I don't wanna be a clue!

Oct 24, 2008 13:03


Nnnnngh I'm still recovering from the full-on wriggle that flash of yellow at the end just gave me. a;lsdkja;lskdja;djs wtf. Sam! :O

Otherwise, that was awesome, AGAIN. \o/! Oh Dean.


Pushing Daisies

Eeeee! I love this show! Omg Emerson, how are you so awesome? And yaaay Olive & Chuck, I adore how their relationship is becoming important in its own right, and it's not just all about Ned. Also, Ned/Chuck/Olive for great justice. I am just saying.

And as I realise I never posted about last week's, have an additional eeeeee! for that! I adore how this show puts its characters front and centre, how they're all flawed but well-meaning and adorable, and how there's a constant progression rather than having the same old stuff lingering for ever and ever. I'm glad Chuck knows about Lily, I'm glad Ned and Olive had a chat, I'm glad that we can safely assume all secrets will come out in their own good time, and that the writers aren't just holding onto things for the sake of it. I have such faith in this show now, which is fantastic.


Stargate Atlantis

I am sadfacing about the lack of Ronon/Jennifer, though not surprised I guess. But they're so adorable! And I have absolutely nothing against Rodney/Jennifer, but I can't really see it yet. Still, I do love both characters, so. I think it's because the idea of Rodney actually being in a successful romantic relationship is sort of bizarre? We're so used to the idea of him having to fake it somewhat, with the idea that the 'real' him is no good at the stuff. The idea that he's capable of forming a successful bond with anyone outside his team isn't something the writers have ever seen fit to pursue before. I'm really hoping they can do it properly, because Rodney always needs more appreciation!

(Of course, John is the one that gets Rodney, that knows him and accepts and appreciates him unconditionally. Because he loooves him. And damn, but I can no longer view the canon in any other way than that John is desperately pining and Rodney is oblivious. :( )

Anyway. Um. There's been plot, probably? Daniel guesting was awesome! I'm also really quite excited about tonight's episode, provided they do it right.

fandom: stargate atlantis, pushing daisies, fandom: supernatural

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