"It's now time to tell." trigger warning for discussion of sexual violence.
+ on Angry Asian Man:
... and Harrison Ford as Dr. Chen, in which a real person's life is getting white-washed.
+ an AfterEllen interview with Jane Espenson, writer of Caprica:
"It's Time for Sexuality To Be Incidental">. Given BSG's track record of evil (dead) queers, that interview does not exactly inspire me with confidence, but, maybe it won't be so awful. We will see! And as we know, I will put up with a lot for canon queer and robots, heh.
+ in fannish news,
Torchwood/Doctor Who comment!porn battle VI is a go!
+ via
Everybody's Free (To Be Fannish) by
elizah_jane, which is SPN-specific in places but delightful all over.
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