The Office - a look back at my Season 9 wish list...

May 11, 2013 22:18

At the beginning of this final season of The Office, I posted about my hopes and dreams for the characters. It's shaped up a lot differently than I thought, so lets see how my wish list is faring...

Dwight and Angela - together, happy, and a little less dysfunctional
YES!!! It's taken all season, and they've been highly dysfunctional, but FINALLY they've gotten it together at the eleventh hour. This makes me very happy :D

Oscar to find someone... Perhaps the senator, perhaps not, but he deserves a great romance.
We'll this one seems a little out of reach now, but I think I got something even better - the strange but deep founded friendship that Oscar and Angela struck up over the season.

Ryan and Kelly to put the final nail in that relationship coffin.
Jury is still out on this as last we knew both had headed to Ohio independently. I'm thinking I might have been very wrong on this one.

Andy and Erin to show some good relationship development and then hold it together so I'm left with a happily ever after feeling come the final episode
I think both will have their happily ever after, but very seperately. With Andy effectively going through midlife crisis all season, I'm surprisingly happy with this scenario, given how much I was rooting for them.

And lastly, for the rest of the gang to keep on doing what they do
They have done all that and more. I could not have asked for a better end to this series. The ensemble has kept up the laughs, given nods to the early days, and shown the true strength of the bonds of this workplace family. It has been one of the best seasons in a long time (maybe even EVER).

My love for this show just grows and grows, even one week away from the Series Finale. I thought I would be sad as the show ended, but they have rounded out the stories and bookended the series so perfectly. The Office has left me satisfied and smiling!

(That's what she said)


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