vid meme, lend me your femslash!

Jul 17, 2010 23:34

Day 1 - A vid that made you start watching a brand new show
Day 2 - A male character study vid you love
Day 3 - A female character study vid you love
Day 4 - An ensemble vid you love

Day 5 - A vid everyone should see at least once

Women's Work by Luminosity and sisabet (Supernatural)

Okay, my 'everyone' here is very caveated - if you have triggers related to graphic, sexualised violence against women, then this is not the vid for you.

I find this vid profoundly disturbing to watch. I'm also very, very glad that it exists. It's a damming portrayal of some of the worst of Supernatural, but the worst thing is that it's so easy to imagine many other sources that have more than enough material to make similar vids. The issues about representation of women that this vid raises are ones I feel very strongly about, and so this presents a visceral argument that I'd like a great many people to see. I generally subscribe to the notion of 'comfort the disturbed, disturb the comfortable', and this certainly accomplishes the latter - well, it's disturbing all around, really. It's also a really excellent example of how much vidding is capable of.


On a totally different and much lighter note, I realise that is Femslash Day and unfortunately I have nothing to offer at the moment! This ought to be rectified.

Give me some ladyslash pairings and I will attempt to write ficlets, or rec some things, or flail about why they're awesome, or similar. No guarantees I'll get to everything, but have at it!

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recs: supernatural, recs: vids, prompts, things: memes: twenty days of vids, recs

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