Month of Awesome Women: Cara Mason (Legend of the Seeker)

Jan 24, 2011 01:26

Sorry I'm behind on comments on these posts, folks! But I'm really glad people are enjoying them. \o/


"You must never speak your mind on any subject but always defer to the opinion of your masculine betters."

"There's no such thing."

Cara Mason

There are a lot of things that I love about Cara. I love her sarcasm, her sense of duty, her commitment to whatever task she has decided is worthy of her attention. I love her hair! But the thing that I think is best about her is the way she is entirely unapologetic about who she is. She's terrible with expressing emotion and with understanding it in others, and she's frequently brittle and harsh and rude. Although Kahlan does try - fairly successfully - to soften her around the edges just a little, in the end? Cara is Cara, and that's the way we all love her.

To me she's always been a fantasy version of Seven of Nine from Star Trek - the little girl stolen away and moulded for a single purpose who then has to rediscover her humanity. That journey was just beautiful to watch, especially as it was told mostly through her relationship with Kahlan, bless. Even though she does gradually learn that it's all right to have feelings, that doesn't mean she has to have feelings about everyone, all of the time, when you can agiel them in the face instead.


Lightning Field by bradcpu (Cara/Kahlan)
I'll be everything I'm not.

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fandom: legend of the seeker, recs: vids, character: cara, month of awesome women, recs

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