
Jan 06, 2010 19:46

+ A preview of V Magazine's upcoming issue featuring a plus-sized fashion shoot: Curves Ahead (the name's cheesy but the shots are gorgeous). \o/ eta:
true_statement says the comments are awful, so, avoid for emotional well-being's sake!

+ FWD/Forward: Backscatter X-ray scanners, security theatre, and marginalised bodies

norahcharles: on the accessibility of fandom fests for people with social anxieties

+ Related to the above, FWD's Ableist Word Profile series is consistently good reading. I hope to have a more thoughtful post on that topic at some point, but today is not that day. I am, however, going back to
coffeeandink's post on the subject, and mulling over comments.

+ interviews Zoe Saldana, feminist awesome ensues.

+ bluejeanius made an amazing banner for the #biggaybattle. (See AfterElton if lost.

+ I keep going back to these ridiculously great shots of Angel Coulby

+ Lastly, omg we has a snow

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picspam, angel coulby, recs: art, links, political: body acceptance, recs, political: disability, zoe saldana

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