Miss Saigon

Mar 30, 2008 23:04

Yesterday I saw Miss Saigon at the Burswood Showroom in Perth. I didn't really know much about the production other than it was a retelling of Madam Butterfly in the setting of the Vietnam War. I'd heard mixed reviews from trusted sources and therefore went in with a very open mind. I'd come to the conclusion that this was either a love it or hate it piece of theatre, and I'd just wait and see.

Well I fall decidedly into the LOVE IT camp. I was wrapped up in the story and emotion from the very beginning, and spent most of the last half in tears. It's very difficult to give enthusiastic applause when you are still sobbing and wiping tears from your eyes at curtain call.

All the leads were great performers, but by far the standout for me was Leo Tavarro Valdez, who played the Engineer (pictured). Absolutely Brilliant! A real showman who brought some laughter and frivolity to a show whose subject was otherwise somber.

Miss Saigon is not your usual musical. I walked out unable to recall a single tune (actually, as I left, I was singing a number from Rent in my head). There were no melodic catchy numbers, the music was far more emotive and operatic in style, but as a lover of opera that still worked for me. I can see though, why it didn't work for others.

So in short - it was fan-bloody-tatsic - which is good because that was my birthday present from my Mum & Dad. I'm thrilled I got to go, and it just serves as a lesson that I should try harder to see these things when they make it to my city.


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