Month of Awesome Women: Hermione Granger (Harry Potter)

Jan 14, 2011 22:01

All right, I am giving this meme a whirl! It will run from now until February 14th when halfamoon ends and we all need to go have a lie-down after too much awesome.

Let's begin proceedings with one of my longest-running fictional heroines.

"Are you sure that's a real spell? Well, it's not very good is it? I've tried a few simple spells myself and they've all worked for me. Nobody in my family's magic at all, it was ever such a surprise when I got my letter, but I was ever so pleased, of course, it's the best school of witchcraft there is I've heard - I've learned all the course books by heart of course. I just hope it will be enough."

Hermione Granger

I'm kicking the month off with one of my all-time heroes. We first met when I was seven, and she's been with me ever since. When Hermione showed up a little way into Philosopher's Stone she was a know-it-all and didn't really know how to interact with her peers, a socially awkward and super-smart only child. I could relate to that.

She goes on this amazing journey throughout the books as she learns to express herself and finds out the ways that friends can bring out qualities she never knew she had. One of the things I'm always grateful to JKR for, however, is that Hermione never once downplays her intelligence, and she never ceases to be the smartest person in the room.

Even though she is subjected to a horrendous amount of crap at school for being who she is and daring to express herself, she takes up the causes of others fiercely even when it makes her unpopular or uncool. I don't think she even knows the meaning of half-hearted. She will bloody time-travel to study ALL THE THINGS, save the day even when she's in a coma, date a world-famous sports star, hold out under torture, make the ends justify the means in a slightly terrifying way, plan and execute a mission to destroy all seven Horcruxes, and keep Harry Potter alive for seven years, which is frankly no mean feat.

My hero, forever.


Rec: The Unusual, Exceptional, and Statistically Remarkable Hermione Granger, Age 21 (Hermione-centric gen, background Hermione/Pansy, PG, 3000 words) by
Hermione assesses her life on the morning of her twenty-first birthday.

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month of awesome women, character: hermione granger

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