags in this journal or at my delicious bookmarks. I hope you have fun!

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