Yuletide Recs, Part the First

Dec 28, 2008 13:15

*frets* Oh my poor little Yuletide story! Though my recipient seemed to really like it, and thus I must content myself and not worry why no one else is really reading it. [/fretting]

No order to this, though I've mostly been getting through shorter pieces so far. More to come before the reveal, I don't doubt!


First: eruthros and thingswithwings vidded Yuletide. I didn't know you could do that. You can. It's glorious. There are 191 fandoms in it!

One-Night Fandoms: A Tribute to Yuletide
That's what Yuletide means to us: the willingness to make fic and make fandom out of anything and everything, to throw yourself wantonly, joyfully, and passionately into a new fandom, even if it can only last a short time.

Here's what I love about this: it's about Yuletide, yes, in structure and sentiment and all these tiny wee fandoms, and that's amazing, how well the experience of this unique, cultish exchange is summed up. It's also About Fandom - there are lots of meta vids discussing the nature of being fannish, and many of them are glorious things. Out of the ones I've seen, this is the one that best represents how I feel about being a fan. It sums up all of the things we love - hugs and hand-holding and kink and threesomes and marriages and sword fights and wings and computer games and corrupting your childhood and queerness and epic adventures and aliens and magic and costumes and sex and dancing and pining and kissing and joy and joy and joy. All these fleeting moments pressed together, and as fandom we take those glimpses and spin them out and tell endless stories. I love the song, I love the editing, and I love watching it for the montages and the moments when canon you know pops up and the flail just increases - I grin every time I see the Antonio/Bassanio shot from Merchant of Venice, Ned and Chuck from Pushing Daisies, Galaxy Quest and His Dark Materials and Neverwhere and Discworld, Life on Mars and Prince Caspian and Black Books and Bones.

... my love is kind of epic, could you tell? :D

Onto Yuletide fic recs now! Below the cut are recs for Aladdin, The Chalet School, His Dark Materials, The History Boys, LOLcats, Malory Towers, Merlin, The Tempest, The Merchant of Venice, The Shawshank Redemption, The Time-Traveller's Wife, and xkcd. Read, enjoy, remember to feed your author!

Whole New World (Aladdin)
-- I haven't seen Aladdin in years! This made me completely fall in love with the Genie, doing full justice to his personality and quirky way of life. It's also both heartwarming and totally heartbreaking in parts. Really nicely done!

A Canadian Reunion (Elinor M Brent-Dyer - The Chalet School)
-- I'm really fuzzy on the later Chalet School canon, but I love this all the same. Joey and Robin! Hanging out and being awesome! My love for Joey Maynard is boundless like the ocean.

One of You and One of Me (His Dark Materials)
-- Will and Lyra, at the end. Oh, Will. You must excuse me, I appear to have something in my eye.

Shades of Grey Meaning That Turn Out So Sweetly (His Dark Materials)
-- Lyra's voice here, just after the novels, is absolutely perfect, a great mix of sadness, frustration, determination, and ultimately hope.

when I have been a memory (The History Boys)
-- Scripps/Posner, after the play and graduation and getting on with their separate lives. Fantastic narration and dialogue, perfect characterisation, and I'd take this over the play's own end any day.

Hyper by Nature (LOLcats)
-- hee! This is both funny and completely adorable.

Paradise Lost (LOLcats)
-- NC-17 Milton-pastiche LOLcats fic. I think that's all I really need to say.

What Makes an Angel (Enid Blyton - Malory Towers)
-- completely adorable Bill/Clarissa boarding school girlslash, n'awww!

The Last Word (Merlin UK)
-- there's a lot of Merlin fic this year. This is my favourite out of the little I've read so far. It's a great meditation on Arthur, beautifully written and frequently rather moving.

Argosy (Shakespeare - The Merchant of Venice)
-- Antonio/Bassanio, Shakespeare OTP! This is funny and wry and bittersweet and everything this ship should be, post-play. With bonus crossover cameo of genius!

Zephyr (Shakespeare - The Tempest)
-- holy wow, blank verse Ariel backstory! Wonderful!

Breathe (The Shawshank Redemption)
-- My favourite film, now with a beautiful, beautiful coda! The narrative of this fits the style of the film so very well.

und mit Geistesstärke tu ich Wunder auch (Audrey Niffenegger - The Time Traveler's Wife)
-- a perfect future history for Alba that does really nice things with the weirdness of the canon.

The Amazing Adventures of Hat Guy and the Girl Who Stole His Hat (xkcd)
-- xkcd fic! In-character with a great story and the perfect style. Instant win!

recs: vids, recs: his dark materials, recs: yuletide

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