Dec 19, 2015 00:22

Славные какие ребятки, да?

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Нашла Вконтакте несколько слов про этот хор:

Хор PS22 является обычным хором государственной школы 22 в Graniteville, Стейтен-Айленд (Нью-Йорк). Он состоит из 60-70 пятиклассников. Руководитель Грегг Брайнберг (Gregg Breinberg).

И там же есть ссылка на их сайт, где много песен. На ю-тубе тоже немало.

Но началось все с ссылки ЕК в Мордокниге на английский текст, который, пожалуй, тоже приведу - для знатоков:

PS22 Chorus Sing Breathtaking Rendition Of "Hallelujah"

Get ready for goosebumps, as the kids of PS22 Chorus are back again with an amazing rendition of "Hallelujah." Their beautiful voices are sure to brighten your day.

Many musical artists have taken on Leonard Cohen's iconic song "Hallelujah" before. However, there is nothing as sweet-sounding as a choir of children singing the tune. In the video, we see the PS22 Chorus sitting in an auditorium. The soloist of the group is a boy named Elisha - a fourth-grader who sings with as much heart and soul as anyone we've ever seen. He is accompanied by a guitarist, along with the angelic voices of the choir.

It's difficult to view this video and not be taken back by the confidence and talent of this group of children. Just by watching their faces, it's easy to see that each one of them is passionate about singing. Although there are many incredible versions of "Hallelujah," this is truly one of the most memorable. Bravo PS22 Chorus, you once again took our breath away!

Песни-Видео, Мне нравится, Есть Вконтакт, Привет из ФБ, Дети, Вместо колыбельной, Из сети

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