(no subject)

Jan 26, 2009 16:42

Quick recs for three ficlets that made me laugh!

Got you by makesitpretty [Black Books, Bernard/Fran], from oxoniensis's porn battle but mostly this is just hilarious, OH FRAN.

The One With The Love Spell by out_there [Merlin, Merlin/Arthur], which has the most sparkling, delightful dialogue, OH GAIUS.

Both Alike In Dignity by siriaeve [SGA, John/Rodney], in which Rodney and John are like Romeo and Juliet. Sort of. OH RODNEY. :D


Empire Magazine has revealed its list of the 50 Greatest TV Shows ever:
1. Bold the shows you watch/used to watch.
2. Italic the shows you've seen at least one episode of.
3. Strikeout the shows you've never seen.
4. Post your answers.

50. Quantum Leap
49. Prison Break
48. Veronica Mars
47. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine [you know, I revisited the first series of this last year, FAR more excellent than I remember - Sisko! Dax! Odo! Bashir and Garak's epic love! *heart*]
46. Sex & The City
45. Farscape [with plans for more, oh yes]
44. Cracker
43. Star Trek
42. Only Food and Horses
41. Band of Brothers
40. Life on Mars
39. Monty Python's Flying Circus [I haven't so much watched a lot of episodes of this as had key scenes injected intravenously since birth, good times]
38. Curb Your Enthusiasm
37. Star Trek: The Next Generation
36. Father Ted
35. Alias
34. Frasier
33. CSI: Las Vegas
32. Babylon 5
31. Deadwood
30. Dexter
29. ER [I think I watched this for four seasons, or something? I lost interest after Elizabeth and Weaver and Carter had all left.]
28. Fawlty Towers
27. Six Feet Under
26. Red Dwarf
25. Futurama
24. Twin Peaks
23. The Office [UK version - v. v. good, but makes me curl up into a little ball of sympathetic humiliation, argh]
22. The Shield
21. Angel
20. Blackadder [I've mostly just seen the same few episodes over and over again, I know not why.]
19. Scrubs
18. Arrested Development
17. Doctor Who
[where art thou, sixteen?]
15. Heroes [we broke up]
14. Firefly
13. Battlestar Galactica [slowly slowly catching up with this - on 2x09 at the moment. asl;djas, post of flail will not doubt arrive at some point. Also, LAURA ROSLIN. <33333]
12. Family Guy
11. Seinfeld
10. Spaced [*heart*, but I don't think I've seen it all.]
09. The X-Files
08. The Wire
07. Friends
06. 24
05. Lost [the day I decided I didn't care about this any more was a GOOD DAY, sheesh.]
04. The West Wing [weirdly, this show more than anything is the show of my childhood. It's fun going back and watching old episodes now I understand what on earth's going on!]
03. The Sopranos
02. Buffy the Vampire Slayer [working on it, really sporadically]
01. The Simpsons [I never did quite get this show.]

If anyone wants to tell me about which shows I should absolutely be watching (whether they're on that list or not), you should feel free! I think I'm on the hunt for something fresh that's less omgintense than BSG.


Huh. I appear to be eyeing up tardis_bigbang and thelittlebang [multi-fandom femslash]. That way lies madness, I'm quite sure! And yet. Big Bang participants of times yore, talk to me! Is it terrifying and horrible, or is is thrilling and the source of new and wondrous inspiration? I'm guessing a bit of both.

recs: merlin, tv, journalling: meme, recs: stargate atlantis, recs: misc fandom

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